[X&Y] "This Is Going To Make A Lot Of Women Angry"
Published: Sat, 04/22/23

IN THIS EDITION: Does your strategy for
getting better with women actually work, or
does it just make you "feel good" about
Want to quit feeling owned by "approach anxiety"
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want...whenever you want?
Want to stop beating yourself up every time you
"fail to deploy"?
How about if you sparked hot, sexy conversations
with women and moved far away from the "just be
friends zone" forever?
What if you could get a woman's number and
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The doors are open for the next 24 hours. But
you can start meeting women as soon as tonight.
First of all, before I even get started, if you happen to be one of
the women who I know is out there reading these newsletters, you
can exhale. My goal today isn't really to upset you.
With that out of the way, I'm sure all of you (man or woman) are
wondering what the heck I'm up to with that subject line.
Well, check it out. The reason why it's in quotes is that I
actually lifted it directly from another e-mail written by a pickup
artist type to his subscribers a few days ago.
When I saw it, I've got to confess to you that a whole bunch of
different thoughts started racing around in my mind.
Think about it.
Here's a guy who's apparently writing to men who would like to
improve their fortunes with women.
So then, how exactly is the goal of "making a lot of women angry"
in line with creating attraction?
Anyone with any ability to process simple logic would reasonably
conclude (correctly) that it most certainly won't.
Now, just in case you're already typing up an argument for the
opposing point of view, hang with me here for a minute or two.
I've seen a lot in my days, and I'm convinced at this point that
fomenting strong negative emotions in women is NOT the path to
making the high quality ones adore you.
But you see, the simple fact that I already know someone out there
is ready to argue with me about all of this is precisely what
matters here.
I have no way of knowing for sure, of course, but I'm betting that
the percentage of subscribers who actually opened the e-mail with
that subject line was MASSIVE.
Why? Because there are TONS of men out there who deep down
really want to piss women off. Therefore, the underlying promise of
that e-mail is going to make them feel GOOD about reading whatever
they expect to discover inside.
What's up with that?
The answer is pretty simple. When a guy has experienced a steady
stream of negative experiences with women over the course of
months, years or even decades, he gets more than a little bitter
about it.
As a result of that lack of success--and the sexual frustration that
goes with it--he starts getting good and angry at women himself.
Sooner than later, his mindset turns from a desire to find a great
female partner to treating virtually all women as adversaries.
It becomes "us vs. them". The start prescribing to the idea of
there being a "war on men".
And as I've written about before, that way of thinking is pretty
much the kiss of death as far as success with women goes.
Just as no man in his right mind would ever waste his time with a
woman who's a "man hater", if you carry a lot of disdain for women
in general then the ones who'd love to make some guy's life
wonderful are going to avoid you like the plague.
I've just realized something kind of ironic, right there. You know
what? I'm probably pissing off more MEN than women with this
These are the kind that tend to elicit what little "hate mail"
I receive.
About now is when I get a smattering of complaints from the most
desperate men out there that "I've been married too long and
just don't get what it's like out there".
Or that I'm some sort of p-whipped dude who's been out in the sun
too long.
Or even that I'm a "closet feminist" who's "too soft on women"
nowadays because "everyone knows they're all selfish, golddigging
I get lectured on "hypergamy" and the "red pill".
Well, if that's how some guys react, then so be it.
But ultimately you can chalk this one up as tough love.
The bottom line is that if you get off on instigating negative
emotions in women, you're perpetuating a downward spiral towards
abject failure with women in your life for the foreseeable future.
If you want women to like you, you've got to lead by liking them
Consider this...
I've never, ever met a man who was both negative towards
women and wildly successful with the high quality ones.
Remember, you rarely get a definitive "never" out of me.
"But Scot, I've been taught elsewhere that insulting women makes
them hot for me. Doesn't that mean that pissing them off might
Really? Are you sure that's what you've been taught, or have you
been told that someone else was teaching that, therefore you
assumed it was valid?
Believe it or not, those who originally came up with that concept
did NOT intend it as such. The reality is that it's been widely
Proper "negging"--whether you buy into the idea or not--is simply
about showing a measure of indifference toward a woman so that
she'll recognize you're not as "easy" as other guys who fawn over
her to no end.
It's actually more about combating one's own neediness than
picking a fight with her, per se.
At the very least, you can see how creating intrigue in women is
a very different endeavor than pissing them off. And I can
assure you it's a much more productive one.
Women are NOT the enemy, gentlemen.
The ones who are emotionally healthy and have hearts of gold
want very much to build an alliance with you rather than to be your
Think about it. Men and women are both necessary for procreation.
That means we were designed to work together as a team, not
hate each other.
Women want to follow your lead and do amazing things for you that
will make you feel good, provided that you're willing to put the
past aside and move in that direction.
With that in mind, doesn't it make a lot more sense to make your
goal to delight a woman and enthrall her to no end rather
than to incite anger in her?
I can't answer that question for you. It all depends on whether
you're truly interested in building healthy relationships with
women or really only interested in "making them pay" for the pain
you've experienced in the past.
Which is it? Your decision will decide your ultimate destiny with
Meanwhile, they're watching and waiting.

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