[X&Y] Creepy, Weird And Pushy
Published: Sat, 01/14/23
WHAT’S INSIDE: How is it that some men
think doing the OPPOSITE of what women
find attractive is what’s going to bring them
After a few years of doing Laser Coaching
with a dozens of you guys, a somewhat
unexpected but MAJOR benefit has emerged.
You are being HEARD.
In recent years people have started to feel
more isolated. We dive into social media like
practically everyone else, but like a "kiddie
pool", there's just no depth.
It's as if everyone is simply posturing for more
Meanwhile, life in the real-world goes on.
We don't want to live in a vacuum. We want to
be acknowledged and respected.
That's where Laser Coaching comes in.
No public airing of dirty laundry on social media.
No more second guessing.
You can schedule an unlimited number of 20-
minute laser-focused sessions on whatever
topic you want to discuss.
And you're all good for a full year.
Expect to be listened to. Expect honest dialogue,
followed by actionable steps.
Confirm your wisdom and make solid choices,
especially when it comes to attracting and
relating to women.
Thrive in a time when few others are:
As always, you can talk to me beforehand for more
details. Just get on my calendar here:
Whenever I produce podcast episodes on
seduction, I get a smattering of negative
reactions on Twitter...from MEN.
I've actually yet to receive anything from
angry women, oddly enough.
“Hard unfollow, eww.” screeched one guy in
A quick look at his profile revealed a guy in a
“Bazinga!” shirt.
Now, never mind that revering Sheldon Cooper
from Big Bang Theory does not exactly portend
a successful track record with women.
Although I bit my virtual tongue, I couldn’t help
but wonder how that guy’s sex life is going.
And to be fair to him, I have no idea. For all I
know, women everywhere might adore him.
But if that were to be the case, it would defy the
After all, if you find that which delights
women repulsive, chances are women
won’t find much about you that interests
Isn’t that straightforward and logical enough to
count as common sense?
But sadly, Bazinga Guy’s outrage is extraordinarily
common nowadays. I mean, this guy went so far
as to completely unfollow me.
Is it that men have suddenly stopped caring to
attract women?
I don’t think that’s it. If we’re honest, every red-
blooded heterosexual guy wants nothing more
than to seduce women and give the incredible
Hell, take heterosexuality out of the equation.
LGBTQIA+ folks want to seduce each other
and have incredibly pleasurable experiences
together, too.
So what’s up with all of this?
The PROBLEM is we’ve been led by a relatively
small, but vocal echo chamber of angry women
to believe we’re terrible people simply for being
male and heterosexual.
But last I checked, heterosexual maleness was
unequivocally necessary in order to continue
the cycle of human procreation.
And in reality, the vast majority of heterosexual
women still WANT to be attracted to heterosexual
men, and crave the thrill and experience
associated with it.
Women WANT you to dance the dance of
attraction with you. And yes, they WANT to have
sex with you, also.
But you have to understand them, you have to
attract them, and you can’t pressure or coerce
Tragically, too many men have read a few too
many extremist #MeToo tweets and seen all the
incendiary headlines about “toxic masculinity”.
They’ve therefore come to the conclusion that
being attracted to women in and of itself is “rapey”,
let alone actually making sexual intentions known
to them.
In addition, they’ve been led to believe they’re
personally responsible as part of “The Patriarchy”
for all the bad things that have happened to
women over the course of history.
To them, that warrants taking a passive role and
letting women lead the way, since “the future is
Sadly, and ironically, men who adopt this mindset
think they’re going to attract MORE women by
demonstrating compliance with demands to
“soften up” and denounce their “toxic masculinity”.
But here’s the thing. That doesn’t work.
While they may have been doing what certain
women SAY they want, the fact of the matter is
NOTHING has changed.
Masculinity in all of its strong, dominant, confident
glory still makes women horny. Passive denial of
our very masculine essence itself only lands us in
the “Just Be Friends Zone”, at best.
These guys shouldn’t act so confused when
they’re left dateless and alone.
All of the women who still love masculine men—
and always have—are wondering where all the legit
men went.
Here’s the crazy part, though. If we as men are
honest with ourselves, we haven’t really changed
Regardless of whether or not we buy into the
identity politics that have been stacked against us,
our inherent masculinity is still turned on by
Have you ever noticed how some of the guys who
are self-described Feminist activists were the very
first to get caught up in #MeToo scandals?
Despite all of their virtue signaling, it was nothing
more than a hypocritical front.
Yeah, well…sneaky deception in the name of
“getting laid” ain’t masculine, gentlemen. Women
know it, and deep down WE know it.
The bottom like is your masculinity was meant to
be virtuous. As a man, you are designed to be a
hero to the cause of making the world safe for
Meanwhile, virtuous femininity wants to reward you
with comfort, fun, support and joy.
So yes…women LOVE the dance of seduction,
and they—like you—were designed to enjoy
incredible sexual pleasure.
Denying reality only ensures the joke is on you.
So step up and boldly attract women. Seduce
them the right way, and give them incredible
Here’s a hint: Even if you’re MARRIED, you should
still continue to do that.
Always remember…you’re not creepy, weird or
pushy simply because you’re sexually interested in
a woman.
You’re only creepy, weird or pushy if you’re creepy,
weird or pushy. It’s as straightforward and objective
as that.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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