[X&Y] Why That Other Guy Got The Girl Instead Of You (And What To Do About It)

Published: Mon, 03/13/23

WHAT'S INSIDE:  She breaks up with you...and you just know that
guy you can't stand will probably end up going out with her within a
week.  And sure enough, you're right. So why are we so good at
predicting other guys' success instead of our own?  



Today I'm writing to you about why so many guys tend to
let some other guy get the woman they really want.

And what I'm going to tell you is all true.  As you're about
to see, it makes perfect sense.

So how do you make sure she's with you instead of him?

Here's a hint:  It will NOT be because you changed your

And it most definitely will NEVER be because you talked her
into it

Nope.  Emotions drive decisions first.

That means the breakthrough will come because of a
change in how you make her feel.

Yes...what you're about to see is a 100% practical, step-
by-step way to do that:

Flood Her With Sexy Thoughts Toward You

Most guys go about this in the completely wrong way...relying
on "one size fits all" tricks and the latest promise of "three 
simple words".

But nothing works to alter a woman's thoughts and feelings
about you--even at the physiological level--quite like this:

Wake Up Her Passion For You

I brought this guy on board the X & Y Communications
team because of who he is and what he does.

It's all pure genius.

Looking back, I have distinct memories of all the "good 
girls" at the conservative college I went to practically
begging us guys for exactly what he's talking about. 

At the time, we were more or less oblivious to what 
was really going on in their naughty little minds.

But this explains everything...and it's the real deal.

How "Good Girls" Find The Excuse To Get Frisky

You want good, respectable women...but you want them to
absolutely CRAVE getting physical with you?

That sounds like the "holy grail", doesn't it?  Put this crazy
but devastatingly effective strategy to work...all because it's
what men who "get it" do, and what women have really
wanted all along.



I watch a lot of NBA on television, and one of the regular sponsors
of my home team is AT&T.  As such, any time they come out with a
commercial I have to endure it about 100 times, at least.

Is has been about ten years ago now since this one came out, but
I laughed out loud every time it was on:


It's funny stuff, no doubt.

For the benefit of those of you who can't exactly hit up YouTube at
the moment, the basic flow of the spot is as follows.

Two buddies are on a ski lift together, when Dude #1 asks Dude #2
if it's okay if he asks out his ex-girlfriend.

With an apparent attitude of casual indifference, Dude #2 answers,
"Uh...sure.  We've been broken up for six months now."

In the moment following, Dude #1 gets a text from the girl, right
as Dude #2 adds, "...But I don't think she'd be interested in a guy
like you..."

Interrupting Dude #2's comments, Dude #1 proceeds to begin reading
her text messages, which are coming rapid fire.

"She says she'd love to go out with me..."  "She says she's been
waiting for me to ask her out for over a year now..."  "And hey...she
just sent a video!"

Dude #2, feigning mild excitement, says, "Oh really?  Let me see
that...", right as the girl can be overheard through the mobile
phone's speaker saying, "I'm really excited about our date...".

Dude #1 hands Dude #2 the phone, who proceeds to hurl it with a
loud grunt as far into the sky as he can.  He then swipes his hair
back and sits back as if nothing happened.

The factors that make this commercial riotously hilarious are

For starters, Dude #2 is the one who comes off as being more "image
conscious"...even as he's the one who ends up losing his cool in the

Also, there's the subtle reference to Dude #2 having been broken
up with the girl for six months, even as the girl mentions that she's
been waiting for Dude #1 to ask her out for "over a year now".


And, of course, there's the added bonus of the impossibly surreal
pace at which the whole train of events occurs.  There's just no way
everything in the commercial could all happen in under 20 seconds,
at least not in the real world.

But as humorous as the ad is, a big part of its overall appeal is
how almost all of us can really relate to Dude #2.

I mean, imagine you're dating a girl you really like, but she
breaks up with you.  

If left to our own devices most of us in that situation would
probably dread her getting together with our best friend (or worse,
maybe even our worst enemy), probably within the next 24-48
hours, no less.

Or let's say we're interested in a certain girl, who is clearly
single.  We take two full weeks to get up the nerve to ask her
out, and right then some other guy starts going out with her.

It's like we just know that sort of thing is going to happen.

And the weird part?  What we're dreading the most actually comes
to pass a freakishly high percentage of the time, or at least it seems.

What's up with that?

Here's what I think is going on...and there's actually a simple

Essentially, we as human beings are very good at thinking through
the logical sequence of events that could potentially happen.

In the case of a girl who breaks up with us, for example, it makes
perfect sense that she wouldn't stay single for long, as sharp as
she is.  

It ALSO makes sense that she'd end up with someone else from within
our social circle, right?

And that girl you waste so much time getting around to asking out?

It makes perfect sense that another guy would be quicker on the
draw than you are.

You end up being dead right about what you dread happening because
your thoughts are focused on what you correctly perceive to be a
highly probable outcome.

But here's where the rubber meets the road...and I hope you're
sitting down for this.

What you dread comes true so often because you have a
poisonous mindset.

When you believe something good happening with a woman you like
would be "too good to be true", you start projecting success on
someone else rather than yourself.

In effect, you fall into the vicious trap of believing that such good
things happen for other guys.  That kind of success isn't what YOU can

BUT...were you to consider yourself equally worthy as someone
else, you'd probably find you're just as good at predicting
positive outcomes for YOURSELF.

After all, the same "logic" applies.  It makes just as much sense
that the girl you like would be interested in you as she would be
in someone else...maybe even MORE if you're a "big four" man.

The ONLY difference between you and "some other guy" is that you
miraculously experience life from your own eyes rather than his.  
Your being is contained inside YOUR body, not his.

Therefore, to everyone else YOU are "some other guy".

So then, the question comes down to this:  Can you start claiming
some of that perfectly logical success for yourself rather than
"dreading it away" to others?

The great news is that this is a decision you can make TODAY.  You
can set this mindset into motion as easily as you flip a switch, no
"habit modification" necessary.

But you do have to BELIEVE that what I'm saying is logical, and
move forward accordingly.  From there, you can get ready to start
experiencing the kind of success with women that you've previously
only thought was for other guys.



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