[X&Y] What Is The Difference Between Pickup And Seduction?
Published: Mon, 10/10/22
IN THIS EDITION: What is the difference between "pickup" and
"seduction"? And more importantly, is that really all there is to
getting better with women?
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Have you been trapped under something extremely heavy for the
past twenty years? If not, good. Then you've already figured out
the vast majority world's resources for men who want to get better
with women focus on PICKUP and/or SEDUCTION.
What gives? It's looks an awful lot like the terms are treated as
virtually synonymous. Is that the case? And must everything that
equals "dating advice" for men necessarily be classified as one or
the other?
I say, "Not a chance", and, um..."Not a chance".
For starters, both "pickup" and "seduction" are universally
referenced when talking about the early stages of relationship
management. But it's there where the terms diverge.
In my mind, "pickup" in particular focuses purely on approaching
and meeting MOTOS (members of the other sex), and perhaps
building rapport, etc. In no uncertain terms (at least
ostensibly), we're talking about what is commonly referred to as
"day one" stuff here.
At some point, "pickup" makes a soft handoff to "seduction", which
inherently refers to inspiring MOTOS towards deeper sexual
attraction towards the seducer.
Whether you choose to buy into the Dictionary.com definition
referencing "enticing someone astray from right behavior" or the
other one reading "an act of winning the love or sexual favor of
someone is your business. But either way, we're past "pickup" at
this point.
With the semantic differences between "pickup" and "seduction"
down on paper, the logical follow-up question is, "Does this mean
there's a difference between a "pickup artist" and a "seducer".
Oh HECK YEAH there is.
Having given this some considerable thought, it's apparent to me
that a "pickup artist" focuses on the GAME. "Pickup" typically
involves "openers", "routines", and other terms and acronyms that
would make IT engineers jealous--perhaps not coincidentally, I
might add.
The game of "pickup" itself is about acquiring as many "number
closes", "kiss closes" and "lays" as one can, and in the shortest
amount of time possible.
As the saying goes, "He who dies with the most toys wins."
A "seducer", on the other hand, is focused on the WOMEN
Remember the dog that chased cars and finally caught one? Well,
there's your analogy. Once you "pick up" a woman, you've got to
know what to do next.
That's no longer "pickup", gentlemen.
It's the "seducer" who can drive a woman wild with attraction
and yes...sexual anticipation.
I therefore consider the art of seduction to be a more evolved one
than the art of pickup. Although both are very necessary skills,
if a guy learns some "pickup game" and stops there he's in for some
serious frustration.
After all, great women generally do not like being "picked up".
But they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being "seduced".
Ever been to a car dealership? Did the salesman basically ignore
what you were saying and try to point you to his preference
instead, asking "what he could do to get you to buy this car
Or...did he listen intently to you, eventually helping you get the
car you really wanted...on terms you were stoked about?
Yeah well, women are human beings just like you, not "targets".
They love to buy what they are shopping for, but HATE to be "sold".
And what about the question of why everything in the world of
men's dating advice seems to focus on "pick up" and "seduction"
(if it even goes as far as the latter)? The obvious answer is
because it's all about the "quick fix", which is what itching ears
want to hear.
But the truth about real, sustained success with women necessitates
drilling down to an even deeper level. Once you've seduced a
woman, a man must continue to keep her attracted.
Are you one of those guys who feels like he's continuously
shoveling coal into the burner trying to backfill all of those
"relationships" that flame out after two or three dates?
If so, what I've shared with you thus far could be why...your vision
isn't deep enough.
Don't beat yourself up over this, though. After all, as we've
already said most of the info out there for us guys about "how to
succeed with the babes" is telling us to dive into a shallow
"kiddie pool" head first.
All of this is precisely why we talk so much about getting total
control over one's dating life around here.
This means enrapturing women and keeping them enthralled with
the kind of masculine, confident, character-driven greatness that
smacks of utter authenticity and therefore pure staying power.
This means deserving what you want rather than getting a few "Jedi
mind tricks" down pat. You've got to give women something REAL.
Is this worth it to you?
Can you be the man who manages relationships according to his own
decision-making abilities--but always with the positive concern for
women that causes them to love you for your efforts?
This is way beyond "day one" and "day two" stuff. This means
throwing away the calendar and enjoying the freedom of life without
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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