[X&Y] Proof Of What Really Works (Letter From A Woman)
Published: Fri, 10/14/22
Lately there have been videos circulating about using "loopholes", a few
"simple words" and even "tripwires" in order to get women.
Just for a second, imagine the dysfunctional relationship (and awkward
sex) that results from trying to trick a woman into your life.
Real men of character know that being a MAN who deserves what he
wants is what really WORKS.
The reason I'm telling you this is because I believe in you. You don't
need to fool women into anything...and you fully realize it wouldn't work
After all, when was the last time a woman whispered "three little words"
into your ear that made you drop everything, be devoted to her forever
and never look at another woman...even if you weren't interested in her
at all beforehand?
Sound silly? It is. But believe it or not, women are getting the same
kind of videos we are.
And all along, the truth remains the same: WOMEN attract MEN...and
Tricks don't work any better on women than they do on us.
So...does that mean that getting women to love you and want you
passionately has to be hard work? Does it have to take a long time?
Nope...not at all. But it does take cutting out the B.S. and being the
MAN she wants.
That's why Invincible and The Master Plan are probably my most
important programs.
Together, they empower you to reclaim your natural masculinity, restore
your confidence and give you simple, step-by-step plan of what WORKS
in the real world, with real women.
It's been too long since I ran a 50% off deal on Invincible that also
includes The Master Plan. Those who act fast are richly rewarded:
50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE
To be crystal clear, I'm including a full copy of The
Master Plan for FREE.
That makes this both a 50% off AND a 2-for-1 deal.
One other important note.
A lot of what you read elsewhere may be "underground", from people
who change their names to remain anonymous, lest women find out
who they are.
That should speak volumes about whether or not what is being taught
WORKS with women in the real world.
But did you know that just under 15% of this newsletter's subscribers
are WOMEN?
They read this so that they can know for themselves what a great man
looks like. And they basically stand up and CHEER when I write about
That's proof...and it's powerful.
Taking a few minutes to read what I'm about to share with you is a lot
like being guaranteed "results in advance".
I could share about a dozen e-mails with you, but it's this one that
ultimately caused me to pull the trigger on sending you this e-mail.
Read on about exactly how what's in these programs captivates
Dear Scot
I signed up for both your and Emily's e-mails not too long ago, and
have been reading them with interest. As a woman I naturally find
Emily's e-mails more tailored to me, as yours are primarily aimed at
men, yet I still enjoy reading the information you give as well, just
out of curiosity.
However I must say that I haven't looked on your Master Plan site
till now, since it wasn't intended for women, and also because I have
seen a couple of sites out there which encourage men to be "playboys"
and I didn't want to discover that you were doing the same. The
disappointment would have been terrible! haha
With your latest e-mail, I had to go see what it was about.
This is why I'm now compelled to write and say something.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Thank you so much for letting men
know that they can have compassion, and care for other people, without
being less of a man!
I was so moved to see the message you promote, and I just have to
comment as a woman that you are completely right!
If I may take a couple of minutes to explain my situation, this
might underline some of your points.
I am now in a relationship of 6 months with the most amazing man I
have ever known. I am Australian, and in Aus there is a distinctly
"macho" culture, and which sees generation after generation of young
guys growing up to believe that they can only be cool by choking
their inner great man to death.
It is sad to see, because my closest friends and I all know of men
who are terrific in exactly the way you talk about - yet they are
very wary of showing these traits to other men.
Yet my friends and I would never want to be with a man who didn't
have those traits!
My man is not Australian (he's Irish), and thankfully grew up as a
man who cares very deeply for those around him. He is always first to
lend a hand to anyone who needs it.
He is considerate, romantic, articulate, even artistic (something
else viewed with suspicion in Aus haha) ... BUT there is no question
of his masculinity.
One of the first things that struck me about him was the sense that
he was comfortable in his own skin, confident without needing to be
showy or pushy.
He made me feel utterly safe. I'll say that again because it's
important :)
He made me feel utterly safe. Safe FROM him, in the sense of a date
trying to push things too far too fast... his innate respect and
manners ruled that out, and also the sense I had that he didn't feel
desperate to get something NOW NOW NOW. (I can see why too... he
would never have trouble attracting women.)
Even better, he made me feel safe from the outside world as well.
It's nothing he did or said that I can put my finger on... just the
feeling in the way he held himself, and the way he looked after me
in every way while we were out, that let me know that no matter what
came up, he would protect me.
I cannot emphasize enough how much that combination attracted me to
This is a man who possesses a naturally male energy, in the way
that it should be expressed - confidently but not aggressively. I
liked your point that the "virtues" in women do not have to be
balanced by an opposing "vice" in a man. He is my living proof :)
He is the best kind of man, in my view - a masculine man who has
not squashed the traits and understandings which make a great person.
So I wanted to back you up on the points you have made - what you
are talking about is indeed exceptionally attractive. :)
Thank you so much for putting that message out there - I hope that
many other innately good men who think they have to be somehow
"different" will learn from you.
Bless you and Emily both,
PS: Can I also add that you made me laugh in delight and clap my
hands like a little kid when I heard you say that the #1 trait in a
woman is liking and respecting men? :) That is so nice to hear!
I have also known many women who have been soured by bad experiences
and who seem to hold all men accountable for it. That too is sad to
see, as they are writing off the majority of men based on the actions
of a few jerks.
But those very same women will harangue me and my friends for daring
to believe that all men are not the same... so thank you very much
for your accidental compliment. You made my day!
Okay, guys. What you just read are the REAL words of a REAL
woman...one that a certain "big four" man in Australia is thrilled to
have in his life, apparently.
This is clear evidence of what WORKS.
Clearly, Angela is crazy about the fortunate guy who has attracted
her with such masterful effectiveness. (By the way, a cold Victoria
Bitter for you, mate.)
If after reading that you're still looking for tricks instead of the truth,
then I can only assume you're content to live a life of mediocrity
with women...at best.
Believe me, I don't want to make that kind of assumption.
So the only thing left to do is take a very close look at what's
actually there for you in both Invincible and The Master Plan:
50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE
See what Angela was raving about, visualize how women will respond
to you, and by all means take advantage of this promo before it
expires tomorrow:
50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE
The women have spoken, gentlemen. They want their men back.
The only question now is, are you going to step up?
I'll talk to you again soon.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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The only question now is, are you going to step up?
I'll talk to you again soon.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2022. All Rights Reserved.
This e-mail newsletter is a free service of X & Y Communications.
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