[X&Y] "What Could I Have Possibly Done To Mess This Up?"

Published: Sat, 12/31/22


WHAT'S INSIDE:  You've given an apparently interested
woman every opportunity to return your messages...and
she doesn't.  What could you possibly be doing wrong?



You may believe Meeting women is complicated, online
OR offline.

I hear you. Back in the early '00s I would have said the
same thing.

And yes, the past few pandemic years have been extra
ROUGH for online dating prospects.

But here's the deal. The whole vibe is changing...

...and online dating and apps are starting to WORK

The catch is you have to know what you're doing.

That said, the good news is a record number of guys out
there have lost their mojo and are CLUELESS.

It's simple: get this right and you'll have LESS
COMPETITION than ever before. 

Better still, once you discover the truth you'll get
on a roll very quickly.

The pieces really do start coming together.

Online Dating Domination 3.0 gives you step-by-step
ways you (yes YOU) can identify the hottest, sexiest
women in your entire metro area on the site or app of
your choice and actually MEET THEM, for once:

Online Dating Domination 3.0 - 50% Off + TMA

And yes, I said MEET THEM.

If you're like me, simply getting women to respond to
e-mails in a "like-induced frenzy" is NOT online dating
"success", although other programs out there would
like for you to believe it is.

Let's face it. You've got to turn e-mails into REAL
meetings with REAL women, in the REAL world.

And those first meetings have to consistently go well
for you.  

At that point you have online dating working for you,
instead of vice-versa.

That's why Online Dating Domination 3.0 is so
powerfully different:

No More Flaky "Ghosts"...Just Real Women In Real Life

Right now you can get 50% off. No coupon code is

And as an added bonus, I'm going to send you a
full and complete copy of The Man's Approach,

That's your complete toolkit for approaching and
meeting women out there in the real world.

Enjoy Real Success, Online OR Offline

If you haven't run a local search on Match.com or
Hinge lately, you won't believe the women who are
online nowadays.

A new year is upon us.  Go meet the woman of your
dreams. Meet her and never let go...before some
other guy figures all of this out instead of you.



You got her number, and being the "big four" man that you are you
give her a call as promised.  

She doesn't answer, so you leave a voice mail. Or you text her.

She doesn't return your messages.

You try her number again a couple of days late, fully intending to
play it cool when she answers.

And again...voice mail.

So being a chooser rather than a chaser, you drop her a text saying
it was nice to meet her but find it disappointing that she doesn't
pick up the phone.  You prefer women who are mature enough not to
play games, and wish her well in the future.  

Lo and behold, the next day she calls you while you're at work and
can't answer the phone.  You check voice mail later and hear only a
click...no message whatsoever.

How frustrating is that?

Or perhaps you're browsing around online and happen across
the profile of a woman who seems friendly and engaging, so you
write her a quick email.  

You've become a master at this stuff, so you craft a brilliantly
worded message that acknowledges you've read her profile in a
witty, charming way and issues a clear call to action...all in three
lines of text.

Later, you notice she has opened and read your message and
looked at your profile six times in the last 48 hours.

But your inbox is stone-cold empty, nonetheless.

If you can relate to either of these examples, you're a normal,
red-blooded guy.

And for sure, whenever this sort of thing has happened you've been
left to wonder, "What on Earth did I do to mess this up?"

The answer may very well be NOTHING.  In fact, that's likely the

In other words, It's not YOU...it's THEM.

I've written to you previously about how we as guys tend to blame
ourselves when a date goes horribly wrong, even when a 3rd party
bystander would easily conclude the woman was a total basket
case--and that you had conducted yourself with textbook
"big four" perfection.

The truth of the matter is women are equally likely to have dating
and relationship issues.  We're all human here, and women don't
necessarily have everything figured out, regardless of what you've
been led to believe.

There's even a video or two circulating that teaches how to get
over "rejection" by especially aloof, rude women.   

This is a great example of what we as guys tend to brainwash
ourselves into believing, thinking it's perfectly normal and

We raise women on a pedestal so high that we'll simultaneously
excuse any preposterous behavior on their part while redoubling
our efforts to fix the problem of things "not working out."

So what ends up happening?

Because we're barking up the wrong tree from the get-go, we spend
our time trying to figure out how to REACT to the situation (i.e. trying
to fix ourselves) rather than PROACTIVELY seeing the scenario for
what it is and taking leadership (i.e. addressing and eliminating
whatever obstacle is in her way).

To objectively illustrate what I'm getting at here, let's revisit the two
examples I gave above.

In the case of having gotten a woman's number only to encounter
the shenanigans I described, the typical knee-jerk reaction for most
of us would be to think we somehow managed to mess things up
even though we haven't even spoken to her since meeting her.

Or maybe we'd allow our "if/then loop" to spin out of control so
much as to begin deconstructing that initial conversation from
memory--looking for what certainly must have been some blunder
we made that creeped her out later the more she thought about it.

But here's what probably is REALLY going on.

You and I both know it's HARD to pick up the phone and follow
up with a woman.  

It was hard to call girls you liked in 7th grade, and nothing has
changed since.  Yet you do it.

So then, what makes you think that calling YOU is so easy for
HER to do?

The truth is that she may be just as wadded up over calling you
BACK as you were over calling her to begin with.

But yet you automatically assume that she'll "man up" and call
you back, don't you?

In the case of the woman you were hoping to meet online, maybe
it's not that your profile was as lurid a mess as you thought.

Maybe she's just massively gun shy about writing e-mails back
because she's self-conscious about her spelling.  Or perhaps she
just doesn't know what to write.

OR...maybe she's completely new to this whole online dating
thing and is totally intimidated in general.  That factor can never
be underestimated.

Guess what gentlemen?  Generally speaking, it may not be that
she's so indifferent about you as to be okay with blowing you off
like a rusty muffler.

The OPPOSITE may be true.

That's right.  She may REALLY, REALLY like you.  

She may even be sitting there thinking, "Oh wow...how am I
going to make sure NOT to ruin this."

In fact, this is what you should ASSUME is the case if you see
indications like unto what I've been describing above.

How can I be so sure of this?  Only because I've personally
talked to DOZENS of women who told me something similar.

Remember, all women--even the ones you're really attracted to--
are human beings.  

Can you adopt that transformational mindset and get the job done?
My bet is you'll get that call or message returned if you can.

Need step-by-step ideas for how to get the job done?  The good
news is there are TONS of them in Online Dating Domination 3.0
for you.

Be Good,

Scot McKay

P.S.  I've got four Ten-Plus spots left open.
E-mail me at scot@deservewhatyouwant.com if you're ready
to get a jump on 2023 and make this YOUR year to make women
love you.



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