[X&Y] Want Amazing Women? Think Like A Millionaire (Without Having To Be One)

Published: Sun, 03/12/23


IN THIS EDITION:   In order to become the man with options in his
dating life, you've got to think like a millionaire.  Here's why.



What if I handed you the most foolproof way to turn any woman on…and
make her LOVE you for it?

Better yet, what if she wanted your hands all over her...all without you having
to resort to creepy "kino escalation" tactics, or anything like that?

Well, you'll remember two years ago Trace Loft joined the team here at
X & Y Communications. That's because I know what WORKS when I see it:

Trace Loft's Game-Changer

I know first-hand that what Trace teaches is THE most powerful way to make
women comfortable with you and trust you...even to the point of getting
completely naked for you and craving your hands all over them.

In fact, I'll never forget that one amazing day when a spunky little sweetie
turned up at my house...when all of my roommates happened to be gone.

She started stretching her neck and rubbing her shoulder, mentioning how
she'd had a "hard day" so far.

The next thing you know, she was lying on my floor with her shirt up and
her bra unfastened.

When she rolled the belt line of her jeans down to give me easier access to the
dimples on her lower back, that's when I admitted to her that she was making
me just a little "excited" (I used a different word).

"Aw...poor baby." she said calmly, looking over her shoulder at me with those

Mayhem ensued, of course. And I had never even so much as touched this
woman before then.

Trace gives you step-by-step, VIDEO instruction on how to make all of this
happen for yourself.


Don't worry, there's no phony lines or weird tricks. It's all 100% authentic
and comes from a place of actual respect for women (go figure, right?)

That's the pure genius of it all.

Better still, this works for average guys, not just Hollywood stars and high
rollers. And no...you don’t have to be rich, amazingly handsome or have
huge biceps, either.

The way women respond to you is actually physiological.

You can quickly and easily flip a switch inside her head, activating all of
the hormones inside her that will drive her WILD with attraction and
affection for YOU.

What Turns A Woman On...For Real

Since I believe in this program SO much, for the next 24 hours I'll throw
in the audio collection Music To Massage By with your purchase.

It contains stone-cold perfect music to set just about any mood according
to any setting or any woman's personality type. Each track also can be
looped infinitely with no perceived break (very cool, right?).

That's a $20 value by itself on the order page. But don't check the box...
I'm giving it to you for FREE.  I'll send it to you automatically.



If you'll recall, yesterday I talked to you about why the rich get richer...
even if the "wealth" we're talking about is success with women.

Well, as promised, today I'm going to to show you how YOU can
join their ranks.  So let's jump right into that...

OK, then.  It goes like this.  Years ago, in a former life, I was a sales

At one time I found myself heading up a sales team largely composed
of newbie sales reps fresh out of college.

As you might expect, this group was pretty hungry.  Getting paid a
fairly paltry base salary, their livelihoods were very much dependent
upon making the sale and earning the precious commissions that
would feed them another day and pay the rent another month.

On top of the inherent pressure to perform, the vertical market we
were selling into was a particularly cutthroat one.  

This meant the competition was both plentiful and relentless.  

Truly, there was a legion of immensely talented, business savvy,
and battle-hardened veteran sales pros knocking on the same doors
as the fresh-faced reps from our shop.

Not surprisingly, it was exactly those veteran competitors who were
closing most of the deals to be had.  Actually, to be honest, they
were straight-up kicking our butts.

Something had to be done.  Youthful exuberance alone was not
enough to outlast and outperform wisdom and experience.

That's when it came to me:  This situation called for "Millionaire

Now, this concept is hardly original to me.  Even before Napoleon
Hill's seminal book "Think And Grow Rich" hit the scene, the
wealthy men he studied instinctively knew about it.  In fact, you
could probably trace it back to the dawn of recorded history.

In theory, it's very simple.  

In order to become wildly successful someday soon, you must THINK
and ACT as if wildly successful TODAY.  And you have to have a
firmly-held belief that it's so.  

Among other things, this means you don't worry about money.  You
don't stress over finances.  You pick up the check this time when
you and your buddies hit happy hour, and someone else gets it next
time.  No more splitting $4 tickets at Taco Bell.

In practice, it's NOT so simple.

When you are a 22-year-old recent college grad driving the same
car you used to deliver pizzas part time in and you're shelves are
down to the last few packs of ramen noodles, life is pretty much
"hand to mouth".

In fact, if you do not sell that Cisco router to ABC Widgets, Inc.
you'll likely get evicted by the end of this month from your
efficiency apartment.  That is, if you don't starve to death first.

So of course, if you're in that situation the sales process becomes
very selfish rather quickly.  Instead of seeing the customer's
human side and focusing on his or her business needs, you
scramble for commission checks.

You focus on YOURSELF rather than THEM. And you lose deals.  

The plain truth is that people LOVE to buy, but they HATE to be sold.  

The more pressure you put on customers to buy, thanks to your rather
dire position within Maslow's Hierarchy, the more they can tangibly
feel that it's all about YOU instead of THEM.

So what does this all have to do with approaching and attracting

In a word...EVERYTHING.

Can you apply "Millionaire Training" to your state of mind as far
as your dating life goes?  

Lots of guys view every woman they see as a means to end their
personal social or even sexual pain, just as a newbie salesperson
would view potential customers as an "ATM Machine" for a quick

How can you consider yourself the man who will bring immense
value to her life if you think like that?

Instead of clinging with a "death grip" to any woman who shows mild
interest in you--as a newbie salesperson would obsess over any
potential client who calls back after a cold call--can you believe
you have options?

Instead of getting manipulated and taken advantage of in the
context of an unhealthy relationship--as a newbie salesperson
would let Mr. Customer "beat him up on price" until there was
virtually no margin left in the deal--can you walk away from a
woman who looks good on the outside but otherwise not right for
you at all?

Well, for those on my sales team with the mental discipline to
change their thinking, Millionaire Training resulted in an almost
immediate positive effect on the respect they were receiving in
the field.

This, in turn, caused their intentional decision to believe they
were worthy of professional respect to transform into hard-wired
habit sooner than they thought.

From there, sales began to increase and margins began to rise.

Within six months two on the team were six-figure wage earners.

One even moved into my office when I went on to the next

And all of this because they carried themselves in a way that
demonstrated to customers they were already successful.

Women want a sense of security from you as a man.  That feeling
is best affected by your ability to be man who is confident in his
ability to succeed--with them or in any other aspect of your life,
for that matter.  

Moreover, when you portray a low-pressure attitude that can
afford to take the time to qualify women without neediness or
desperation, they feel even more comfortable with you.

Remember, women follow your leadership.  Are you leading
them to feel relaxed and safe with you?

Are you leading them to understand you as a man with ambition
and a confident plan of action?  

These are the essential building blocks of initial attraction,
similar to how concern for customer needs ahead of commission
checks is the secret to high-volume sales.

But this "hidden world" is only open to men who demonstrate to
women that they have intrinsic worth, an intriguing story and
something to offer.

And it's only open to men who realize that such a man has REAL
OPTIONS in his dating life.

Take desperation off the table and replace it with abundance.  

Think like a "millionaire" when it comes to women.  

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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