[X&Y] Greener Grass

Published: Sat, 10/08/22


IN THIS EDITION: You have a steady girlfriend and are even
thinking about marrying her.  What should your reaction be
toward other women...especially if they're particularly attractive?  



Ask a woman what her idea of a "man" is, and you won't hear
anything about being "macho"

She won't want to talk about fishing boats, golf handicaps or tuning
2-stroke engines.

What you WILL hear is "code" for what makes her HOT for a guy.

In fact, look at it the other way around.

Were I to ask you what makes a woman 100% female, chances are
you'd quickly rattle off a list of everything you find sexy about her.

It wouldn't be about how she likes shoe shopping, goes to the ladies'
room with all of her friends and watches the Oxygen channel.

This is the way it's supposed to be, and it makes perfect, logical
sense.  Masculinity and femininity are the building blocks of sexual

Unfortunately, we as guys get mixed messages from society
about masculinity.

That's why The Big 4 Man Challenge is all about clearing away
the fog and getting you back to where you belong:  In front of those
irresistibly feminine women who will be VERY, VERY happy to meet

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What red-blooded guy wouldn't want to intrigue women to no end,
right?  Well, it's time for you to get in on what's been making the
world go 'round for millennia.

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Plus, right now I'll also give you a copy of my program on
rock-solid confidence, Invincible. That's yours free.

It's time to make a bold move to stop settling for the "Just Be
Friends Zone".  That dreaded place is populated only by "neuter"

When you man up, women respond the way you've always wanted
them to...because that's how it's SUPPOSED to be.




I need to ask you a question.

I am in a VERY happy relationship. I am going to get engaged very
soon. But in my day-to-day encounters I do work with or interact
with attractive and cool women.

Since I work in a large group, there are some people at my
workplace that I don't see on a daily basis but enough to have
regular conversations.
I have an ongoing dilemma on how to deal with particular women at

Take for example a girl named Christina I work with.

She is super cool and very attractive. But if I continue to
interact with her, inevitably I will end up wanting to get to know
her more, get a big crush on her, and maybe even starting thinking,
"Man, the grass might be greener here."

Maybe this is just a man's tendency to want variety.  As I said, I
love my g/f dearly, so it's not secondary to unhappiness with my g/f.
So I can pursue a stronger friendship / more interaction with
Christina at work, because I am physically and personality wise
attracted to her...but at risk of torturing myself since I will
fall for her but not do anything about it (the ultimate masochism).

Or worst-case scenario I'll fall for her so hard that I compromise
my relationship with my g/f.

This Christina girl is just one example....as there have been many
Christinas in the past who I usually end up AVOIDING to not create
drama in my life.

What do you think?

Tanner (Chicago, IL)


Thanks for the great e-mail, Tanner.

So why is it that women named "Christina" always seem to be
extremely sexy?

Here's the cold hard fact of the matter:  If you are still gazing
at "greener pastures", you're either not ready to get married
because there is more left to be done in your dating life, more
deep-thinking ahead first, or because you *could* be settling.

I hear you telling me that you have a great relationship with a
woman whom you intend to marry, and that you couldn't be happier.

And I greatly admire your discipline with regard to not wanting to
compromise that relationship in any way.  Big ups for that.

But YOUR genuine concern over the possibility of being drawn away
by another woman concerns ME also.

Taking your message to me at face value, I'm pretty sure that if
you were able to make the "Christinas" of the world a "non-issue",
then you would be an even happier man than you may now even realize
is possible.

Some will be quick to say this is an "unrealistic" explanation.  

But much like, "you can never understand women", such is the battle
cry of those who SETTLE.

When you've met the one who wins your heart forever, other women
will melt into the background insofar as any real desire for
romantic involvement is concerned.  

Hang with me here and I'll show you what I mean by that.

This does NOT mean that no other women are ever going to be
attractive or endearing to you ever again.  And you *can* acquire the
skill set of enjoying femininity without requiring sexual
fulfillment to come from it, by the way.

(And that is really coo, opening the doors wide-open to greatly
enhanced day-to-day interactions.)

What it DOES mean is that you never, EVER second-guess the decision
you made to be with one woman, because you always keep the
perspective of having been through the dating process and having
made your decision from a position of absolute strength and a
wealth of experience.

The greatest woman you've ever met--your "100 out of 100"--will
literally compel you to cut ties with the other women you've been
seeing until then.

No kidding, man.  I wouldn't have believed it myself five years ago.

And there's no compromise when that happens.  No "giving away your
manhood", "sacrificing your freedom" or anything negative at all,
really.  It will have been YOUR decision...and a GOOD one.

And you'll be able to tuck away that definitive notion for safe
keeping over the long-haul, no matter how many hotties catch your
eye over the years to come.

I have to be honest with you here though, Tanner.

My first thought after reading your message was that if you REALLY
believe Christina might possibly be the kind of woman who could be
better for you than your current girlfriend, then perhaps you
haven't "raised the bar" high enough just yet as far as the person
you are going to spend the rest of your life with successfully.

If that doesn't resonate with you, and you are indeed firmly
convinced that your current girlfriend is the greatest woman you've
ever met, then so be it.

Nonetheless, If you ARE second guessing yourself on the possibility
of being sexually drawn to other women such that it would
compromise your current relationship, it's time for some hard

The questions to ask yourself include:

1)  Are you comparing your girlfriend to someone you don't
know as well?  

This is always a loser of an idea.  There's too much opportunity
for idealism there.  I can't tell you how many guys blow a
long-term relationship for a fling with a new chick only to wonder
what they've done when she quickly falls short of expectations as
he "gets to know her better".

2)  Have you really dated enough women to know EXACTLY
who you're looking for?

Your girlfriend MAY BE the greatest woman in the world for you.
But unless you have a firm grasp of what you want, you'll never
really know if you've found it.

3)  Is it YOUR DECISION to get married?

Do you WANT to get married, or do you simply fear losing a great
woman?  Are you DONE dating, or does the timing feel a bit premature?

Please know that you may indeed be able to resolve all of these
questions VERY successfully vis-à-vis your current relationship.

If so, I imagine your resolve will be rock-solid going forward.

If not, you may be frustrated now (as may she), but take it from
the guy who has been in front of a judge before and paid the
divorce lawyer richly for my trouble.  

It's like the old Fram Oil Filter commercial:  "You can pay now, or
you can pay later".

Be Good,

Scot McKay

P.S.  If you DO have a girlfriend, or are even getting married, be
sure to stay subscribed to this newsletter.   This isn't just about
pickup, guys.  What I share with you in these e-mails becomes even
more important when you've got a great woman in your life.


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