[X&Y] Passing Women's "Tests": 6 or 7 Surprising Ideas

Published: Mon, 02/06/23


IN THIS EDITION:  What's the best way to "pass" a
woman's "tests?" Stay tuned for my surprising answer...



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Several of you have also been asking about the four-day
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There's a lot of talk out there about how women "test" men, and how
to "pass" those tests.

As the theory holds, all women "test" guys they meet.  And
invariably, our first thought as men centers around why we've got
to endure what we perceive to be such games to begin with.

Worse, we usually feel we have no idea how to "pass" such
"tests", assuming we even recognize them when they're happening.

Well, I've got not one but several surprising ideas for you today.
You're getting the "bonus plan" here.

The first surprise is this.  "Testing" is NOT gender-specific. 

That's right.  Sometimes when we meet a woman we wonder if she's
any fun.  We wonder if she's trustworthy.  We wonder if she's 100%
woman all the time.

So when we're men with options who don't fear loss we don't
exactly pre-approve every sexy woman who comes along.

We hang out with her a bit and we watch.  And we listen.

How much alcohol is she consuming?  Does she have an "entitlement
mentality" when it comes to how much is being spent on the date?

Does she complain incessantly?  What's her attitude toward men in
general?  Heck, is she even a commonly decent human being?

Finding out the answers to such things is a natural part of the
human "get to know you" process.

And if we start getting conflicting signals and/or sense that we're
dealing with shenanigans, we "test" to see how a woman will perform
in a situation we've purpose-built for the occasion.

But unfortunately, when a man without options suffers from "beauty
vision" and is therefore reduced to somehow trying to impress a
woman in any way possible, it's easy for him to see ANY part of
a woman's simple evaluation process as "testing".

And, of course, it follows logically that he heaps pressure on
himself to "pass".

That brings us to surprise #2.  The truth of the matter is that any
man who even entertains the MINDSET of having to "pass" a woman's
"tests" has already happily conceded ALL of his power to the woman.
Guess what?  That can only mean one thing.  Here's surprise #3:  If
you even worry AT ALL about "passing tests", you've ALREADY FAILED.

Men who give power away to women FAIL at creating attraction. 

That, in turn, causes just about ANY woman to resort to an ACTUAL
"testing" process rather than simple, normal evaluation.

She may have actually liked you up front, but now that you've started
to look desperate she's got to find out who the REAL you actually is.

But fortunately for all of us, there's surprise #4:  Women actually
WANT you to "pass".  Think of "tests" more as invitations to show
her what kind of man you really are. 

Given how masculinity ignites femininity, what she's really hoping
for is that you'll turn her on.

Seriously, do you think women invest time in a guy sincerely hoping
they get the golden opportunity to "reject" him?

Certainly not.  They'd rather be every bit as optimistic as YOU are
whenever YOU meet a woman who seems terrific from the very start.

Simply put, they will not even BOTHER to test you unless they're
already hoping for the best.  If they were flatly uninterested then
they would already be looking elsewhere.

So then, how SHOULD we think about this whole concept?

Surprise #5:   The answer to that question is DON'T think about it.

Concern yourself with evaluating the women you meet rather than
pre-approving them.  Stop blindly "hoping" you'll get her approval,
and expect it instead.

Remember that she's already intrigued.  You'll retain your personal
power that way.

But before you ever even find yourself in front of a great woman on
a date, be sure to deserve what you want.

Because here's Surprise #6:  When you're a "big four" man, you
DON'T get "tested", at least not nearly as much. 

When a woman instinctively senses that you're confident, masculine,
able to make her feel safe and comfortable in your presence and
of strong character, she's already turned on.

That means "tests" are flat-out unnecessary.  She instead turns her
full attention toward making sure SHE meets YOUR standards.

...Unless, of course, she herself is an ultra-high quality "big four"
woman in her own right.  That's when you instinctively sense there's
no need to "test" her either. 

Rather, you simply enjoy getting to know each other and gauging
your compatibility with each other.  No chasing necessary.

And that, my friend, is how great long-term relationships are
ignited, not by putting each other through an endless game playing
process involving "tests".

Does that qualify as "Surprise #7"?  You make the call...

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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