[X&Y] Pretty Women Out Walking With Gorillas
Published: Mon, 09/12/22
IN THIS EDITION: This is one of the most destructive mindsets
a man can possibly have when it comes to success with women.
Most men will NEVER stop to ask for directions.
This even applies to their potential success with women. But
while they remain lost, here's your chance gain a major advantage
over all of them.
Put me to work for you...directly.
Right now I have exactly two Ten-Plus spots open. Ten-Plus is a
customized plan designed to bypass years of trial and error and
put your success with women on the fast track--all in accordance
with YOUR definition of success with women, and at YOUR pace.
It starts with a planning session, followed by ten intensive
one-on-one topics. These can be via phone, video or even in
person if you're in San Antonio or close by.
You also get unlimited e-mail coaching, the ability to call me on
on the fly when situations come up in real time, and the entire
Member's Portal of programs.
And yes, I still surround my coaching programs with a 100%
guarantee. My pledge is I'll be the last coach you ever need to
get this part of your life handled.
So here it is. If you feel you have unique sticking points that
you aren't seeing addressed to the masses (or at least not in a
way that speaks to you), your breakthrough awaits.
Similarly, if you want to attract the kind of woman you really
desire (and deserve), you instinctively know that you've got to
go above and beyond.
And certainly, you don't have months or even years to make
it happen.
To claim one of these two open spots, e-mail me at:
Get on my calendar to talk it over first, if you'd like:
A select number of Ten-Plus Live experiences have now been
made available again between now and the end of the year.
Ten-Plus Live is an on-site, in person, four-day intensive here in
San Antonio that is NOT for everyone.
However, if you want to conquer fears about meeting women and
building rapport while revolutionizing your skill at communicating
with and attracting women--and you want to make it stick--then
Ten-Plus Live is the fast-track.
"Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street
From my window I'm staring while my coffee grows cold
Look over there! (Where?)
There's a lady that I used to know
She's married now, or engaged, or something, so I am told
Is she really going out with him?
Is she really gonna take him home tonight?
Is she really going out with him?
'Cause if my eyes don't deceive me,
There's something going wrong around here"
--Joe Jackson
("Is She Really Going Out With Him", Look Sharp, 1978)
A few months ago I wrote to you about how we as guys have a
tendency to believe women think like we do when it comes to
Or more specifically, I guess you could say we tend to think
women process attraction similarly to how we do.
For example, since we evaluate women as potential sexual
partners based largely on physical appearance (at least initially),
we assume women do also.
Hence Joe Jackson's dilemma above.
But the reality is what it is: Women really, truly don't want a
guy who is "prettier" than they are. They want something else.
And it's not what you want, necessarily.
Similarly, it's often not even what you WANT them to want, either.
So sometimes, women end up with guys who just don't "compute"
according to our way of thinking.
And that manner of assuming the entire world, be its inhabitants
male or female really, thinks exactly like we do is a real killer.
Not only is it obviously arrogant to see things that way, it's
flat-out shortsighted. It's just not the case.
I've described before how this phenomenon weaves it's way into our
psyche and keeps us from success with women*, but I'm still getting
tons of e-mails from guys who are still wrestling with the concept
pretty hard.
You can argue reality, or you can get in step with it.
So it's time to face it: We just cannot hamfist a woman's feelings
of attraction or otherwise. The floor is littered with the smashed
dreams of guys who argue reality according to women.
Meanwhile, the women we desire can be out with the same guys we
shake our heads at--and utterly thrilled with them.
In order to get a completely different perspective on all of this,
today I'm going to give you the benefit of seeing what happens when
a WOMAN thinks in this way. What does it look like when SHE
considers men to process attraction the way she does?
This may finally clarify how all of this works.
To that end, let me share with you something that happened earlier
this morning.
I got a call on Skype from a woman in Ireland who has just recently
met a guy, and had a few questions.
They met, had what appeared to be a decent first date, and he has
asked her out again.
But...he has asked her a question via email since that has troubled
her immensely. Offhandedly, he asked her what her interests and
hobbies were.
Now the woman is very concerned, because she doesn't have
"exciting, action-packed" hobbies. Further, she's worried that her
ambitions and life-plan aren't going to be enough to impress this
new guy.
In short, she's assuming that we as guys think like she does.
You see, women are wildly attracted to men with ambition,
motivation and passion...typically manifested in a plan that makes a
woman feel safe and secure, and which she can willingly hitch her
wagon to.
So when the guy (who was probably just making small talk) asked the
question he did, she automatically assumed HE was looking for the
same answers SHE would be looking for.
But really, my guess was that he would be perfectly happy with
sharing his exciting world with her, and welcoming her to some new
and cool pastimes.
Ultimately, as I shared with her, her new friend was likely most
interested in knowing that she was up for some exciting adventures
along the way as opposed being reticent to join in the fun.
It was a huge burden off of her shoulders to know she didn't have
to provide the plan, or be the source of those exciting adventures.
You may be rolling your eyes at this point.
Seriously, when was the last time YOU needed a woman to be a
world-class skydiver or have a plan for world domination in her
back pocket?
The answer is probably "never". In fact, we as guys usually would
rather not have to deal with such "intimidating" factors.
We want to lead. We want women to approve of our plan and jump on
the bandwagon with us.
And in the case of the woman I talked to this morning, the guy had
ALREADY asked her out on a second date. She had succeeded at
creating attraction.
For her, it's now time to go with the flow instead of (*ahem*)
pre-disqualifying herself based on...wait for it...her own assumptions
that men process attraction the way she does.
Otherwise, she's talking herself out of success with men in a
similar way we as guys talk ourselves out of success with women.
So yes. All of us--men and women alike--appear to be going around
assuming that MOTOS (Members Of The Other Sex) are attracted to
what they're attracted to.
Yet, at the same time men AND women also tend to consider the
other gender "enigmatic", pronouncing the possibility of
understanding members thereof "impossible".
So which is it? Do they think like we do, or are they "impossible"
to figure out?
It can't be both...unless, of course, we haven't even figured
ourselves out yet.
And let's face it. You've GOT to know what you want in a woman.
You've got to put aside the obstacles of the past, recognize what
your desires are and then deserve what you want.
Right now, you may be reading this newsletter and realizing that I
talk about things VERY differently than some other dating experts
out there.
In fact, in the last three audio interviews I've done, the interviewer
ended up saying the exact same thing in almost the same
exact words. "You know McKay, you talk about this stuff in a way
that nobody else really does...yet you make more sense."
Well, we aim to please around here.
Really, the issue is that understanding women and attracting them
does not involve a bunch of high-tech mumbo-jumbo.
It's simply a matter of finding out what women want from a great man,
and representing that to them. (e.g. through the "big four")
The result? Great women in YOUR life.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2022. All Rights Reserved.
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