[X&Y] Unfair Advantage

Published: Sun, 05/14/23

IN THIS EDITION: Think that other guys have
an "unfair advantage"? Yes...you CAN even the
playing field. 



About a month and a half ago a guy called me
up and immediately signed up for one of my
coaching programs.

He had recently sold his business for tens of
millions, was handsome, in great physical
shape and lived the most adventurous life you
can imagine.

He already had plenty of beautiful, sexy and
sweet women.

So what was the problem?

There was no problem, really. 

But he was committed to improving even more.


Well, when you get right down to it, getting all
of HIS women wasn't enough.

To paraphrase his own words, He was coming
for all of the women YOU want also.

Think about that for a second. 

He was (and is) hell-bent on becoming the
worst nightmare of ANY man who wanted the
same woman he did.

He is not going to stop until he has EVERY
conceivable advantage over YOU or anyone
else...especially the subtle ones that matter
even more than the ones on the surface.

Right about now, you're likely thinking one of
two thoughts.

Either you're mad at this guy for having the
audacity to think like that...

...Or you're all about beating him to it.

I trust you're the latter.

Well, in this newsletter I'm going to talk very
plainly about what to do when you think guy
have advantages in their favor when attracting
women that you just can't compete with.

That's all well and good, but I'd be remiss if I
didn't show you the very best plan of action
for actually DOING what I'm about to suggest. 

That would be my complete collection of every
single "unfair" advantage I've ever formulated:

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We've all seen it happen before our very eyes.

Some other dude likes the same woman we do. But Murphy's
Law strikes, he pulls a rabbit out of the hat, and walks off with

If you've ever seen a guy flex serious skill or maximize a
situation to his advantage, then you likely felt powerless
in the moment.

But think about it. As much as we assume it's looks, money,
a car or whatever that causes a woman to choose one man
over another, that's almost never REALLY it.

The guy who gets the girl is typically more AMAZING to her
in some way that demonstrates the "big four".

Now, most lesser guys would simply get jealous and angry
when another guy wins out like that.

They may even blurt out loud, "Hey...that's not fair!"

But "it's not fair" is the battle cry of a VICTIM.

Can you really blame another guy for having his eye on the
same woman as you?

So instead of feeling like that other dude just did something
to you
, realize the problem will only be solved by changing
both your mindset and your approach.

No, I'm not talking about being a dancing monkey, giving her
expensive gifts or anything like that.

All I'm saying is when you do more of what's attractive to
women than other men do, you'll start being the one who
gets the girl instead of them.

Fortunately, that's within your grasp...with a little forward-
thinking proactivity on your part.

It's going to come down to confidence, being masculine in
the way women define it, making women feel safe and
comfortable in your presence, and/or a character issue.

It'll somehow have something to do with one of those
"big four" traits EVERY SINGLE TIME.

But you see, most men resent losing out to another guy
when they should actually embrace the opportunity for
improvemen that can come from that moment.

Instead of simmering quietly (or even sulking) when some
other guy is more attractive in a woman's eyes, use that
moment as motivation to go work on that skill for yourself.

My educated guess is EVERY MAN who you've ever lost
out to has somewhere, somehow lost out in the same
way...but made sure it never happened again.

That was the difference between him and you in that
situation, and next time it'll be different for YOU...but only
if your mindset is one of positive forward movement
instead of dejection.

And yes...THAT'S the attitude that differentiates guys who
ultimately succeed with high-quality women from those who

By the way, I'd personally grant ANY and EVERY advantage
to another guy when it comes to attracting women except
ONE in particular. I've got a short two-minute video on
YouTube that reveals it.  Enjoy.

P.S. If you're in the United States and you haven't called your
Mom yet, do so. If there happens to be a rift, there's no better
day than TODAY to fix it.


(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023.  All Rights Reserved.

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