[X&Y] Last Call For TONIGHT'S Masterclass: From Platonic To Sexual

Published: Wed, 10/26/22



Masterclass For Men: From Platonic To Sexual

Tonight @8pm EDT (GMT -4)

Shortly after I found myself single
again in my mid-thirties, I met a
sexy Latina with bright brown eyes,
curves in all the right places and
what I can only call an intriguing

She was sweet, easy-going and
under that unassuming surface could
shoot whiskey like only a true Texas
mama can.

Your mental picture is probably an
accurate one.

We went out on dates for probably
three months.

We did fun things and clearly liked
each other.

But never did I once even so
much as KISS her.

At the time, I wondered what was
wrong with her.
Why was she so

Finally, out of frustration I told her
I didn't think this was ever going to
go anywhere, and we should
probably "break up".

The very last thing she said to me

"You're a NICE GUY. I hope you
find something you want

I hadn't wanted it to be that way.

And you know what? She clearly
hadn't either.

After spending some time getting
better with women, it finally dawned
on me...

She wasn't the problem. I was.

From there, it was all about figuring
out how female sexuality is wired...

...then discovering how to IGNITE

...then knowing how to ACT on that
sexual chemistry.

Soon enough, did I EVER wish I
had another chance with The
Hard-To-Kiss One.

I knew EXACTLY what I should have
done...and worse, I was KICKING
myself for not knowing it when I
needed to.

The good news is that sort of
"failure to deploy" NEVER, EVER
happened again.

...Even when I met other women I
would have previously thought were
"hard to kiss".

Listen, after all these years talking to
you guys I fully realize my story is
not weird or unique.

MOST men hit this sticking point, and
do so OFTEN.

At tonight's Masterclass For Men,
I'm going to spare YOU the
frustrating trial and error I had to

You'll cut to the head of the line and

No more useless "tricks" and "tactics",
only the RAW TRUTH about how to
turn women on and make it OBVIOUS
they want you:

Masterclass For Men: From Platonic To Sexual

Tonight @8pm EDT (GMT -4)

Maybe you're going through a "dry
spell" you really can't explain.

Or perhaps you're just not igniting
sexual chemistry with the kind of
women you're actually attracted to.

Tonight's Masterclass is all about
getting you off the sidelines and
into action.

I guarantee this will be BY FAR the
best investment you've ever made
in your future sex life.

The Masterclass happens TONIGHT.

This is your last chance to grab
a ticket for the LIVE event:

Masterclass For Men: From Platonic To Sexual

Tonight @8pm EDT (GMT -4)

Be Good,

Scot McKay

P.S.  Please be sure to secure your
ticket at least 15 minutes prior to the
starting time. That way you can give
yourself plenty of time to receive the
link and join the event.


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