[X&Y] 5 Ways To Tell If Those Two Are Having Sex
Published: Tue, 01/31/23
IN THIS EDITION: Are you (or someone
else you know) having sex with someone in
your social circle and hoping to be discreet
about it? If so, you might want to read this...
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Back in high school, do you remember how easy it was to
tell when a couple had started having sex?
It was particularly obvious when they had been, shall we say,
rather "inexperienced" up until that point in their respective
young lives.
Literally overnight you'd see the change in how they interacted.
There were longer stares into each other's eyes, as if they were
now more "serious". After all, that's what intimacy does to
But also, it was as if the guy just couldn't keep his hands off
the girl's stuff, huh? Remember that?
I mean, there was just no denying it. The two of them were now
"going all the way" together.
Well, years later, even though we've all (hopefully) grown up,
nothing has really changed.
You really can tell when a couple is having sex, even if they've
tried to engineer things so that the signs are as subtle as
But hey, all the while everyone else's "radar" has become
more sophisticated at picking up those signals that a couple
is having sex.
Add it all up and there's really still no hiding it.
The signs are predictable and tend to cross sociological, ethnic
and even international boundaries. That is to say, there's a
clear, observable pattern.
Even though I'm going to spell out five key components of that
pattern today, I have a hunch that you already know what it looks
like when you see it.
For example, we know a guy who has a penchant for hiring
pretty women.
That alone is going to raise suspicion among others as to what his
intentions are. But sure enough, he tends to exhibit all five of the
indicators I'm about to list whenever he's hanging out with certain
I've always found it amazing that this guy could possibly think
nobody is intuitive enough to figure out what's going on.
But weirdly, it's actually not unusual for guys in particular to
get pretty cocky about showing subtle sexual indicators in public,
thinking people around are socially oblivious.
They're not...hence one very good reason why I'm writing this as a
public service to you also in case someday you're that guy.
The rumors will start if people see any of the following five
dynamics going on, and they'll likely have merit.
1) Protective Instinct
Sure, a good man is always seeking to be a source of safety to
women around him, regardless of his relationship to them.
But when a guy starts having sex with a woman, he naturally
becomes extra protective of her...physically, emotionally and
yes, sexually.
Have you ever socialized with a guy who's in the company of a
pretty woman he swears is a platonic friend, but becomes a little
too edgy when someone else banters with her, flirts with her or
even bumps into her? Bingo.
2) He Touches Her Just A Bit Too Often
Like in high school, a guy with a new and exciting sexual partner
tends not to be able to keep his hands off the merchandise.
Granted, if he's got any social awareness at all he's not going to
walk beside her with his hand in her back pocket or hang all over
her giving her hickeys.
But make no mistake, physical touch is unavoidable, probably for
both of them. They just can't keep their paws off of each other.
If you see touching going on when it's unnecessary, treat that as
a valid sign they're getting frisky together.
Also possibly look for him to nervously parry her touchie-feelies
if she's the one lacking restraint.
3) Physical Closeness
When two people are having sex, they tend to stay just a bit closer
to each other physically than people who are "just friends" or mere
business associates would, even when it's not exactly a natural
situation for that to be the case.
For example, the presumed couple might seat themselves in a group
so that the body positioning relative to one another is
unmistakably sexual.
He might pull up a chair behind hers and rest his hands on the
sides of her chair with her chair between his legs. Yes, that
sounds pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised. Again, these guys
think they're doing something innocuous.
4) Inside Signals
The two of them will often have little secret non-verbal signs they'll
send each other when in public situations. Oddly enough, that's
really something that tends to come with physical intimacy.
Others around them may not understand the signals, but they see
them and get a firm grasp of what's going on at the "big picture"
Interestingly, you're more likely than not to see these signals at
big social events because the couple will likely go out of their
way not to be joined at the hip the whole time, lest rumors start.
Splitting up while socializing also limits the possibility in their
mind of people potentially asking about the nature of their
5) Being Seen Together At Odd Times
A major clue things have gotten sexual between two people is when
you see them together when or where they don't have to be, nor
should they be.
For example, you stumble into the neighborhood convenience store at
11pm and you see them there. They'll probably act all casual and
cordial, especially if they're good at camouflaging things, but don't be
surprised if they freak out and swear you to secrecy instead.
After all, depending on the exact circumstances this could be
tantamount to being caught red-handed.
Obviously, the utility of this newsletter lies not simply in being
able to recognize what's going on in other's lives, but more
importantly in helping you be more self-aware in your own sex life.
For the record, I really do believe you can't completely eliminate
all the signs I've outlined above.
But knowledge is power.
Knowing what they look like helps you stay aware of yourself and
limit your social exposure.
It's also important to note that you really can't draw conclusions
based on evidence that matches up with just one of the bullet
points above.
Rather, it's when you see a pattern that fits several of the items
on the list that you can begin to size up the situation more

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