[X&Y] World Exclusive: How To Talk To Your Son About Women And Sex
Published: Thu, 03/30/23
I have a confession to make. This all-
new program I'm announcing right
here and right now may be coming
as a total surprise, but I’ve actually
had it in the works for FIVE YEARS.
You see, the day I did exactly what’s
detailed in it occurred when my son
John was 10, and he's now 15.
But I waited…because I wanted to
hear from you guys FIRST HAND that
the demand was there for this.
And yes, it most certainly is.
After all, almost every one of us would
have benefited MASSIVELY had our
dads taught us as boys about girls and
But since almost NO dads ever do
that, we had to watch from the sidelines
as like three or four of our peers in
Junior High were the ONLY ONES
who knew how to talk to girls.
I now know that MOST of you dads
out there reading this would LOVE
to become one of the few and the
proud among fathers who boldly
and effectively imparts this gift to
his own son.
But indeed, to this day NOBODY—in
the dating advice world or otherwise
—has broached this topic.
Until now:
Talk To Your Son About Women And Sex
Listen, I’m no superhero. My heart
was racing the day I had “the talk”
with my son, which of course is
completely normal.
But as it turns out, my years of
immersion in the art and science
of women and dating indeed
enabled me to stumble upon a
truly effective (and I dare say
especially powerful) approach to
this all-important rite of passage.
I knew all along that the day would
come when sharing what worked
SO WELL was basically a moral
Yes, you as a father MUST do
It simply cannot be left to chance
anymore, let alone to your son's
peers, the schools, or social media.
Just within the last few months
this has this become more
painfully obvious than ever.
That was actually the “tipping point”,
if you will, that suddenly inspired me
to prioritize producing this program.
So then, How To Talk To Your Son
About Women And Sex is truly a
labor of love…and of urgency.
No fancy title, just a raw description
of what you can expect from it.
And I’m proud to say that I’ve enlisted
the support of some of the foremost
experts on the planet to help produce
valuable bonuses for you, all of whom
LOVED the project and JUMPED at
the chance to be part of it.
You’ll hear none other than Dr. Robert
Glover of No More Mr. Nice Guy
fame apply his years of world-class
expertise to eliminating “nice guy
fatherhood”...which he told me he
had NEVER talked about before
Jonathan Catherman, who with his
wife has authored the most wildly
popular books on fathering boys,
emailed me back within five minutes
when I invited him on board.
And my good friend Derek “Mr.
Adventure” Loudermilk really
impressed me with his willingness to
throw on the table exactly how he
went from being a single guy dating
multiple women to 100% readiness
for fatherhood.
There will be more bonuses added
in the near future, and with them will
likely come a price increase.
But for now, this program will NOT
break the bank.
Each and every one of you out there
who cares passionately about raising
your sons (or future sons) for ultimate
success in this life—not just with
women—will flat-out hit the jackpot
Pass The Torch
Take a look, and if what you see
resonates as much with you as it
did with me, grab a copy.
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