[X&Y] "There's Someone For Everyone" (And Other Ridiculous Dating Advice)
Published: Sat, 02/18/23
IN THIS EDITION: Is there really "someone for everyone"?
Fair warning: In today's newsletter I'm going to go on a bit of a
rant on bad dating advice.
But there's a ton of useless and even WRONG sex advice out there,
A lot of it is outdated or written by women who write to men based
on what works for themselves, even though every woman is
Some of it is just plain creepy or weird.
But the good news is that having basically seen it all, I remain
convinced that this is THE BEST resource for men out there on
how to have the best sex ever:
Most men really struggle with feeling like they are trying to "get
something" from any beautiful woman they approach.
But what if you were consistently able to cause women to become
sexually addicted to you?
That changes everything. Suddenly, you feel like YOU are the
prize. And you can base that feeling on real, live experience.
You know you are offering any woman much more than just
clever conversation if she's smart enough--and fortunate enough
--to be with you.
Women can FEEL this.
But I need not convince you of how exciting life becomes when
women realize you're incredible in bed.
And I'm SURE I don't have to explain why having the supernatural
ability to turn any woman into sexual dynamo would rock, either.
Get your hands on this, gentlemen. You will NEVER look back...and
that's a fact:
It never ceases to amaze me what passes for dating advice among the
Among dubious classics such as "just be yourself", "friends first",
"be nice and comb your hair" and "women love jerks" is the
particular gem we're going to address today:
"There's someone for everyone."
Now, it's important to realize the mindset behind most "armchair"
dating advice. Basically, it's given in hopes of making someone
feel better about his or her situation without providing any real,
substantial steps to actually improving anything.
Consider how many grandmas have told dateless college students,
"Someone will come along and love you just the way you are,
Well, guess what? I'm not your Grandma. And after nearly fourteen
years immersed in this stuff, I've long since gotten up out of the
"armchair" and into the saddle.
So it's my solemn duty to inform you that just like whatever
Grandma told you, resting your hope in a pie-in-the-sky notion like
"There's someone for everyone" is a BAD IDEA.
Really, I can't call it a poor strategy. It's a NON-strategy.
To be clear, I'm not disputing that there is someone for everyone.
I absolutely do believe that every human being can and should find
The real problem is that the entire premise smacks of SETTLING,
doesn't it?
Let me spell it out for you: If you're passively hoping (another
NON-strategy, by the way) for just ONE woman to fall into your
life out of the blue, then you're already completely off-track.
Simply stated, a decidedly more exciting reality awaits any "big
four" man of strong character who is confident, masculine in the
way women define it and able to make women feel safe and
comfortable in his presence.
Indeed, there may be "someone for everyone", but there are
unlimited options for that guy.
Wouldn't you rather have your pick of LOTS of adoring women
rather than waiting around for "someone"?
Think about it. If there's "someone" out there for you who you're
wishing upon a star in hopes of meeting someday, what kind of
choice does that imply?
If you answered "zero", you're right on.
Passivity will destroy your level of success with women,
assuming you've achieved any success thus far.
If you haven't yet experienced success, then that same passivity
will flatly prohibit you from ever tasting it.
Yes, I realize I'm making a strong statement.
But you can't simply wait around for "love to happen when you
least expect it".
Even worse shade tree advice than that is, "when you stop
looking for love, love will find you".
Man, that last one has to be the biggest "whopper" of all. Why
don't we all just quit our jobs and start buying lottery tickets
instead, too?
Yet again, all the examples of bad advice I've given here really do
share that common theme, don't they? They're all "fluff" and no
Who can expect to accomplish ANYTHING in this life without
proactively going about making it happen?
Love, or success with women if you prefer, is no exception.
I can promise you that if you're on a surrealistically long "losing
streak" right now--or have always struck out with every woman
you've ever really wanted--things aren't going to magically
change without any direct input from you.
The perfect woman of your dreams isn't going to suddenly descend
from heaven one day with a halo in a beam of light.
You're going to have to deserve what you want. You have to be the
man of HER dreams.
For better or worse, that means you'll have to make an effort...not
only to be that "big four" man, but to man up and go after who you
You have to conquer fear of "rejection" and/or that you're
"bothering" women by striking up a conversation with them.
Yes, this all involves some real-world action on your part. But it
doesn't have to be as hard or as complicated as you think. Results
can come quickly.
And the journey itself can even be exciting as you see your fortunes
improve steadily.
Believe me when I tell you that there's no better feeling than
being able to CHOOSE the woman (or women) you want to be with.
Having options means making INFORMED choices. And informed
choices are BETTER choices. Better choices lead to better
relationships every time.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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