[X&Y] Part One: Are Women Worth It?
Published: Sat, 05/06/23
How are you feeling about women these days?
Is frustration mounting? Does it all seem too confusing...as if things
tend to go WORST right when you thought you were doing you BEST?
Do women SAY they are excited to meet you, or that they had a great
time with you...but then...NOTHING?
Too many men are tempted to give up...like this guy who unsubscribed
from this newsletter just yesterday:
"Thankfully and luckily just became red pilled and am now MGTOW.
Women are just not worth it anymore, well they never were to begin with
anyway. Thank you feminists for f***ing it all up. 36yo Good guy checking
Women were never worth it? Is there a flaw in the divine sexual design?
Are they all man-hating Feminists?
Do "good guys" all lose?
Is he really "lucky" to have sworn off women from his life?
Here it is: I've never met a man who joined an anti-woman movement
who is HAPPY. I've also not met one who has stopped talking about
women and truly "gone his own way".
That's because deep down, these guys have GIVEN UP. They KNOW
what benefits there are to having a good woman in their life, they just
need a way to assuage themselves that THEY have been left out of it.
I'd even argue that the so-called "red pill" movement isn't even truly a red
pill. It's simply a different, far more jaded view of what women are like at
their worst.
It's a bitter pill indeed. And it's rooted in reactive thought rather than
proactive thought.
The obvious fact of the matter is men and women are supposed to be
on the same team. We're supposed to be in PARTNERSHIP together.
The truth is women follow a man's lead. If YOU believe they won't want
you, or that they WILL hurt you, that may very well be the kind of woman
you attract.
This is all FEAR based. And here's the real TRUTH: Fear is not sexy
to women. Not to ANY of them.
What if you had a far different view of women?
What if you weren't afraid of them?
Doesn't it make sense that women would treat you FAR differently...and
you would attract more (and better) ones?
Listen, I used to be the "good guy" who got his life ruined by the wrong
I had a choice after that.
And if you can relate, so do you.
You could play the victim card, blame it on the women and "go your own
But victimhood and blame aren't sexy, either.
Instead, you can do what I did: Make a stand and choose WOMEN.
Better women. Women who are beautiful, sexy, raised right and who
will treat you right.
Taking OWNERSHIP of the situation, you can be a hero to women by
understanding how they think, what turns them on and how to be the
There are fewer and fewer of us out there nowadays, and with "app
disorder" running rampant they don't even know how to find us, let alone
CONNECT with us.
Yes, you can be a "good guy". You just have to be a MAN instead of
"Mr. Nice Guy".
For me, the result of taking the proverbial bull by the horns was a
steady stream of beautiful sweethearts who were genuine and easy to
love...and who genuinely loved me in return.
It all culminated in identifying and selecting the woman I should have
chosen all along, who I have been with for over 17 years now.
I can honestly declare I have never experienced even one MINUTE in
those 17 years of the kind of misery that I endured on virtually a
DAILY BASIS when I was with the wrong woman years ago.
The temptation to "go your own way" simply CANNOT win. It's like
junk food for your soul. It may feel good in the moment, but it'll
ultimately wreck you.
No matter where you are right now, or what may be getting you down
about women, you can turn everything around so you're having the
kind of relationships with wonderful women that you were BORN to
Maybe you've crossed paths with selfish, vengeful, manipulative,
addicted or even psychotic women.
I hear you, acknowledge you and believe you.
But not all women are like that...not even close.
You can--and should--face the REAL TRUTH and turn TOWARD the
great women out there instead of running away from all of them.
You'll need to lead. You'll have to WANT this.
You have to finally see YOURSELF as the hero in this story.
Arrange a time to talk about the options with me here:
You'll talk to me personally. I'm exactly the guy you'll expect me to be
from listening to the podcast.
No more procrastinating. No more second-guessing. No more waiting
for an unresolved situation to resolve itself.
The way of the victim is not the way of men. Not only do high quality
women NOT want to cause you pain, they're quite literally out there
WAITING for men who are good for them to STEP UP and SHOW UP.
You get one shot in life, but fortunately there's such thing as second
chances when it comes to love.
NOTHING is more "worth it" than getting this right:
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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