[X&Y] Who Should Pay On Dates? (And How Not To Pay Anything At All)

Published: Mon, 08/29/22

WHAT'S INSIDE:  You get to the end of the dinner date, and the
waiter hands you the bill.  Now what?  Should you pay the bill,
split it in half, or what?  Check out my surprising answer below...



I first encountered that quote in a magazine I read
as a kid.

The editor was referring to the "OM" ("old man") of
a certain sport...

...who was 24 years old at the time.

Wednesday's Masterclass For Men is indeed
called For Mature Audiences Only.

Importantly, I haven't defined "mature" with a
specific age range.

It's more about where you are, what you're
about, and your unique challenges nowadays
to successfully navigate dating and

More is at stake than ever before.  After all,
you have real responsibilities in life.

So if you're a grown-ass man who has been
"adulting" for some time now, this Masterclass
has your name written all over it:

For Mature Audiences Only

Wednesday, August 31st at 8p EDT (GMT -4)

You're probably long over the club scene.

You're likely dealing with scenarios and
challenges to dating and relating that look
and feel VERY different from reality show
contestants and college students worry about.

And you're definitely not about to put up with
flaky, flighty girls anymore. 

So far, men who have signed up are mostly
from about thirty all the way up to their late

But the only real requirement is a strong
desire to be the evolved, refined man who
GETS women...of ALL ages.

Tickets have been going fast. Get all the
details of what's covered and reserve
your place here:

For Mature Audiences Only

Wednesday, August 31st at 8p EDT (GMT -4)

Once again, it's worth noting that you do not
necessarily have to attend the event live.

The full Download Area will be available shortly
thereafter, and will include the ability to ask
your questions and talk to me directly.

And yes...there will be an unprecedented
number of sweet bonuses included this time
as well.



I got the following message from a guy not too long ago, and I
wanted to share it with you:

  How's it going, Scot:

  Tell you what - English is not my native tongue still I'll try to
  get myself across.

  Who pays??? I got it firmly fixed in my cerebral cortex that if you
  buy her drinks/meals your dating game is lost. So the waiter hands
  us two the bill. I leave a pause. The silence becomes excruciating.

  What happens next - she either coughs up her share with a look of
  defiance as though saying "you [honkin'] cheapskate" or, with even
  more defiance, out loud, "You're a man so you must pay!"  In both
  cases, you're the loser because the rapport is crushed to the ground.

  There is no second date afterwards.  How do I handle that?



My answer to Kemal was very simple, and it's the same definitive
answer I'd give you, also:  Whoever invites pays.

And since you're a man in control of your reality, that means you
should definitely take the bull by the horns and be the one who
makes plans with a woman.

When that happens, you'll need to cover the costs.

I mean, think about it.  This is just human nature at work.

If someone were to invite you somewhere cool, you'd probably go,
right?  But what if that same friend said at the end of the whole
experience, "Hey man, go ahead and pick up the tab for this one...I
know you won't mind."

You probably wouldn't hang out with him much anymore, would you?
I mean, some friend, huh?

Look, I get it.  I understand that we've all been taught that throwing
a lot of money at women we barely know will basically cause her to
lose respect for you and think of you as a "walking ATM machine". 

And make no mistake about it, that's 100% true.

So it's no wonder that Kemal is writing me.  What a mess, right?

Well, fortunately there's a very simple, uncomplicated solution to
this predicament:

Stop taking women out on expensive dates, especially "dinner

Unfortunately, "dinner and a movie" is pretty much embedded in our
conscience as the default plan for taking a woman out.

But what if I told you there was a better way?

What if you could create way, way more attraction...all the while
doing something with a woman that you both actually enjoy?

And what if your new way of planning time with women caused
them to want to get frisky with you first?

And best of all, what if you could get all of that done while spending
far less money...maybe even none at all?

Here's what you do.  Simply plan a get-together where the two of
you go somewhere and simply get to know each other?

It could be a park.  It could be downtown in the city.  It could
be anywhere, really. 

If you feel like you've succeeded at causing her to feel safe with
you, take her somewhere where you can throw a blanket down and
just stare at the stars.

Ask her about her dreams.  If the opportunity comes up to share a
funny story or a joke...do so.

Remember always.  You do not impress a woman by spending
money on her and/or piling on the pressure.

If a woman is truly into you, all she really wants is to explore your
connection together.

By simply focusing on each other somewhere you can be alone, you
really heighten a woman's sensuality.  She's going to be excited to
be interacting with you. 

From there you can do thinks like look into her eyes and smile,
whisper in her ear, thumb wrestle...whatever.

I really hope that doesn't sound lame to you.  It's not "macho"
by any stretch, but representing to a woman what she wants in a
man is masculine by her standard of measurement.

She feels safe with you.  You're confidently leading.  You show
character by not being opportunistic in your desire to get your
hands all over her.

In short...you're a "big four" man.

And make no mistake about it:  When you lead with what inspires
sensuality in her, it comes back to you as sexuality.

You can throw sexual innuendoes and "kino escalation" out the
window.  Try the simple steps I'm suggesting and she's likely to
ask you, "How long are you going to make me wait?"

And again...you can get the job done with little or even no money
spent whatsoever.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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