[X&Y] 5 Times When Masculine Leadership Will Probably Backfire
Published: Fri, 12/23/22
IN THIS EDITION: As a man, you get to lead--and
women WILL follow. You'd better be careful with that.
Here's why...
Yesterday I gave you a $20 gift card you can spend like
cash at the X & Y Communications Store:
To redeem it, all you have to do is use "giftcard20"
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To answer a few questions from yesterday...
1) YES...this is for real, including the 3-For-1.
2) YES...it's 20 dollars, not 20 percent.
3) YES...it's valid for everything in the store,
including the new stuff.
4) YES...the prices listed are BEFORE you cash
in your gift card.
5) YES...Even though Un-Settled is brand new,
I went ahead and made it one of the "Easter Eggs
At Christmastime" (i.e." super treasure hunt" deal)
Some of you also asked if the coupon was good for
coaching programs like Ten-Plus. The answer is yes
...even for a single Laser session.
Cheers, guys. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.
I talk quite a bit about the power and virtue of male leadership.
And to be sure, women are indeed hard-wired to not only follow a
man's lead but also to be sexually turned on by doing so.
That can only mean that like in other areas of life where one has
the opportunity to wield considerable personal power, you've got to
be very careful.
Otherwise, your power will injure rather than contribute to the
greater good.
So it makes sense that I level with you. Here are some practical
instances where you must be extremely judicious in the use of your
leadership power as a man. Otherwise, it could get ugly out there.
Now, to be perfectly clear, there absolutely are a lot more than five
examples I could share with you of how masculine power can be
abused. I'm sure you could add dozens of others to the list.
That said, I've selected the following for two key reasons.
First, each of them has actually come up recently during coaching
calls, so I know they're practical rather than theoretical.
Second, I believe that by considering these five, you'll get a solid
grip on how the overarching principles at play here work.
Here goes:
1) When She Wants Kids And You Don't
Sure, you may love everything about a certain woman you're in an
exclusive relationship with. She's probably hotter than Yuma, AZ
in July and the two of you get along great. So you're thinking
There's only one problem. She's up for having about six babies,
and you've sworn off fatherhood.
Nevertheless, you view the prospect of dealing with all of that as
something that's in the far-flung future. Therefore you enjoy the
heck out of her now, and you'll deal with the "politics" later.
She takes your lead and clams up about the whole thing also...
at least for the time being.
But believe me when I tell you her desire to have kids will not
simply go away on its own.
She's not suffering from an ailment or disorder that can be treated
with over-the-counter meds.
Having children is probably one of the most important things in the
world to her, and it's going to remain that way--intensifying, in
fact, as the years go by.
Yet, she may continue to live in the moment with you for months or
even years--childless--because you've led in that direction.
But don't kid yourself.
Everything will come to a head and you'll ultimately be dealing
with one resentful chick. It will likely kill the relationship, ultimately.
A very common instance in which this dynamic rears its ugly head is
when older men date significantly younger women.
Consider, for example, a guy who's about 55 or so. He may have
grown children of his own by now, or none at all. But the simple
fact is he doesn't want to start a fresh, new family at this point.
Nevertheless, he meets a 23-year-old hottie and the two of them
are smitten with each other. If he thinks she's going to be content
to sit out her childbearing years with him, he's kidding himself.
And if he decides to get into a relationship with a woman who's
between 35 and 40 instead, that biological clock is going to be
screaming expletives at her to get going on things.
If he's unwilling to oblige, he should re-think the relationship.
Otherwise it's not going to end well.
By the way, everything I just described applies equally to any
situation where one partner believes in marriage and the other
does not.
2) When She Still Lives At Home With Her Conservative
Recently, a guy asked me about how to deal with his girlfriend's
parents. She lives at home still, but wants to sleep over at his
Her parents don't exactly approve of that sort of thing.
Sorry, man. As long as you're dating a woman who lives under her
parents' roof, she's going to be subject to the rules of the house.
That's the way it is.
If she wants to do things her own way, she can move out. But
until then, she's still going to be treated like a little girl.
Could you sweet-talk her into going against her parents and doing
what she wants anyways? Yes, you could. You have that power as
a man she's attracted to.
But then again, you'd better be ready to have her move in with you--
permanently--if you do that.
3) When She's Sexually Conservative For Religious Reasons
And You Aren't
In case you're wondering, let me clear something up for you. Just
because a woman believes in waiting until marriage for sex doesn't
mean she isn't horny.
To be honest, she may be even hornier than you can imagine.
I'd go so far to say she probably is. And what's more, the idea of
"forbidden sex" is even hotter than the freely permissible kind.
What does that all add up to?
It's simple, really. Get her hot enough for you and she may
apparently renounce her beliefs in the moment, telling you she's
"got to have you...right now", or something.
Mark this. If you "take the lead" and have sex with her, there's
going to be hell to pay once it's over...perhaps literally, in her
The remorse she feels will be very real, and there's a strong
possibility she'll blame you--the one in the leadership position
--for what happened.
In fact, that might be her best defense mechanism against
wallowing in extreme guilt.
Then again, if you take the bull by the horns in the heat of the
moment and put the sexual brakes on, she'll not only thank you
later, she'll likely put a full-court-press on getting married to
Some of you guys don't like to believe me when I suggest sticking
to women whose world-view on pre-marital sex is similar to your
own. I trust what I just shared will help you think twice.
4) When She's Relocating From Her Home Town To Be With
If a woman really thinks the world of you (e.g. loves you), then
she'll probably move anywhere you are to be with you.
Should it come to that, you'd better make darn skippy sure you
want her around for the long-term...because that's what you're
going to get.
She's going to be leaving friends, gainful employment, her
established lifestyle and even family behind.
If she's leaving a place she's lived her entire life thus far, she's
essentially going to be putting just about everything she's ever
known in the rear-view mirror.
All she's going to have when she gets to the new city is YOU.
Therefore, if the relationship doesn't end up working out she could
be in a heap of trouble. Don't do that to the poor girl.
Only persuade a woman to relocate elsewhere with you if you have
honest-to-goodness long-term intentions.
5) When You "Seduce" Her Into Cheating
Recently I saw a web page that attempted to sell guys on the
"power" of being able to bang other guys' wives and girlfriends
quickly and easily.
Yeah well, if you go for that you'd better also get used to the
"power" of a .357 Magnum down your throat. Truth.
Look, even if you get a chuckle out of my admittedly melodramatic
thoughts on this matter, you at least have to come to grips with
the simple fact that getting women who are in relationships to
cheat on their significant others is going to create drama.
It's not like you're going to "win" them ultimately. And even if
you do, congratulate yourself: You've entered into a relationship
with a moral weakling who's equally likely to cuckold you too,
sooner than later.
Pretty harsh examples, huh? Well, as difficult as this newsletter
has been to read, my sincere desire in writing it is to save you
from some very real trouble in this life.
Count your natural ability to lead a woman as a privilege that's
not to be abused, and it will serve you well.
The easy solution to avoiding trouble is to always have a woman's
best interests at heart. That way both you AND she can feel good
about your leadership at all times.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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