[X&Y] Is This What A Man Is Supposed To Look Like?

Published: Thu, 12/15/22

IN THIS EDITION:  Today's man is in crisis. We've somehow lost our
field-vision into what being a man is truly supposed to look like.



A while back I had the rare and highly sought-after chance to go over
some market research done by MTV networks. In it, the state of the
modern man was broken down into fine detail. 

This research must have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars
to produce. Yet there it was...on my desktop, obtained by purely
legitimate means.

After devouring page after page, one of the findings jumped
off the screen:

 "Over 50% of all North American men, across all socio-ethnic
  demographics and regardless of age, do not have an identifiable
  role model."

Let that sink in for a while. 

In other words, most of us have no idea what a real man even looks

Being immersed as I am in what I do for a living, I often think about
that haunting statistic as I consider what's being taught to guys out

We're told the yardstick by which we might measure "success"
as a man is how many women's phone numbers we can get.  

Meanwhile, the league MVP, recording artist du jour or actor in the
latest action flick is who we want to emulate.

It has been over twenty-five years now since then NBA all-star
Charles Barkley proclaimed, "I am not a role model", thereby stirring

Given the intent behind Sir Charles' words, I don't see where the
"controversy" is.  As he basically said, he's not supposed to be
raising other parents' kids. That's their job.

But even today nothing has changed. We still see guys doing cool
stuff out there and decide they're the ones we want to be like.

However, the guy on TV, the silver screen, the basketball court--or
yes, the club--can't teach us how to be a man.

They're merely doing something we wish we could do. It's all "outer

So what do we do? We try to copy what we see, and even if we
are successful at doing so we're still left empty.

That's because deep down within us, at our inner core, nothing

Listen, it's no joke that most of the high-profile pickup-artists and
seduction teachers from a dozen years ago have long since gotten
married and fathered children.

That's because after you master pickup and get phone numbers
you're still often left wanting more.

And in this case "more" means a history with a great woman.
Having that great woman back you 100% in your ambitions. And
maybe even having the legacy of a kid or two.

Let me tell you, watching my boy Scot Jr. grow up as clearly a
"chip off the old block" is amazing and immensely rewarding.

But the sobering part is it's up to me to make sure he doesn't
become a "statistic".

One of the most meaningful things to me in life is that my boy is
going to have a true role model, even if it takes all of my energy
to be that man for him. 

And you know what? As long as I breathe oxygen (and probably
beyond) the die has been cast. That boy sees me as his role
model already whether I like it or not. 

The craziest part of all? Watching me interact with my son makes
Emily hot. Wow...it's like catnip.

Why do I tell you all of this?

Because if you want to start making women want you--and I'm
talking about genuine, high quality women of character here--the
you'd better not be a "statistic" either.

You had better rise above average. Because "average" hasn't a
clue what REAL MAN looks like.

And, following logically, he who "hasn't a clue" turns off high quality

Why women are joining together wanting their "real men" back?

I've just explained it to you.

Bear in mind I'm not talking about angry women and "man haters"
who aren't fit to be one half of a healthy relationship. Who cares
what they think and what kind of message they're attempting to
brainwash you with?

I'm talking about the kind of woman you actually desire. They're the
ones who are frustrated when no real men show up.

So here's the good news. It's never too late to go back in time
and recover what belongs to you already...your birthright as a man
who was born to attract women:

50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE

Seriously, gentlemen. You can't "be like Mike" and expect that to
be enough.

If you want to be a woman's hero--if you want to be your son and/or
daughter's hero someday--you've got to be a REAL MAN at the core.

Consider the greatest men in history.  

They weren't the fastest runners. They weren't the ones beating
their chest the hardest.  And they certainly weren't the ones "bagging
the most chicks".

They were the confident, masculine men of character who knew how
to empower those around them.  

They knew how to handle tough situations, and did.  

They knew how to make everyone around them feel just a bit better
about themselves...and did.

They knew how to inspire confidence...not just in women, but even in
their fellow men.

And the women loved them for it just the same.

Nobel laureates. Heads of state. Captains of business. Changers
of the world. All "big four" guys like I just described.

I've now had more reports than I can count on both hands that both
Invincible and The Master Plan are programs every man should
be able to take advantage of.

So let's make that happen. For just 48 hours I'm going to give you
Invincible for a full 50% off, AND hand you a copy of The
Master Plan
also...for free:

50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE

That's right. You get both programs for half the price of one.

If The Master Plan and Invincible have the impact on you that they 
have for other men who have acquired them already, then this could
be the greatest investment you'll ever make:

50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE

Being a "man" on the surface doesn't count.

Presence beats performance every single time with women.  They
don't care what you say or do. They want to know who you are.

And being a "big four" man is what's going to propel you above the
fray of the clueless every single time. True, real-world greatness
is found there.  

It's what makes a high quality woman hot for you, and it's what's
going to make your son someday want to be like you.

Don't let them down:

50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE

And I'll talk to you again soon. Have a great week.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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