[X&Y] "Compliant" Women

Published: Sat, 02/04/23


IN THIS EDITION:  Can you really just tell a woman
to do something and expect her to "comply"?



But what's covered in it is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, it's absolutely true that women love to do
amazing things for real men.

The part I still can't believe is how vast a majority
of men worldwide have no idea this is true.

Even when they hear me talk about it, they have
a hard time believing it (as you'll see an example
of below).

This is why my program Female Persuasion is
so powerful:

50% Off Female Persuasion + The Man's Approach FREE

You can go through life with a sort of adversarial
relationship with women, where you're always
trying to trick them into "compliance".

But I mean, is that really any fun?

Why not have them adore you and want to do
anything for you instead?

50% Off Female Persuasion + The Man's Approach FREE

There's an informed reason why I once picked
"I Dream Of Jeannie" as the most awesome
female TV character of all time in a blog post,
right?  I know what I'm talking about.

Indeed, every man on Earth needs to know the
secrets found in Female Persuasion and I'm not
going to stop until the mission at hand is

So right now I'm activating an automatic coupon
code which gives you the full, complete program
for 50% off.

Plus, this time I'll also give you The Man's
for free, since I strongly suspect
you're about to start meeting and talking to a
LOT more women.

This is only for you as a newsletter subscriber:


Hurry, the coupon expires on Sunday night
at midnight
. As always, bold, decisive action
gets rewarded.



Good afternoon Scot.

I saw a young lady at the gym earlier this afternoon and I, for no
apparent reason, I did what you mentioned and asked her to take her
glasses off.

Guess what?  She did.

This is what happened.  She was standing alone behind a counter and
I approached her because I was looking for a towel.

She responded that it wouldn't be a problem.  Sure enough she found
a clean one. 

I paused a moment and then I made my request.  She complied and then
proceeded to tell me that she usually wears contact lenses and that
she did not feel like putting them on today.

I responded by expressing a similar sentiment and closed by saying
that she looked nice without her glasses.

She thanked me and I went on my way.

I work out at a university gym.  She is a student at the college
(probably between the age of 18 - 21).

I have no interest in her for she is probably about 15 years my
junior but I simply can't believe that these ideas that you are
teaching actually work.

I figured that this would be a safe opportunity to give it a try.

The thing is, when she removed her glasses for me, I did not know
what to do next.

What should I have done next?

Do you provide explanations for your behavior if she does not
ask for one?

J. W.


First off, J.W., I love hearing stories like this.

It's actually getting to where I should probably slap a patent on
the "take of your glasses" move, right?

Not long ago I was out in-field during a Ten-Plus Live weekend
with a guy and a cute blonde girl was helping us at a clothing

Sure enough, she had the librarian look workin' in full effect.

She had started out behaving in a very business-like way, but sure
enough we started "bringing out the playful" and her femininity
started to blossom before our very eyes.

As she ran off to find a shirt in the right size my friend quickly
announced, "I want to do that deal where you ask her to take off
her glasses".

He refused my offer to demo it for him and was stoked to go for it
himself, which I loved.

When she returned, he executed on the plan as he had promised.

Not only did this girl--who was half his age--take off her glasses
immediately, she giggled while doing so.

Now, while I understand that you (and others) may be shocked that
women will actually do such inane things for us based on our
straightforward suggestion, it really isn't all that surprising.

All of this talk about women being hard-wired to follow our lead
isn't just idle chatter.  If you are confident, masculine and make
her feel safe with you they really will do what you'd like for them
to do.

And here's the thing, they like doing it.

In other words, this isn't about "compliance".  Women are willing to
follow a strong, masculine lead.  As we saw last weekend, it can
even bring them visible, tangible delight.

The reason why this is so hard for many men to grasp, however, is
that there's a key difference between masculinity and femininity at
play here that we just can't fathom.

You see, we as men honestly detest when other guys suggest we do
things for them, expecting compliance.  We feel "alpha-ed", or even
flat-out disrespected.

Between peers, the man-to-man way of doing things is to bargain for
mutual gain, building alliances in the process.  At the very
least, we ask questions rather than making demands.  If some other
dude just tells us to do something, he's going to piss us off.

This is why the military has a very well-defined hierarchy in
place.  That way, superior rank is objectively sanctioned and never
arbitrary, leaving no room for hurt feelings between guys who might
otherwise consider each other peers.

If you want to be the one giving orders, you'll need to get
promoted up the chain in due time, based on honorable performance.

But notwithstanding that specific environment, even good civilian
bosses don't go around making autocratic demands if they can help
it.  Commanding respect isn't as valuable as earning it.

Interestingly, in the workplace the values transcend gender.   It's
not like demanding bosses "delight" female employees any more than
male ones.

Here's why:  the magic of what we're talking about here lies in
masculine/feminine polarity, all in the appropriate context.

So with that, let's get around to your actual question.  What
should you have done next?

Well, to preface my answer, you mentioned that you weren't
interested in her because she's probably fifteen years younger than
you are.

That's fine.  As such, I'm not sure there was anything else to do
in this situation for you other than what you did.

You told her she looks terrific without her glasses, and invited
her to put them back on.  Perhaps not surprisingly, the lightweight
discussion about contact lenses followed.  All good.

But what you need to know regardless is that you could have
suggested that she do other things for you, and as long as she
continued to perceive that you were acting in her best interest she
would likely have done them.

Importantly, that included getting her telephone number and telling
her to make sure she was free at, say, 7pm when you planned to call

If and when a woman acknowledges your masculine presence with
feminine behavior, I'll stop just short of saying she'll invariably
follow your suggestions.

Over the years, I've suggested that women leave with me on
impromptu "dates" right there in the moment...with responses of

In my bolder moments, I've suggested to women that they kiss me,
cook dinner for me, upgrade me to first class and/or let me drive
them around in their new Honda S2000.

Importantly, you also asked about providing an explanation for your
requests of women.

It's fascinating to me how often they really don't ask for one.  They
just do what you ask in a trusting manner.

The most breathtaking part to many guys is that they'll often pause
and wait for the next instruction (e.g. "Okay, you can put your
glasses back on.")

My opinion on the matter is that it's always a terrific idea to let
a woman in on why you made your request.  If you think about it,
that's nothing more than common courtesy to another human being.

There's no real use in not telling her, other than to assert
unconditional leadership.  You can do that if you'd like, but I
don't personally see any utility in it, especially if you're truly
bold and confident.

You should have nothing to prove with regard to making demands
simply because you feel like you can get away with it.  That's
kid's stuff, if you think about it.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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