[X&Y] 3 Disastrous Social Habits To Avoid
Published: Thu, 03/23/23
IN THIS EDITION: Do you want everyone in your social circle to
know how much of a badass you are? Well then, there's a certain
ironic truth that you must put to good use right away...
More and more men are discovering that The Big 4 Man
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It covers all seven major areas that guys tend to struggle in.
And every bit of it is ORIGINAL. There's nothing carried over
from my other programs.
I show you a 5-point, objective plan for suddenly becoming
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everyone laugh, including ALL the women. It's like having a
I'll also reveal the single most foolproof way to get a woman's
number I've ever seen...with step-by-step instructions.
You'll find out how to never appear needy ever again...all the
while winning over women who complain that "all men are
Did you know only TWO factors need to be in effect for a
woman to go out with you? Yes...it's THAT simple, and
it has been all along. I'll tell you everything.
And yes, I'll disclose what I told two different twenty-something
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What is it that 99% of ALL people do, even though it's KILLING
their social life? Cure it (quickly) and you'll be a "one percenter"
in your social circle immediately.
I'll hand over every step to getting a job promotion...each one
field-tested and proven. Most guys will NEVER, EVER figure
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You'll also get my already-infamous step-by-step plan for
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or who you need to confront about something. Truth: You DO
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Together, those two programs are like a "Swiss Army Knife"
for getting results with women:
Plus, I'll ALSO give you my popular program for unstoppable
confidence and bold skills with women. That's Invincible, of
Together, those two programs are like a "Swiss Army Knife"
for getting results with women:
A couple of months or so from now you'll look back, shake
your head and laugh...saying, "Wow."
That's a VERY good thing:
your head and laugh...saying, "Wow."
That's a VERY good thing:
The "Swiss Army Knife"
This is going to seem impossibly basic on the surface. Almost
But even though we may understand the fundamental basics
at the instinctive gut level, relatively few guys really get it right in
real-world interactions with others--men OR women.
Here's the thing: Even though we know we should always GIVE
more than we TAKE during the course of social interactions, a
shocking number of men in particular just can't seem to help
themselves...they've just GOT to be at least a little selfish.
And that's disastrous because coming off as selfish in social
situations means you might as well beat your chest and blatantly
proclaim your neediness to everyone around you.
Even subtle self-serving indications cause others to find someone
more important to talk to...in droves.
Here are three areas where the faux pas tend to occur:
1) Braggadocio
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much
you care." The pithy quote has been most widely attributed to Teddy
Roosevelt. Truer words have never been spoken.
Believe me when I tell you that nothing in this whole wide world is
more BORING to a listener than being asked to endure your endless
droning on about how excellent you are.
Yes, I understand the temptation to expedite the process by which
the whole world is aware of your many exploits and accomplishments.
But you'll most certainly enjoy more warmly felt accolades from a
wider cross-section of your social circle if you let someone else
tell the stories.
Give them room to be amazed on their own. It'll work out better
for you in the long run. I promise.
2) Showing Off
Do you feel the need to demonstrate to people how good you are at
And what if someone else shows some talent? Must you really hog
the spotlight and prove to everyone around you how your prowess
exceeds that of the other person?
If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you're absolutely,
positively coming off as LESS cool to everyone you know than you
In other words, that's being a douche. By definition.
Don't be that guy. Go ahead and celebrate someone else getting a
bit of recognition in the moment. The time will come--perhaps in
the next friggin' five minutes, if you can just hold your horses--when
someone else will acknowledge your talents as well.
And even if that doesn't come to pass, rest assured that your quiet
resolve to remain cooler than any other needy guys around you will
always pay rich dividends in the long run.
3) Offering Unsolicited Advice
I have to tell you that this is by FAR the toughest one for me to
avoid personally.
After all, I see guys all around me blowing it with women all the
time. All. The. Time.
But life experience has told me that I can throw down the most
smokin' dating tips in the world to someone who did NOT ask me
for them and they'll go 100% unheeded. In fact, I'll probably be
resented for offering to help.
Amazingly, you can even preface unsolicited advice in any way you
want--including humility and/or a straightforward acknowledgment
that you already realize you're being obnoxious--and it will yet be
met with indifference, if not utter hostility.
Come to think of it, I reconnected with an old friend from high
school on Facebook recently. The first thing he did was ask me if
I was married and how many kids I had. The next thing he did was
offer unsolicited marriage and parenting advice.
I'm realizing as I'm typing this that I haven't bothered to chat
with him again since. What I'm telling you is no joke.
The only viable exception to the rule of withholding unsolicited
advice is when it's truly a matter of life and death. If someone
is about to do something mortally stupid and you know better, then
it's definitely time to step in.
Who cares how you look socially in that case, right?
But even then, know you'll be resented for it.
Bragging, showing off and unsolicited advice are all under the
same umbrella, actually...and it's all about lack of empathy and
lack of concern for others.
That is to say, it's all about selfishness.
So how about it? Can you bite your tongue when it comes to
social selfishness and lead others to feel comfortable talking
about themselves instead?
It may take some serious doing at first, but as you get used to
it I'm positive you'll find that others around you--perhaps
ironically--find you to be a FAR more interesting person.

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