[X&Y] She Completely Misrepresented Herself...And That's A Good Thing

Published: Fri, 05/12/23


WHAT'S INSIDE:  She's not really as she
described herself...and in this case that's
good news.



Most guys who try online dating or apps
quit in shame and disgust within 90 days.

Guys who are good with women get
frustrated when their mojo doesn't work
the same way online as it does offline.

Meanwhile, guys who are not yet
attracting the women they want offline
don't find anything is much different once
they get on Match.com, OKCupid or

So what gives? Isn't anyone ending up
with all of these women online?

After all, it's not like they're quitting so
fast. Someone has to be going out with

What you've suspected all along is
absolutely correct. There are guys in
your city who are getting ALL the women.

And it's not because they're "statistically
perfect" on their profile, or anything like

It's all because they know what they're

Most have done what the vast majority
of men are too proud or ashamed to do...

They asked for directions:

Online Dating Domination For Half Price + The Man's Approach

So what's it going to take? Are you finally
ready to end the frustration and join the
elite group of men who are living the
dream out there?

These guys OWN their metro areas
online...and that's no overstatement.

It's like they're the King of Siam.

How do I know this? I experienced it

Listen, I'm not exactly a guy who lit up the
stats on an online dating profile. Yet I
figured out how to get between six and
eight out of every ten of the hottest
women I wrote to write back.

And yes, I went on successful dates with
nearly all of them once I caught their

Then, of course, I met Emily on Match.com
and the rest is history.

All of this didn't happen overnight. I
struggled at the beginning like other guys.

But then I figured out online dating to the
point where I was getting exactly the
women I wanted.

Nearly ALL of them.

And I wasn't leaving any for the other guys.
(You can bet I wasn't in a hurry to let them
know what I'd figured out either, right?)

Well, your good fortune is that having met
Emily, I'm long since "retired".

Nowadays I share every secret I've ever
discovered in Online Dating Domination.

You don't have to go through three hard
years (or more) trying to figure everything
out on your own. I've done all the work for

Use The Automatically Activated Coupon Code

There are 24 hours left to take advantage
of that "online50" coupon I activated

Be sure to get your copy for a full 50% off
while you can, plus get The Man's Approach
for free.

It's time to start meeting MORE women...
all from the comfort of your own home.



This newsletter isn't about you. It's about the women you've been
searching for online.

If you're doing online dating, you've probably been filling out the
checkboxes under "who I'm looking for" pretty literally.

You've been visualizing the kind of woman you want and ticking the
boxes accordingly.

Well, today I want to challenge you to go back into your search
parameters and check off a box you may have left blank.

I'm going to boldly suggest you widen your net to include women
who describe themselves as having "a few extra pounds".

Before you're tempted to blow off what I'm about to say, bear a
couple of key points in mind.

First, I'm not about to ask you to change your taste in women. If
you're not into chunky women, that's your prerogative. No worries.

(And if you are, you've already figured out that this newsletter
isn't for you anyway. Carry on as always.)

Second, I've been immersed in the world of online dating for over
twenty years now. There's a chance I may have an ironic strategy for
you that will pay big dividends.

So let's dive in.

Why do I believe you should check that box? It's simple: Your
online searches bring up women who describe THEMSELVES as
fitting your specifications. 

That's right. No algorithm in any computer anywhere is smart
enough to read your mind and show you only the women who really,
actually float your boat.

In fact, my educated guess is that if you've been adamant against
searching for women who self-identify as having "a few extra
pounds" it's not just because you don't see yourself with such

My bet is it's mostly because your search results are inundated
with "about average" women who more accurately fall into Gabriel
Iglesias' "Fluffy" range.

Fair enough. It's easy to see that women tend to under-classify

But here's the thing. Have you ever considered the possibility
that there are also women out there who aren't necessarily so
"optimistic" about their body type?

There are actually PLENTY of women who have figured out that full
disclosure is the only way to go.

They've heard the horror stories from other women who presented
themselves with too much optimism and got BLOWN AWAY by guys on
first meetings who felt swindled.

Ultimately, that hurts a lot more than getting less attention to begin

So then yes, there are more women who you might think who
classify themselves as having a "few extra pounds", but who would
really turn you on sexually.

And here's the crazy part. A lot of them REALLY ARE only "a few
extra pounds" over their ideal weight.

As in, three

Some women feel they'd like to cut a few "vanity pounds", so they
tell the truth.

But there's more. Given the media-driven obsession with being
skinny, imagine the possibility of a woman BELIEVING she weighs a
bit too much when in reality she's irresistibly sexy.

Now imagine a woman like that sitting alone on a Friday night
because she's dateless...all because she described herself as having
"a few extra pounds".

If you think I'm crazy, I'm not. Pinch yourself, because I speak
the truth.

These women are everywhere on online dating sites nowadays.

In case it's not obvious why finding exactly those women online is
a BONANZA, here are my four specific reasons to start checking the
"few extra pounds" box:

1)  It opens up your dating pool

Suddenly, there are more women to potentially write to than there
were before.

It's not like the women who lie about being "about average" have
changed. They're still there.

But fortunately, so now are the women on the opposite end of the
spectrum: those who only think having curves in all the right places
makes them "look fat".

2)  You have FAR less competition

How many of us as guys moan and complain about how women seem to
idealize their "perfect guy" in their checkbox selections?

Yeah well, we're no different. And just like women, we thereby shortchange
ourselves from meeting plenty of MOTOS (members of the other sex)
who might appeal to us.

We compartmentalize them right out of our search results.

It's time to let OTHER guys keep shortchanging themselves. Go get
all of the unexpectedly hot women they'll never even knew existed.

3)  You'll meet better women

What does it say about a woman who is honest enough to say she's
carrying "a few extra pounds" if she sees it that way, even if
nobody else really does?

It says she's going out of her way to NOT be a liar. That's a
great start, if you ask me.

Overall, women who overstate their body type online tend to be
sweeter, more humble and have higher character.

Weirdly, they don't suffer from low self-esteem as often as you
might think. It's really more about a commitment to honesty then
some sort of weird self-punishment.

4)  You'll make an amazing first impression even on "slender"

A-ha...here's the unexpected benefit I can almost guarantee you've
never considered.

In the end, even if you never discover more women to date using the
strategy I'm talking about here, there's still IMMENSE value in it.

That's because by checking "a few extra pounds" you're perceived by
women of ALL TYPES as being slightly less shallow than other guys.
It reflects positively on you and that is NEVER a bad thing.

I don't blame you for being skeptical. All I'm suggesting is that
you give what I'm talking about a try.

Bear in mind that you will ultimately choose the women you actually
want, no matter what. Nothing changes in that regard.

If your search results don't yield new and exciting possibilities
in your neck of the woods, so be it. At least you gave yourself a
potential advantage no matter what.

Be Good,

Scot McKay



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