[X&Y] Make "Murphy's Law" Some Other Guy's Problem, Not Yours
Published: Sun, 02/26/23
IN THIS EDITION: Most of us think of
"Murphy's Law" as something that
happens to us. Well, instead of running
from the "law", it's time to go into "law
enforcement", for a change.
Time is claiming everything.
There is always too much going on. You're
too busy with other stuff.
And the excuse is always that once
such-and-such is taken care of, THEN you
can focus on getting the right woman.
"I need to relocate."
"I need to lose weight first."
"I need to deal with my ex."
"My business is just now taking off."
But meanwhile, most everything is the
same way it ALWAYS has been.
In high school, another guy got the girl
because you were too shy, or over
analyzed yourself into paralysis mode.
In college you needed to "focus on your
After college, your focus turned to your
But all the whie, the few guys who had
given meeting women and relating to them
ANY priority at all were enjoying their
...and STILL are.
What will happen when you finally DO
decide to push your chips to the center
of the table...and you're finally ready
to meet a great woman?
Will you have the wherewithal necessary?
Can you attract the right women and weed
out the wrong ones?
Will you charm and captivate the one you
want? Will you CONNECT with her in a
way that gets a strong relationship off on
the right foot?
If you're moving to a new city in six months,
are you going to wait until you get there to
START preparing?
I read a fascinating article years ago about
how there's at least one valid excuse for
every month of the year, such that it's easy
for procrastinators and doubters to NEVER
March is coming up, so everyone will be on
Spring Break. In April, everyone's taxes are
due. Etc., etc., etc.
It has been said that "life is what happens
while you're making other plans". But the
strange part is how human nature often
tricks us into making NO plans at all.
My challenge to you is to finally take
charge of your fortunes with women,
power PAST any doubt you feel, and
believe in the truth that you can
deserve what you want.
For the past few days I've been talking about
my Ten-Plus coaching program, and how
it has transformed men all over the world.
Now it's your turn. The first step is to get
on my calendar for a free call to find out what
your best plan of action is:
Take Action
I've become convinced that most guys
spend their entire lives feeling like victims of
"Murphy's Law" when it comes to attracting
and maintaining relationships with women.
Surely you know Murphy well yourself. He's
the guy who famously proclaimed, "Anything
that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the
worst possible time."
I'll be the first to admit, Murphy probably
was on to something.
After all, whenever I get into the shortest line
at the bank, post office or grocery store, it's
amazing how it magically becomes the
longest line simply because I'm standing in it.
Invariably, the guy in front of me has his
credit card declined, forgot something in the
car, or needs "manager approval".
And of course, this always happens when I
have somewhere else to be in ten minutes.
Really, it happens to the best of us, doesn't
Your tire goes flat in the middle of the
desert at 2am.
The airline's computers are a mess at the
check-in counter and you miss the last
plane out for the night as a result. And
tomorrow morning is the Big Meeting.
You go to a restaurant specifically
because they have the most amazing
prime rib in town. You get all settled in
with drinks and everything, but when
you order the waiter informs you that
they 86ed prime rib ten minutes ago.
Murphy's Law.
How does it apply to your dating life?
You see a girl on the first day of class
who really does it for you. You wait and
wait in order to get the gumption to
approach her and ask her out.
Finally, after a week of getting your
act together, you decide "today's the
Then you see her in the hallway
holding hands with some other guy.
Or, you discover a woman online whose
profile outshines all others.
You take an extra day or two crafting
the most killer first email of all time. You
go to send it to her, and her profile is
Or, you've actually MET a great woman.
You're thinking things are going great.
In fact, you decide she's pretty much
everything you've ever wanted in a
woman. She was even hinting already
how she wanted an
exclusive relationship.
Just when you're forming the perfect
words in the mirror to use in order to
make that a reality, the phone rings.
She tells you her ex-boyfriend called and
they're getting back together.
Murphy's Law is a metaphor we typically
use to describe how we've been victimized
in some way.
By now, you know how I feel about the
"victim's mindset".
Let's just say women aren't attracted to it.
Now, perhaps for the first time in your life,
imagine what would happen if instead of
being victimized by Murphy's Law, you
instead joined Murphy's "law enforcement
What if you could BE Murphy's Law?
Relax. I'm not going to tell you to go
"victimize" someone. This is all about YOU.
What if stuff started going RIGHT for you
at the BEST possible time?
When it comes to attracting great women
and keeping them in your life, this is about
being a man who SUCCEEDS where others
Every guy isn't going to get every woman
he wishes for. That's just not reality.
But by definition, that means if you
were to succeed with a particularly
amazing woman, Murphy's Law will
have applied to every other guy who
had his eye on her.
This is what I mean by BEING Murphy's
When I was in the business world, I
formulated a mindset that changed my
life. When making decisions I considered
the following: What decision would my
competitors LEAST want me to make?
That's what BEING Murphy's Law looks
And sure enough, there were times when
a massive bid opportunity would emerge
and several companies would slave away
to get their best offers into the mix right
Then, because of some technicality yet
another company would surface at the
eleventh hour, their offer somehow being
admitted to the competition at the last
Almost invariably, that company who
came out of nowhere at the eleventh hour
would win it. Usually, it was right when
another firm thought it had the "inside
track" to getting the contract.
All I knew is I'd much rather be the firm
that was last to the table than one of the
Because that's what competitors
dreaded. Invariably, that last bid is
typically allowed because all other
bidders' proposals were deficient in
some way that Johnny Come Lately
offered a solution for.
Again...Murphy's Law.
And therein lies my point.
When it comes to getting what you want
when others want it, the key thing to
remember is this:
If it's truly available, SOMEONE is
going to get what he or she wants.
SOMEONE is going to--if even by default
--act as the "enforcer" of Murphy's Law
while the others suffer under its iron fist.
That SOMEONE may as well be YOU.
Here's your challenge. From now on,
BE Murphy's Law.
When you see that great woman online,
envision all the other guys out there
puzzling over what to write her. You may
even visualize all the other emails from "Mr.
Nice Guy" or "Mr. Creepy Guy"
flooding her inbox.
Then, without hesitation, read that
woman's profile, find what catches your
eye about it, challenge her with a creative
first e-mail...and expect results.
Be the guy who intrigues her enough to
make her want to hide her profile for now
--even as other guys are yet in mid-
sentence typing to her.
When you see that amazing woman at the
airport, realize 95% of the other men
around you would love to talk to her also
...but won't have the guts.
Never mind how many other guys are
probably trying to figure out whether or
not they should actually "risk" approaching
Walk up to her, introduce yourself and be
the one man who is the "decision maker"
for all the other guys who took too much
time gathering themselves.
The most phenomenal MOTOS (Members
Of The Other Sex) out there will all end up
That is to say, SOMEONE is going to
succeed where others wonder what went
wrong at the worst possible time.
That SOMEONE should be YOU.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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