Go ahead and take a guess at what the average height is for men worldwide.
It's 5'8".
Did you guess a lot taller than that? If so, I'm not surprised at all.
Based on what we see and hear on television,
and how most of us feel whenever we're lost in a big crowd, it's easy to think that "average" has to be over six feet.
But that's just not true...unless you're in Holland, Montenegro or parts of Scandinavia.
Even here in the United States the average guy is only 5'9".
Yet it seems like whenever women are asked to describe what their Prince Charming would be like, the first word out of their mouth is
And log in to any online dating site and women almost always seem to START their height range at six feet.
If you happen to be UNDER six feet tall, this can be extremely unnerving...not to mention frustrating.
I mean, if you're getting heavy you can lose weight. If you're bald you can go to a hair loss clinic.
But if you're short there's not a whole lot you can
do about it.
Sure, some guys have told me they're considering leg lengthening surgery--but it's REALLY risky, leaves you bedridden for up to six months and STILL only makes you an inch and a half taller.
So why am I telling you this?
Well, by now you know that I'm an avid conqueror of the most dreaded limiting beliefs.
What you may or may not know about me is that I'm only 5' 5.5"
tall myself.
That's a LOT of 5s and not a lot of 6s, right?
But by now, you
also know that I haven't had much trouble charming and attracting women for quite some time now. Anyone who has ever joined me
in-field knows that first hand.
And of course, you don't need me to remind you that
my wife Emily is a
gem. I wake up next to my dream woman every morning.
I won't go on and on with more details about that...except this:
I'm the first and only man under six feet tall that Emily has EVER dated.
Yet, anyone who has ever seen us together immediately realizes she adores me. We're the real deal.
How is that
possible? Is it a weird fluke?
Based on my experiences and those of others who've been transformed by
this, I can tell you for sure. It is NOT a fluke.
Secrets To Success For Shorter Men has flipped over the lives of hundreds and hundreds of men all over the world in the best way possible.
YES...no matter what you've read or what you've been told, you CAN and SHOULD attract the women you really want, regardless of your
I'll even show you how to make your height a clear advantage over taller men.
I realize you may be skeptical, which is why you should see what's behind this link:
No, this isn't for everyone, which is why I don't talk about this program very often.
But if you're shorter than average like me, I'm about to become your best friend ever.
(Oh, and by the way...I'll show you how to date that woman you've got your eye on whose a few inches taller
than you are. She's NOT out of your league. Not by a long shot.)