[X&Y] 5 Differences Between "Nice Guys" And Great Men

Published: Wed, 11/23/22

WHAT'S INSIDE:  Most of us don't really believe "jerks" get high
quality women.  But we also know that "Mr. Nice Guy" doesn't either. 



Yesterday I announced an ALL NEW Black
Friday package
for this year...and you guys
are already snapping it up BIG TIME:

All New Black Friday Package For 2022

To clarify, every bit of it is DIFFERENT this

That means if you've taken full advantage
of The Everything Package in the past and
ran with it, you get ANOTHER fresh chance
to score an equally powerful deal this year.

And like in years past, there will be NO

Here's what you have to look forward to:

1)  Choose Two Past Masterclasses

Monthly Masterclasses For Men began in
April. Since then, every fluff-free event has
covered a specific important topic like flirting,
respect or the infamous "comedy clinic"...
with NOTHING left on the table. You get to
hand-pick two of them you may have
missed out on. Nice.

2)  Un-Settled

Even though the fully downloadable version
was just released two weeks ago, YES...
you get it as part of the package. Take your
life and your destiny back, breaking through
the "suburban sleepwalk". The session on
embracing your dark side alone is priceless.

3) Ask Us Anything

In the past, a centerpiece of the Black
Friday package has always been a full
year of Power Sessions email coaching.
This year, you get an upgrade. Ask Us
Anything empowers you to ask both
Emily AND me whatever questions you

4) 1-0n-1 Ten-Plus Coaching Session

A 30-45 minute coaching session over
phone or Zoom is also yours. The topic
can be whatever you like. As a special
bonus, use PayPal when you order and
get upgraded to a FULL 60-90 minute

5) The "Clincher": A $100 Gift Card

Use it like cash to get whatever you've
had your eye on in the X & Y
Communications Store. Yes, you can
use it on email promos to really stack
up the value.

As you can see, every bit of this year's
package is FRESH. Everything that is
the latest and in highest demand RIGHT
NOW is in there.

You'll even get three more bonuses
included, which I'll let the website tell
you about in more detail:

All New Black Friday Package For 2022

You already know the discount compared
to purchasing everything separately
has to be epic.

And it is. How's 78% off sound?

Get in on all the goodies today and you
will be all set for a long weekend well



We know that "Nice Guys" tend to end up in the dreaded "Just Be
Friends Zone".  But that doesn't stop women everywhere from
claiming that's what they really want in a man.

So what's the deal here?

As often seems to be the case, the true answer is a disarmingly
simple one.  "Nice" behavior by a man in and of itself is not what
differentiates "keepers" from the "rejects" in the minds of women.

Make no mistake, it's not necessarily the I/Js (Idiot/Jerks) who
get women--especially the highest echelon of women.  Being "good"
or "bad" in and of itself is NOT the key, despite what you may have
heard elsewhere.

To the contrary, success with women is directly tied to how a man
presents himself as a masculine, sexually aware creature...at least
at first.

Whether we are "nice" or "bad", it is my informed and therefore
strong opinion that we as guys rarely if ever get tossed onto the
"friendship" pile if we have succeeded in any way, shape or form
at creating attraction. 

Sure, there's the rare instance when a woman recognizes that a guy
is flat-out no good for her, but ends up with him anyway...no thanks
to her overpowering primal desire for him.

But let's face it--that's not what truly sharp women do, and it's not
a great man she's dealing with in such a scenario anyway. 

And you know by now that we LOVE truly sharp women around here.
It's attracting THEM that's most important to us anyway.

So here it is:  The difference between a genuinely great man who
attracts great women and one who ultimately does not is centered
around what position he is coming from in performing his "good guy"

Men who act "nice" from a position of weakness end up rejected.

Men who are in a position of strength, yet who treat women "nicely"
will often make those women so crazy for them that they have more
options than they can handle.

Sorting all of this apparently counter-intuitive stuff out doesn't
have to be as complicated as it sounds.

As always, I'm happy to break it down for you.  Here are some key
differentiators between "nice guys" who finish first and those

Position Of Weakness)...

1)    ...Capitulates To Women's Whims. 

"Yes Dear."  "Whatever you want, honey".  Men only say this to avoid
conflict (at best) or (at worst) because they pathetically think that their
100% compliance with whatever a woman wants will somehow impress
her.  Women smell both weakness and insincerity a mile away. Sorry.

2)      ...Is Afraid To Lose The Woman He Is With. 

Therefore, he literally bends over backwards not to "upset" her or
say the wrong thing.   Despite the obvious desperation involved here,
arguably the most unattractive aspect of all this to a woman is how
boring it is.

3)    ...Has Zero Leadership Ability. 

Guys often hear that "if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".  So
the thought process is geared toward letting women make decisions
and letting them get what they want.  Unfortunately, women have a level
of respect for a man that correlates to his level of leadership in a
relationship.  Zero leadership equals zero respect...which, logically,
equals zero second dates.

4)      ...Lacks Confidence. 

If you are worried she won't like you she probably won't.  And
similarly, if you act "nice" because you haven't the courage to
stand up for yourself, she'll likely walk all over you...disgusted by
every second of it.

5)    ...Has Thinly-Veiled Ulterior Motives. 

Nobody likes to be "brown nosed" or "buttered up".  There is no more
blatant display of viewing a woman as a purely sexual object than to
go overboard being "nice".  She knows, you know and the rest of the
world knows you wouldn't be so "nice" if she wasn't so sexy. 
Consider how weak this appears to a woman.  End of story. 


THE GREAT MAN WHO WINS (Having Come From A Position Of

1)    ...Treats All Women Well, Regardless Of Sexual Attractiveness.

Guys, take this test for yourself:  Do you open doors for ALL
women, or only for the ones who look good?  If the latter, don't be
so shocked that your dates slot you in the JBF zone so much.  Your
"nice" behavior is all about manipulating women into giving you
what you need.  Start appreciating women more genuinely, and you
will begin to be more genuinely appreciated.  Is this really so
difficult to get?

2)     ...Is Not Focused On "Getting Some". 

Sex-starved men stay hungry.  Men without pressing sexual needs cause
women to feel more comfortable in their presence.  Ironically, women
who are comfortable around a man are more attracted...and ultimately
more sexual.  So the pattern operates.

3)    ...Takes Charge. 

Such a man does not sheepishly ask a woman her preference and thereby
let her dictate the flow of a date.  A Great Man has paid attention
and learned what makes the woman tick.  When the date comes, he has
the plan completely handled.  At the end of the evening, the woman
is often flabbergasted at how "perfect" her evening full of surprises
was.  But the Great Man with leadership ability knows it was all no

4)     ...Has Options.

Therefore, he succeeds in causing the woman he is with to feel
particularly valuable and special.  She views herself as the
"winner", and rightly so.  Other women want this guy, but she is
with him.  That feeling is a good one to have.  If a man can inspire
a woman to feel valuable OR special he's on the right track, but
getting both right is an unbeatable combination.  By the way,
contrast this scenario with the weak man's cavalcade of compliments
and/or gifts designed to somehow manipulate a woman's attraction.

5)     ...Has High Standards. 

This means the man is evaluating the woman he is with rather than
attempting to impress her.  He has complete control over his dating
life, and as a good man is confident enough in his character to
realize that women worth his time and effort will recognize that
and be impressed without his having to press the issue. 

Once again, men have been brainwashed in this culture into
believing that all male behavior is bad behavior.  Yet, women
continue to seek out real men.
The tragedy is that most men have either given up on being good
men entirely and gone to the I/J "dark side", or they wallow around in
an asexual virtual mud pit of being too "nice". 

Either way, the casualty is that magically gallant true masculinity
that women starve for.
Come on, guys...get it figured out and go get the amazing woman
you deserve. 

And ladies, I know some of you are reading.  Keep the candle
burning.  We're busy around here building the population of real
men for you.  Will you be ready when you finally meet one?

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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