[X&Y] The Truth About What Happened In 7th Grade

Published: Fri, 03/31/23



Yesterday I announced an all-new
giving us as fathers a step-by-step plan on
how to talk to our young sons about girls,
dating and sex.

How To Talk To Your Son About Women And Sex

So far, the feedback has been amazing,
mostly because it finally handles a topic
that we as men don't exactly look forward
to and GREATLY simplifies it.

Along those lines, I chose today's "classic"
newsletter below intentionally, as it
really takes us back to how we felt when
we were pre-teens ourselves.

After all, if you're like me (and there's an
overwhelmingly high chance you are),
you found Junior High super frustrating.

The girls became more interesting to us,
but there were only 3 or 4 of the boys who
THEY thought were interesting...

...or so it seemed, at least.

The difference that MADE the
difference with those few other boys
was almost certainly that their DADS
had had "The Talk" with them.

And not just about the "birds and the
bees" (although that's important), but
also about HOW to relate to girls.

Now as dads, we have a golden chance
to "pass the torch" to our sons, giving
them a powerful head start:

How To Talk To Your Son About Women And Sex

Gentlemen, times are different nowadays
than when we were kids. Stepping up
and teaching our sons about women and
sex has GOT to be done, or else it will
be left to peers, school boards and the

How To Talk To Your Son About Women
And Sex is concise, backed by my in-
field experience, is simple and easy,
and most of all...it WORKS.

By the way, it won't break the bank, either.

Check out the great bonuses as well,
including a world-exclusive from Dr. Robert



Do you remember how there were about three or four boys in your
seventh grade class who ALL the girls talked about?

They're the ones girls were writing the names of all over their
notebooks.  They're the ones that the girls were in love with one
minute and mad at the next.

And worst of all, they're the ones who showed up late at the middle
school dance...only to quickly disappear under the stairwell with the
girl YOU were still gathering up the nerve to ask to dance.

At the time it may have seemed like EVERY kid at school was
smooth with the girls EXCEPT YOU.  

But looking back, there were really only a few who instinctively
knew how to talk to girls and make them go nuts over them.

Maybe three or four of them, like I said.

And sure, you focused your jealousy on the success THEY were

But the raw truth was there were about 200 other 12-year-old boys
all around you wondering the same thing:  How did those FEW
guys get ALL the girls' attention?

The answer was disarmingly simple:  In their reality, girls were NO
Does that sound like far too simple an explanation for a phenomenon
so perplexing?

That might be because to them it WAS simple.

It's THE REST OF US who have talked ourselves into believing that
getting girls to like us IS a "big deal", and we've formed the habit
from a very, very young age.

So what's going on there?  Why did this happen?

Well for starters, consider how the whole idea of "dating" and
"adolescence" are relatively NEW ideas in human history.

Back in the day, boys were paired up with a neighborhood girl when
they were at the age of sexual maturity and sent to work...and to
get started on making babies with her of their own.

Nowadays kids mature sexually sooner than they did in the past.
And yet we're all kept out of the adult world (i.e. the workforce)
longer than ever before.

But meanwhile, nothing has really changed for us physically.  
Once our hormones start raging they do so suddenly and

This means most of us as boys were left thinking about sex all the
time, long before we had the social skills to know how to create

And it's not like many of our dads were teaching us this stuff.
They had grown up the same way we did for the most part.

Now here's the scariest part.

In an incredibly short time, our fantasies about that girl in our
math class became SO AMAZING that the possibility of ever
getting close to her seemed too good to be true.

And, of course, human nature dictates that if you fixate on
something you want very, very badly but find yourself unable to
get it, it has a way of seeming farther and farther away the longer
it eludes you.

Before you knew it, you were paralyzed when faced with the
possibility of even TALKING to that girl, let alone getting her to
go out with you.

Why?  Because you let your hormones trick you into being sex
focused even at such a young age.

You had thought about sex A LOT, yet all you got in return was
FRUSTRATION...early and often.

Meanwhile, what about those few kids who seemed to get all the

Well, they talked to even the cutest girls and teased them as if
there was NOTHING at stake.

They treated them as if the glimmering idea of "sex" (even if in
the far-flung future) was just not a concern.

Why were they able to do this when the rest of us weren't?

It's all because they had they idea of sex demystified for them
before they ever hit puberty.

Maybe those three or five boys had older brothers who seemed
to have girls around all the time. That's possible.   

If so, they saw first-hand how boy/girl interactions were
supposed to work,even if imperfectly.

Or maybe they had older sisters whose similarly older female
friends flirted with them a little bit...just enough to make them
comfortable bantering with girls their own age.

But what probably happened is their dads talked to them about
women and sex early on. This gave them an unfair advantage,
for certain.
The bottom line is it's likely someone modeled how it was all
supposed to work before those kids were old enough to really
care, at least from a sexual perspective.

And they were probably VERY observant because they looked
up to whomever was demonstrating this stuff to them.

So then, they entered puberty already knowing just what to
say to girls and how to interact with them.

By the time they actually had hair on their balls, the girls were
already tuned in and interested.  No wondering about how to
make it all happen was necessary.

Looking back, some of the kind of kids I'm talking about in my
own middle school classes indeed had older brothers or

One in particular was the second youngest of NINE.  

But on the other hand, I was the oldest sibling in my family by
five years.  

I've talked to my fair share of guys who can relate to EVERY
SHRED of what I'm saying who were also the eldest child, or
even the only child.

As I said, the LONGER we let our fantasies about something run
amok, the harder it is to believe we'll EVER see it become a

This not only goes for women and sex, by the way, but for money,
our career path, or just about any other facet of human success.

It's easy for rich kids to believe they'll have plenty of money
when they're older.  But if you grow up poor, making your first
million seems almost unthinkable.

That's because having money has been demystified for the kids
who came from wealthy families and not for the kids who didn't.

...one or the other.

Many of us as men NEVER, EVER get around to demystifying the
fantasies that elude us.

We start out as poor kids, and we never dig ourselves out of that

OR...we reach puberty and before we know it our fantasies about
girls lock us out from effectively relating to them in reality.

A few of us, if we're lucky, get snapped out of it by a
particularly bold girl who is very forward with us early on.
Some of us get over it by dumb luck.

But MOST of us end up NEVER demystifying sex.  Therefore, we
dig ourselves DEEPER and DEEPER into the hole.

Years go by and we reach our twenties, thirties and even beyond
only WISHING we could be with the kind of woman we REALLY want.

And indeed, MOST of us end up SETTLING for the one woman who
appears out of the darkness and chooses US...if we end up with a
woman at all.

So here it is:  Does demystifying the story behind why most of us
fail with women from a very young age make you want to finally
demystify your success with women itself?

After all, this really involves the BASICS.  This is a foundational
principle to getting better with women.

As long as you think the reality of a woman wanting to get physical
with you is FAR AWAY, the FARTHER AWAY it will get.

Can you believe that as a man you were born to attract women?

Can you grasp the truth that the only difference between YOU
and the few kids back in seventh grade who got all the girls was
their comfort level in talking to them and attracting them?

Think about it...that really was the only difference, wasn't it?  

They weren't necessarily the tallest, richest or best-looking kids,
right?  They were the ones who actually TALKED to girls without
caring what the outcome was.

It really is time to dig yourself OUT of that hole you've been
digging all these years since, isn't it?

Let me tell you, that's one of greatest advantages The Master
gives you...the ability to go back in time and reclaim your
natural masculine presence and the raw belief that women
SHOULD BE, and in fact WILL BE attracted to you.

For that very reason, The Master Plan is absolutely the most
foundational program I've ever created.  

It was the "flagship" program here at X & Y Communications
for many years.

That is, until Invincible was released relatively recently.

Think of Invincible as The Master Plan 2.0.  Once you reclaim
natural masculinity that attracts women, how do you wear it like

How do you navigate today's bizarre dating and relating trends?

What does it take to GET women when few guys really know
how anymore?

Gentlemen, get this right and you will be a MACHINE with women.

Right now you have the opportunity to experience both
Invincible and The Master Plan as a special 2-for-1...

...and you get it all for 50% the everyday price of Invincible

50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE

Even though the thought of interacting with and attracting women
shouldn't be a big deal to you, this SURELY is.

You'll get in-depth discussions on how to become the kind of man
who naturally attracts women.

Plus, you'll quickly discover how becoming a more attractive man
will dramatically impact your level of success in OTHER areas of
life also...like your career and your social circle:

50% Off Invincible + The Master Plan FREE

Get in on this guys, and kick off your weekend with POWER.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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