[X&Y] Unexpected Places To Meet Women This Spring Break
Published: Tue, 03/07/23
IN THIS EDITION: Where are all the women going for Spring Break?
Here's the surprising answer...
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Is a coaching program right for you? For the next couple of
weeks, I've opened up 25-minute spots on my calendar for
Several of you have also been asking about the four-day
Ten-Plus Live immersion experiences here in San Antonio.
Every man who does that meets over 100 women rapid-fire
in one long weekend, emerging fully equipped for success.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, for sure.
The weather is fantastic this time of year here in San
Antonio, so there's no better time to get on the Ten-Plus
Live calendar. Let's talk about it.
It's once again Spring Break season.
If I asked you where to meet women this time of year, your
knee-jerk reaction might be to give the expected answer.
"Well, Captain Obvious, Lake Havasu, Ft. Lauderdale and
South Padre Island are gonna be packed."
And that's fair. After all, it's what everyone probably talked
about doing back in your college days, and what MTV led
us to believe everyone IS doing every year for like 30
But hold on a second.
Simple logic says that there are more women out there than
those three beach towns can possibly contain.
After all, not every girl has the financial means to do the
stereotypical Spring Break thing.
On top of that, a whole lot of them aren't exactly "party girls"
I don't need to remind you how the vast majority of women are
either beyond their college years or never even went at all.
But Spring Break is a phenomenon that goes far beyond college,
doesn't it?
It seems like everyone looks forward to taking a few days or
even a whole week off around this time of year.
So...assuming you're not exactly up for the stereotypical
college experience in a stereotypical location, here are some
places you're surprisingly likely to find hot, sexy women
enjoying their vacation:
1) Downtown
Here's the thing. Just like not every woman is into partying, not
every woman is up for going to the beach either.
Some women prefer the excitement of hitting the big city during
Spring Break, especially if they're not FROM a big city.
As stereotypical as it sounds, they'll likely do lots of shopping
and so forth since they're on vacation and in "spending mode".
So you'll be sure to find beaucoup women in the shopping
districts, especially in places that have opened back up a bit.
And because they're not working they'll be less stressed out and
therefore easier to meet.
2) National Parks
We've actually spent several spring breaks in Big Bend National Park
here in Texas. My direct observations from the last time we were
there are probably why this sub-heading made the list.
And truly, anywhere there's a reasonably cool place to go hiking
and explore the outdoors that's NOT a beach, you'll find women
there enjoying Spring Break. It doesn't have to be a National Park
per se.
But I have to tell you. We saw van load after van load of spunky,
adventurous cuties at Big Bend...all dressed in their "Lara Croft"
gear and ready for fun, maybe even for college credit.
And we also noticed that there were plenty of guys who were smart
enough to figure out that they were every bit at the "place to be"
as any dude down at South Padre.
They capitalized.
3) Kid Places
Are you at the place in your life where "hot mommies" sound more
intriguing than girls who are probably still too young to drink legally?
Well, join the crowd...who if they know anything at all will hit
McDonald's sometime mid-afternoon during Spring Break.
After all, even elementary schools take Spring Break off.
That means that all of those mommies have kids at home all week
long, and since it's still probably kind of cold outside they'll go
stark raving nuts if they don't get them out of the house somehow.
If "Macca's" isn't your thing, no worries. Use your imagination
and think like a mom. Where would you take kids during Spring
Break if you HAD to?
4) Volunteering
Plenty of high-quality women are the more socially conscious
types who'd rather spend their Spring Break helping others.
Organizations like Habitat For Humanity and others definitely run
Spring Break programs, and they're well attended.
If you happen to favor church girls, I can tell you with reasonable
certainty that you'll be far better off turning your focus in this
direction. If you head to Havasu you'll be barking up the wrong
tree for sure.
5) Wherever YOU Are
Here's another particularly interesting note from Big Bend.
Yeah, we saw lots of college-aged cuties who were there with their
classmates. BUT...we saw even more women who were there with
their boyfriends.
Check it out. Guys who already had a great woman in their life got
their heads in gear and planned the National Park road trip with
their hunnies.
Smart move. A huge, natural resource like that all but ensures
plenty of "alone time" and jacks the potential for naughty deeds
outdoors sky high.
Plus, all that physical activity and shared experience can be
easily chalked up as quality "get to know each other"
Well played, gentlemen. Well played.
And did I mention that these guys' girlfriends tended to be super
I don't think it's just because I favor women in tank tops and
zip-off pants, either. The cuties really did seem to go for guys
who took them on real, live adventures.
Something to think about there.
But really, if you've got a terrific woman in your life make sure
to plan a Spring Break escapade of some kind, even if it's last
minute. She'll love making the most of the time off by being with
National Parks are great for that this time of year, but you could
make it almost anywhere, really...except perhaps Ft. Lauderdale,
Lake Havasu or South Padre Island.

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