[X&Y] Your Playground Full Of Women

Published: Mon, 06/19/23


WHAT'S INSIDE: How to make your hometown feel like one
big dating playground.



What I'll tell you in this newsletter will make countless
women in the near future insanely glad they met you.

That is...if you ever actually get around to meeting

Hey, I know how it can be. You really WANT to meet

You know you really SHOULD be meeting women.

Yet somehow you are NOT meeting women.

Maybe you've tried online dating and apps in the
past and didn't get the results you were hoping for.

I understand. But know this: That doesn't change
the fact that online dating seriously works like
gangbusters for lots of men...as long as they know
how to get it right.

Like I've always said, most of us as men won't ask
for directions until the car is on fire.

But that's where you can beat the system and
bypass the "competition" online...suddenly meeting
all the women you can handle..
It's like cutting in line.

In Online Dating Domination 3.0 you'll get your
hands on every secret I have, based on 18 years
of total immersion in online dating strategy.

In other words, there's nothing left for you to figure

I've done all the "heavy lifting" for you...and you
can't lose:

50% Off Online Dating Domination + The Man's Approach FREE

Summer is here...and along with it the sundresses
and the bikinis.

Meanwhile, women go stir-crazy over the thought
of not having a guy to go on warm-weather
adventures with this time of year.

This means that meeting women online right now
is like shooting fish in a barrel.

But again...that's only as long as you know exactly
what to do.

Right now you can get a full 50% off your copy of
Online Dating Domination 3.0.

PLUS, I'll give you a full and complete copy of
The Man's Approach too. That way, you can
meet women both online AND offline, right?

50% Off Online Dating Domination + The Man's Approach FREE

How many women can you meet? How far can
you raise the bar?

I can tell you from experience that the sky's the

But you DO need all the advantages that I'll hand
over to you in Online Dating Domination 3.0.



Not too long ago I sent you a newsletter on the importance of
having numerous places in your town already in mind where you
could take a woman on a date.

Now that you've hopefully begun to build the habit of continually
scoping out your metro area with women in mind, by no means
should you limit your reconnaissance missions to discovering
places for first meetings.

Start thinking "out of the box" and consider how your new-found
skill could serve you in other ways.

If you can do this, you can begin to make your entire metro area
one big playground for you and for the women who are fortunate
enough to share your company.

For example, train your mind to identify quintessentially perfect
places around town for first kisses to happen.  

Then, when you're with a woman, make sure your plan accounts for
being at such a location precisely when you anticipate might be the
right time.

For example, if you know the sun is setting at 7.45p, make sure you
are there RIGHT THEN.

Or, if you know of a great place to hear some live music, and you
know a great place to make the first kiss happen is only a short
walk away, coordinate accordingly.

Discover several such places and commit them to memory, and before
you know it you'll NEVER be at a loss as to when and where to kiss a
woman for the first time.

How's that for a way to vacuum up a particularly messy "sticking
point" before you ever slip on it again?

Here in San Antonio, there's a certain small archway that leads
from the Riverwalk to another historic section called La Villita.
The lighting is perfect and there's almost never anyone else

Elsewhere in town, there's that old-school bar at the Hotel Havana
that's best accessed by a particularly slow-moving elevator lined
with Persian rugs.  Nice.

Next, take this manner of thinking about your city and apply it
in other ways.

Can you creatively adapt the "mind trigger" concept?

What if you knew at least ten cool places to grab a bite that are
open after midnight?

What if you knew five or six killer places that are open on Mondays?

And how about if you knew exactly where to park downtown...at
different hours of the day?

And what if you knew exactly where they only take cash and not
credit cards, so you could come prepared and avoid

What if you had discovered at least ten places in your metro area
that are virtually unknown but practically guaranteed to provide a
fun adventure for very little if any cost?

And...what if you had already scoped out several perfect places to
share a quiet moment together...but where she would STILL feel safe
and secure with you?

The list can go on and on...

Like, what if you got to know the owners or managers of the top
four or five places in town where dates have been all but
guaranteed to go well in the past?  

If you did so, what kind of deals could you swing or surprises
could you arrange?  

What level of mutual trust could you build?  What if you made
arrangements with them so that when you're with a woman you
could simply walk out without being confronted with a bill?

Really, when you get right down to it, this entire discussion is
about being a few chess moves ahead at all times.

And what if you knew of exactly three phenomenal places for a "day
trip" that were a 1.5 or two hour drive from town?  How would that
power up your ability to make second and third "meetings" a slam

What if you knew which bands and shows were coming...and when?

And what if you knew when the home team was in town?

Truly, the more you explore, the more you know.  Sooner than you
think, it really can start feeling as if your entire city is your
"dating playground", responding to you as if at your command.

This is powerful stuff.

And as always, it seems, this again relates to deserving what you
want.  The quality of the output is a direct measure of what you
put into it.

Yet, as logical as it all sounds, very few guys have the presence
of mind to operate as masters of their domain like this.

Even fewer would ever think to mark every cool place in town on
their smartphones, just so that:

  1) No key location is ever forgotten or confused, and

  2) Planning and execution become scientifically infallible.


Close your eyes and start imagining the effect on women that such
total mastery over your metro area would have.   

Feel the confidence it would give you and recognize the comfort level
your sheer competence would give her.

The sky is truly the limit when it comes to all of this.

But simply taking the first step--learning to stake out your town
so that the "mind triggers" start working to your advantage--can and
will change your life IMMEDIATELY.  

Everything else we've discussed today is just icing on the cake.



(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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