[X&Y] The 6 Most Dreaded Sticking Points

Published: Thu, 07/13/23


IN THIS EDITION: Want to do away with
the most unnerving aspects of meeting
women and dating them? The solution is
right under your nose...and has been all



What if I told you that you could
completely ELIMINATE every one
of the following major hassles typically
cited by frustrated guys everywhere?

1)  Doing "cold approaches"

2)  Fear of "rejection"

3)  Figuring out what to say to her on
the spot

4)  Going out and spending $$$ on
Friday nights hoping to "game" women

5)  Hitting venue after venue trying to
find women you find attractive

6)  Going through all of that only to
hear, "I have a boyfriend"

If you're like me it probably makes
your hair stand on end even to READ
that list.

But no kidding. You can do away with
all of those nightmares.

And to prove it to you, I have a bit of
a confession to make. I personally did
it in my own life.

In fact, from about two full years before
I met Emily until the day I actually met
her I almost never bothered with ANY
of those six hassles.

In fact, I'm not sure I've ever revealed
this before, but during that time I met
90%+ of the women I went out with

...online dating.

Boom.  It's been right there for you this
whole time.

"But Scot, all the women on there are
misrepresenting themselves, if they're
not complete scams to begin with."

I can assure you,  Once I share a few
fall-out-of-bed easy clues with you, you'll
weed any of those out instantly. From
here you won't believe the high quality
sweethearts you'll encounter.

"But Scot, only ferociously fugly women
who can't get a date are online, right?"

It's pretty much as simple as this: just
take a look for yourself. Do a quick
search of your zip code on Match, Hinge
or Zoosk.

No, you won't be attracted to every
woman who comes up in your search.

But I can almost guarantee you'll find the
ratio of attractive women to not-so-attractive
women online to be no less favorable than
anywhere else you go.

"But Scot, the competition from other guys
on those sites is too fierce."

After being immersed in this stuff for over
twenty years now, I can solemnly state from
both personal experience and from coaching
hundreds of you guys personally that the
VAST majority of men online are SCREWING

And guess what? It really matters very little if
these other dudes are good with women
"offline" or not. Over 90% of them QUIT within
90 days of posting their profile.

That means that once YOU know the ropes,
you'll quickly dispatch the competition and
stand an excellent chance of getting ALL THE

And how do you do that without having to
deal with those six major hassles I mentioned
above ever again?

Well, instead of having to gather your stones
and walk up to women in public, you can simply
shop through their profiles online like you would
books on Amazon, and write an e-mail to her
That definitely lifts the crushing pressure off of
the moment, doesn't it?

And you won't have to cringe thinking about her
saying something brutal to you in response. She'll
either answer your e-mail or not.  

You'll never be "on the spot" when it comes to
talking to her because you can take as much time
as you need to carefully craft the RIGHT first
message to her.

And obviously, you don't have to jump through
all the hoops associated with getting dressed,
going out to expensive clubs and buying drinks.

If you want, you can meet women in your boxer
shorts while watching ESPN with an iPad.

Instead of searching the world over in search of
true love (sounds like a bad skit from that old
"Hee-Haw" show, right?) you simply click the
screen and the ones who fit your preferences
show up right there...all at once.

And best of all, you'll NEVER, EVER, EVER
hear "Oh...I have a boyfriend" from ANY woman
on a dating site. They're ALL there because they
DON'T have a boyfriend.

Guys, getting into online dating is about as much
of a "no brainer" as you're likely to find in this life.

Not convinced yet? Consider by the time you're
actually on a "date" with a woman you meet online,
both of you are already EXPECTING to be
interested in each other in that "non-platonic" way.

You don't have to surf through the politics of
deciding whether or not to ask her out. It's implicit
that you should.

Celebrities, TV presenters, NBA cheerleaders,
Olympic gymnasts and at one time even Miss
America herself have been online.

And yes, I met Emily online. She got more than
her fair share of attention from guys, but the
difference is I knew how to present myself as the
RIGHT guy for her. Other dudes never stood a
chance because I knew how to do that ONLINE.

So obviously, if simply getting online is a "no
brainer", then discovering all the secrets to doing
it right is an even BIGGER one.

After all, what could be better than skyrocketing
to the head of the line in front of all the other
knuckleheads out there who think they can
master online dating on their own?

Think of it: Getting the women you really WANT
to meet...as many as you can handle, until you've
met the RIGHT woman for you.

Online Dating Domination 3.0 is where you can
capitalize on every secret I've EVER learned
about how to WIN at online dating:

Online Dating Domination 3.0 -- 50% Off

Believe me, a whole bunch of those secrets
have been acquired the hard way...through
YEARS of trial and error.

But you get to BYPASS all of that, even as
you also BYPASS those six major dating
hassles I listed above.

Right now I've activated that automatic
coupon that's worth a full 50% off at checkout
...but only for the next 24 hours.

Here's the link again:

Online Dating Domination 3.0 -- 50% Off

This time, I'm also forking over a complete
copy of The Man's Approach, too. That way,
you'll meet women online OR offline effortlessly.

Shouldn't meeting women, attracting them and
basking in the glory of their adoration be FUN?

Of course it should. Forget the hassles from
this day forward and get what you want the
easy way.

Remember, I personally guarantee your success
If I can do this, so can you.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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