[X&Y] Sixteen Women At Once?

Published: Tue, 04/04/23


IN THIS EDITION:  Some people collect baseball cards, others
collect dust.  What if you collect WOMEN instead? 



Yesterday I announced the first-ever promo
for BOTH The Big 4 Man Challenge AND

Those are the only two group coaching programs
I've ever done in the long history of X & Y

These days, you can get same day access to
them rather than attending over the course of
several weeks.

The Big 4 Man Challenge empowers you to
level-up in the seven most critical areas of
success with women.

THEN...Un-Settled enables you to supercharge
your lifestyle. 

Here's the deal. Too many men get STUCK.

We reach a plateau in our lives...

...first with our own journey of getting better
every day...

...and then we fall into a rut of doing the
same exact thing day after day.

After a year, or a few years or even a DECADE
or more we find ourselves EXACTLY where
we've been for ages.

You get ONE chance at life.

The Big 4 Man Challenge and Un-Settled
are the ultimate one-two combo to get you
out of that rut and back in the saddle.

50% Off B4MC + Un-Settled Free

50% Off Un-Settled + B4MC Free

When the programs were held live, the ticket
price was $250.

Right now, you can get the instant access
version of the first for just $48.50, and then
get the other one for FREE:

50% Off B4MC + Un-Settled Free

50% Off Un-Settled + B4MC Free

It's the next best thing to doing live coaching
with me personally.

If you've felt "stuck" at all--especially in these
times, post-COVID--then this promo has your
name written all over it.



"I don't have a girlfriend.  I just have a girl who would get really mad
if she heard me say that."
- Mitch Hedberg

Many years ago I was a guest on a podcast hosted by a guy who
specializes in helping newbies learn pickup.

As the conversation turned to online dating I was asked to share
about my own experiences and perhaps give some recommendations
to guys who were listening.

I brought up that when the light bulb goes on and a guy gets good
at writing women and screening them, he can find himself going out
on quite a few "first meetings" and expect most if not ALL of them
to go reasonably well.

As a direct result, he can find himself telling a whole lot of women
that he'd indeed be interested in seeing them again.

Before he knows it, there might be 15 or 16 women out there who are
expecting to go out again sometime, and this can actually happen
within the brief span of a couple of weeks.

Not giving much thought at the time to the true weight of my words,
I casually mentioned that I'd personally experienced that exact

Now, once the podcast aired the comments on the guy's blog started
to pile up, most of them saying that I must be a complete liar and
that there's NO WAY I could have been dating "16 women at once".

To most of the guys who were listening the thought of having a
high quality problem like that was unfathomable.

But wait a second...I just uttered the magic words "high quality
problem", right?

The very next notion that I had made perfectly clear in the podcast
was that my failure to manage the number of women who expected to
see me again after my respective "first meetings" with them had
been a rookie mistake.

But the audience wasn't hearing that part for some reason.

Nevertheless, make no mistake about it:  I had messed up by letting
it get to that point.

In other words, though a guy who's focused on learning pickup may
THINK that "collecting" women is some sort of holy grail of
success, it's actually NOT any measure of true success at all...IF
you're all about bringing high quality women in your life.

As crazy and counter-intuitive as it sounds, guys who are genuinely
skilled with women know better than to string along too many women
at once.

What's up with that?

Simply put, if you or I or any other guy has a dozen or more women
who are waiting to go out with him, we'd have to go on at least one
date EVERY DAY for twelve consecutive days in order to get around
to actually seeing them all.

That's with NO BREAKS.
What's more, don't kid yourself: if you're even remotely interested
in dating any high quality woman at all, you'd BETTER see her more
often than once every twelve freaking days if you want to keep doing

That's just the logistical law of the jungle.  Otherwise, she's going to
get the message FAST that you aren't all that interested...regardless
of what your reality is.

And then, on top of all else, there's this.  When you've got THAT
MANY women hanging around in your inbox, you're going to soon
realize that you've got FAVORITES.

That's right.  Out of the double-digit number of women you've
agreed to see again, you're going to actually PREFER a subset of
them over the rest.
When push comes to shove, you'd rather call one of THOSE
women than the others...and you will.

On top of that, if you've got about four or five women in your
"preferred" group, you'll probably find that one of them is ALWAYS
available for you to hang out with.

By now you can see where I'm going with this. 

No man of REAL character who has REAL skill with women is
literally "dating" sixteen women.

That's not because he can't arrange to have 16 women in his life,
but rather because it's a logistical impossibility to see them
all...at least unless he'd like to have his life completely dominated
by forced dates with women he'd rather not even be with.

And I haven't even mentioned the baseline fact that leaving all
among the second tier of non-preferred women hanging is not
exactly an ethical thing to do, either.

So then, what in the world would cause a guy to get excited about
a newfound ability to "collect" women, at least for a short while?

It's simple.  It's because he suddenly realized that he CAN.

Whenever any of us has gone a LONG time without really attracting
women, once we start actually seeing positive results of our
efforts it's a perfectly reasonable matter of human nature to feel
like a kid in a candy store.

We'll feel like we want to play catch up and date ALL the women
we can as SOON as possible.

We'll want a blonde one, a brunette one and a redhead. 

We'll want to hang out with a former gymnast with a spunky
personality one day and a tall, leggy sophisticated woman the next.

If the "sickness" gets particularly intense, we may actually still
obsess over the one or two women who we CAN'T seem to get to
go out with us even in the face of having LOTS of other women
who are waiting by the phone for us to call.

I'm telling you...it can get ridiculous.

But once we inevitably burn out from that kind of schedule and/or
get enough angry voicemails from women we've made empty
promises to, we'll be done trifling with the complicated and counter-
productive existence commonly associated with our "collecting"

Mark my words.

Both our curiosity and our ego will be satisfied, and then we can
finally get on with the business of dating as many women who we
REALLY like as we can reasonably handle, all the while "raising
the bar" as necessary and appropriate.

For most guys I've ever met who were good with women, that
number is somewhere between three and six.  For me it was five.

And that's a FAR, FAR better way to go.

Yes...you can absolutely, positively date multiple women while you
evaluate what it is you really want from a long-term relationship.
But as always wisdom, maturity and character drive a "big four"
man's thoughts and actions.

Handle your dating life the right way and you'll actually see
"quality" prevail over "quantity" before your very eyes.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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