[X&Y] They Get Offended A Lot
Published: Wed, 06/21/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: Many of us tend to be extra
careful about offending a woman when we
meet her and/or when we go out on a
date with her. Here's why you can stop
worrying about that.
Men who are in on the power of Masterclasses
For Men have usually been to more than one.
Often, they've been in on them ALL.
The reason for that is simple. Each Masterclass
focuses on one BIG topic related to women and
relationships and covers it ALL.
You get all the answers. The entire toolkit. No
more confusion. No more excuses.
The combination of focuses, actionable steps
AND answers to the real questions asked during
the Masterclass itself makes the magic happen.
If you're new to Masterclasses and are ready to
gain these advantages for yourself, the good
news is we've already covered fourteen rock-
solid topics. You can catch up on any of them
right here:
Masterclasses For Men
And yes, this month's Masterclass is coming soon, and
it will be on an equally significant and powerful topic.
If you HAVE been in on Masterclasses in the past, you
know the value. Right now, you can get in on a Season
Ticket which gives you any eight Masterclasses--past
or future--for a full 30% off:
Masterclasses For Men
Don't miss out.
It never fails, really.
Whenever I write to you guys with an assertive opinion--especially
on how masculinity and femininity work--I get an e-mail from at
least one woman somewhere who is absolutely appalled at me and
what I'm apparently about.
Now, one would think it's fairly apparent from the cross-section of
causes I champion, truths I teach about, and especially the type of
female human beings I have in my life that I generally have the best
interests of both genders--men AND women--at heart.
And indeed, Emily and I are all about everyone winning at
relationships. This isn't about "us vs. them" or any such gender
bashing nonsense.
So there's really little doubt, generally speaking, that I'm a guy
who thinks very highly of women and who respects them.
Nevertheless, certain women will feel compelled to write me the
most scathing, insulting messages you can imagine at times.
Remember the newsletter I sent you a while back that asked if you
can win an argument with a woman? You guessed it...I got "hate
mail" from two different angry women who wanted to argue with
me about it.
I didn't answer either, of course, lest I defy my very own advice
on the subject.
But if I had, I would only need to have written, "Please actually
read the whole newsletter."
But they won't. They don't want to. They LIKE getting all worked
up over something. Anything.
You should see how my inbox blew up that time I wrote a
newsletter called, "Are Women Good For Anything Other Than
Yeah, well...several women didn't even get past the subject line
on that one.
Read. The. Freaking. Article.
But even then it probably wouldn't make a difference.
I'm tantamount to Satan as they see it, and an example in
in their minds of how "all men are no good". They go looking for
"trouble" and make sure they find it.
Apparently a newsletter on women for men is low-hanging fruit,
as is--perhaps ironically--a relatively easy-going author who they
perceive isn't likely to lambaste them in kind.
Often the problem they're so worked up about revolves around
their interpretation (or misinterpretation) of one phrase (or even
one word) in a newsletter they received from me that just freakin'
sets them off like a Roman candle.
One time I used the word "harp" as a verb. A woman wrote
back, "How DARE you imply I'm a 'harpie'!" I had to look that
one up, at which point I laughed out loud.
Despite my wise habit of biting my tongue until it bleeds, you have
no idea how tempted I am to respond to such women with, "I know
why you're single."
I mean, good grief. People who get offended easily SUCK.
There I said it.
Now, predictably enough, watch me get "hate mail" from people
who are offended by that one too, upset because I think they suck.
But consider how true it is for a second. And it doesn't matter
which gender you are.
Hell, some people even get offended by having to pick a gender
these days.
And if I obliged them and asked "which pronoun?", they'd likely
get offended by that too.
If you feel like you've got to "walk on eggshells" around certain
people all the time lest they twist the next thing you say into
somehow being an affront against their very personhood, it isn't
going to be long before you stop hanging out with them.
And if you're unfortunate enough to find yourself actually dating
a woman like that, the floodgates to "gender wars" flaring up at any
convenient opportunity seem to get thrown wide open.
Obviously, the more easily the woman in your life is offended, the
more drama and other relational trouble you're going to have with
But here's the truly crazy part...
Some of us as guys actually allow ourselves to get sucked in to
that brand of negativity, all the while feeling like we need to
apologize or even make up for having offended her, even when we
can't really figure out exactly what we did wrong.
That has more to do with our own male guilt than anything else,
causing us to continue believing that women are "goddesses" who
are infallible, even as "all masculinity is toxic".
But meanwhile, the truth is you really do have the power to
change how you deal with a woman who gets offended by
anything and everything she can conveniently shake her fist at.
Now let me be perfectly clear here.
If she, or you, or anyone else feels personally insulted by relatively
minor things--even things that are more general in nature than aimed
squarely at you--it's not like y'all don't have the right to feel that way.
It's just that anyone like that SUCKS to be around.
So as long as one exercises one's right to be offended, others can
(and should) exercise their respective right to find friends who are more
I just heard someone say, "But I AM easy-going. How DARE you
assume I'm not! You know nothing about me!"
Yeah...sure. Have it your way. Just do so without me along for the
ride. Sheesh.
You know, though, even if you only get offended when someone levels
a very real insult toward you, your race, your gender, etc. you may
indeed have a much more VALID reason to be offended.
That's absolutely true.
But you STILL suck.
No thanks to today's "politically correct" post-modern world, more people
are more offended by sillier stuff (and more of it) than ever before.
After all, that's the defining point of "political correctness": It's not the
speaker's intent that matters anymore. It's how the listener perceives
what is said or done.
Thin-skinned, insecure people are kowtowed to in that context, and
therefore empowered in their weakness. This is a well-known
psychological pattern, and it's now taken over our culture.
And unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, it therefore follows logically that
more people SUCK than ever before.
All you have to do is go to Twitter for instant proof.
Simply put, the more easy-going you are--no matter what--the more fun
you're going to be to hang around.
AND...as a man, the LESS you tolerate women who are easily
offended--let alone carry the blame for them--the more you're going
to enjoy your dating life.
Somewhere, a woman reading this just said, "OMG...he said be less
tolerant. Let's boycott him!"
So definitely take it easy yourself. Laugh a little. Don't be quite so
concerned about someone "stereotyping" you, "disrespecting" you or
Save that energy for when the chips are really down, which is
almost never.
That is to say, be vigilant against being offended.
What's more, find a woman who matches up with you in that regard.
Both are decidedly better for your long-term health. Deserve what
you want.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, and help
build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
The Facebook Group For Men
WHAT'S INSIDE: Many of us tend to be extra
careful about offending a woman when we
meet her and/or when we go out on a
date with her. Here's why you can stop
worrying about that.
Men who are in on the power of Masterclasses
For Men have usually been to more than one.
Often, they've been in on them ALL.
The reason for that is simple. Each Masterclass
focuses on one BIG topic related to women and
relationships and covers it ALL.
You get all the answers. The entire toolkit. No
more confusion. No more excuses.
The combination of focuses, actionable steps
AND answers to the real questions asked during
the Masterclass itself makes the magic happen.
If you're new to Masterclasses and are ready to
gain these advantages for yourself, the good
news is we've already covered fourteen rock-
solid topics. You can catch up on any of them
right here:
Masterclasses For Men
And yes, this month's Masterclass is coming soon, and
it will be on an equally significant and powerful topic.
If you HAVE been in on Masterclasses in the past, you
know the value. Right now, you can get in on a Season
Ticket which gives you any eight Masterclasses--past
or future--for a full 30% off:
Masterclasses For Men
Don't miss out.
It never fails, really.
Whenever I write to you guys with an assertive opinion--especially
on how masculinity and femininity work--I get an e-mail from at
least one woman somewhere who is absolutely appalled at me and
what I'm apparently about.
Now, one would think it's fairly apparent from the cross-section of
causes I champion, truths I teach about, and especially the type of
female human beings I have in my life that I generally have the best
interests of both genders--men AND women--at heart.
And indeed, Emily and I are all about everyone winning at
relationships. This isn't about "us vs. them" or any such gender
bashing nonsense.
So there's really little doubt, generally speaking, that I'm a guy
who thinks very highly of women and who respects them.
Nevertheless, certain women will feel compelled to write me the
most scathing, insulting messages you can imagine at times.
Remember the newsletter I sent you a while back that asked if you
can win an argument with a woman? You guessed it...I got "hate
mail" from two different angry women who wanted to argue with
me about it.
I didn't answer either, of course, lest I defy my very own advice
on the subject.
But if I had, I would only need to have written, "Please actually
read the whole newsletter."
But they won't. They don't want to. They LIKE getting all worked
up over something. Anything.
You should see how my inbox blew up that time I wrote a
newsletter called, "Are Women Good For Anything Other Than
Yeah, well...several women didn't even get past the subject line
on that one.
Read. The. Freaking. Article.
But even then it probably wouldn't make a difference.
I'm tantamount to Satan as they see it, and an example in
in their minds of how "all men are no good". They go looking for
"trouble" and make sure they find it.
Apparently a newsletter on women for men is low-hanging fruit,
as is--perhaps ironically--a relatively easy-going author who they
perceive isn't likely to lambaste them in kind.
Often the problem they're so worked up about revolves around
their interpretation (or misinterpretation) of one phrase (or even
one word) in a newsletter they received from me that just freakin'
sets them off like a Roman candle.
One time I used the word "harp" as a verb. A woman wrote
back, "How DARE you imply I'm a 'harpie'!" I had to look that
one up, at which point I laughed out loud.
Despite my wise habit of biting my tongue until it bleeds, you have
no idea how tempted I am to respond to such women with, "I know
why you're single."
I mean, good grief. People who get offended easily SUCK.
There I said it.
Now, predictably enough, watch me get "hate mail" from people
who are offended by that one too, upset because I think they suck.
But consider how true it is for a second. And it doesn't matter
which gender you are.
Hell, some people even get offended by having to pick a gender
these days.
And if I obliged them and asked "which pronoun?", they'd likely
get offended by that too.
If you feel like you've got to "walk on eggshells" around certain
people all the time lest they twist the next thing you say into
somehow being an affront against their very personhood, it isn't
going to be long before you stop hanging out with them.
And if you're unfortunate enough to find yourself actually dating
a woman like that, the floodgates to "gender wars" flaring up at any
convenient opportunity seem to get thrown wide open.
Obviously, the more easily the woman in your life is offended, the
more drama and other relational trouble you're going to have with
But here's the truly crazy part...
Some of us as guys actually allow ourselves to get sucked in to
that brand of negativity, all the while feeling like we need to
apologize or even make up for having offended her, even when we
can't really figure out exactly what we did wrong.
That has more to do with our own male guilt than anything else,
causing us to continue believing that women are "goddesses" who
are infallible, even as "all masculinity is toxic".
But meanwhile, the truth is you really do have the power to
change how you deal with a woman who gets offended by
anything and everything she can conveniently shake her fist at.
Now let me be perfectly clear here.
If she, or you, or anyone else feels personally insulted by relatively
minor things--even things that are more general in nature than aimed
squarely at you--it's not like y'all don't have the right to feel that way.
It's just that anyone like that SUCKS to be around.
So as long as one exercises one's right to be offended, others can
(and should) exercise their respective right to find friends who are more
I just heard someone say, "But I AM easy-going. How DARE you
assume I'm not! You know nothing about me!"
Yeah...sure. Have it your way. Just do so without me along for the
ride. Sheesh.
You know, though, even if you only get offended when someone levels
a very real insult toward you, your race, your gender, etc. you may
indeed have a much more VALID reason to be offended.
That's absolutely true.
But you STILL suck.
No thanks to today's "politically correct" post-modern world, more people
are more offended by sillier stuff (and more of it) than ever before.
After all, that's the defining point of "political correctness": It's not the
speaker's intent that matters anymore. It's how the listener perceives
what is said or done.
Thin-skinned, insecure people are kowtowed to in that context, and
therefore empowered in their weakness. This is a well-known
psychological pattern, and it's now taken over our culture.
And unfortunately, I'm sorry to say, it therefore follows logically that
more people SUCK than ever before.
All you have to do is go to Twitter for instant proof.
Simply put, the more easy-going you are--no matter what--the more fun
you're going to be to hang around.
AND...as a man, the LESS you tolerate women who are easily
offended--let alone carry the blame for them--the more you're going
to enjoy your dating life.
Somewhere, a woman reading this just said, "OMG...he said be less
tolerant. Let's boycott him!"
So definitely take it easy yourself. Laugh a little. Don't be quite so
concerned about someone "stereotyping" you, "disrespecting" you or
Save that energy for when the chips are really down, which is
almost never.
That is to say, be vigilant against being offended.
What's more, find a woman who matches up with you in that regard.
Both are decidedly better for your long-term health. Deserve what
you want.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, and help
build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
The Facebook Group For Men
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