[X&Y] The Name is Eric. Gen-Eric.

Published: Thu, 12/29/22


IN THIS EDITION:  Are you careful to make sure you
"fit in with the crowd"?  If so, you'd probably better
read this...fast.



I have to admit, I underestimated your interest in having
threesomes with women. So yes, I answered every question
that came up.

That was in addition to dropping real, actionable secrets to
dating as many women as you want, seeing them WHEN
you want, supercharging your chances of meeting the RIGHT
woman, minimizing all potential "drama", and of course
having a blast doing it all.

Every man should know these secrets, but few do. Now,
thanks to the Download Portal, you're next:

Download And Watch TODAY: Dating Multiple Women

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Masterclasses For Men I've hosted so far?

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eight Masterclasses at a 30% savings. You can choose
from any eight...past, present or future.

The link to that is on this page as well:


New Year, New Skills, MORE Women

Get yourself some all new skills during this "off
time" between Christmas and New Year's. And
give yourself a massive head start on 2023 as
you do.




Okay...before we get too far into this, I'm going to make something
that should already be pretty obvious even more crystal clear.

That's this:  If you're a total freakazoid-approved weirdo, you're
not going to attract high quality women.  

I trust that makes sense to you, especially considering how much
safety and security matters to women.

So no, you don't want to stand out from the crowd so much that you,
say, encourage FBI surveillance and/or scare small children.

But on the other hand, here's something else that's mission
critical to know.  

If you blend into the faceless crowd just a little TOO effectively,
you'll have pegged the "safe and secure" meter in the opposite
direction from the "bizarre space oddity" realm.

You'll be TOO "safe" at that point, which is an attraction killer
in its own right.  Your name might as well be "Eric".

You know, as in "GEN-Eric".

See, if a woman finds you "generic" it telegraphs to her that you


  1)  Lack the creativity to bring opportunity for fun, exciting
  experiences into her life.

  2)  Don't give much thought to how you portray yourself, and
  therefore you probably have zero ambition.

  3)  Haven't had an original thought in years.

  4)  Are a follower rather than a leader.  (Ouch...that's the killer,
  isn't it?)


Just the other day I was listening to a woman who was about 23 or
so talk about the kind of guys she'd been meeting lately.

"I'm not kidding...", she said, "if I could tell these guys anything,
it would be that it's okay to wear something other than black jeans
and an 'Affliction' t-shirt."

By "Affliction t-shirt", my educated guess is that she also meant
"Ed Hardy t-shirt".  Or "Tapout" t-shirt. 

And had she been about 35 or so, she may as well have said,
"Dockers slacks and a polo shirt".

Let's just be realistic here, guys.  Most of us would think of
taking no other route than to "play it safe"...whatever that means
for us relative to our age, ethnicity, our social circle and/or
where we happen to live.

After all, we don't tend to be all that fashion conscious.  We
simply take quick and dirty "fly-by" cues from what we see around
us and do likewise, like "sheeple".

For the most part, we'd much rather mitigate against the risk of
looking flat-out foolish than push the envelope with regard to how
"normal" we seem.

But that way of thinking is killing our chances with women.

Think about it:  The vast majority of guys are NOT getting women,
are they?  Yet they all look like carbon copies of each other out

Gentlemen, you just can't "blend in" as if wearing some sort of
social camouflage and expect women to notice you.

Being generic is NOT being "big four".  Following the herd doesn't
inspire a woman to believe that you'll be able to handle crisis
situations like a man.  It doesn't cause you to appear as if you
can "think on your feet".

Being conventional won't get you exceptional results with women any
more than the dreaded comma-delimited list of adjectives will on
your online dating profile.

So what's a guy to do?  Do we have to "peacock" at clubs to stand
out like it's 2005?

Well, ironically, at this point in history even that's actually more of a
generic thing to do.  Trying too hard to come off like a "player" is so,

And therein lies the biggest clue of how to proceed.

You don't want to try too hard.  That is, you don't want to go out
of your way either to stand out OR to fit in.

How elegant of a concept is that?

Try this instead:  Give it all some thought, and simply present
yourself as you'd LIKE to be represented.  

If you like a particular hairstyle, get it.  

If you ever enter a store where you like most of the clothes, get
some--even if the stuff is a bit "funkier" than you usually have the
nerve to go for.

Better yet, choose clothes and accessories that actually fit in well
with your hobbies, passions and other lifestyle elements.

The point is to make your style yours.  Neither overemphasize
being "different" nor underemphasize your individuality.   

Rather, simply have the guts to wear and do what you want to do,
and be who you really want to be--all with an eye for remaining
socially acceptable, if not socially invisible.

Can you see the difference there between the two?

How amazing is it to know that in a very real way you can represent
loudly and clearly that you have original thoughts and decision
making autonomy...just by literally being true to yourself.

A sound mind and even the slightest tolerance for risking something
new go a long way.  The "happy medium" between generic and
outrageous is where it's at for men who know how to attract women.



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