[X&Y] Is Being "Nice" Really The Problem?
Published: Mon, 07/24/23
IN THIS EDITION: We know that falling into the dreaded trap of being "Mr. Nice Guy" kills our
chances with women dead in their tracks. But does that necessarily mean we all need to act like jerks instead?
Wednesday, 26 July @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
Yesterday I announced this month’s Masterclass For Men, which is all about having the right words at the right time to say to any woman.
This LIVE event is only 48 hours away, and what makes it SO revolutionary is I’m not simply going to hand you a bunch of standard lines and “openers” to use.
Instead, you’ll be empowered with game-changing knowledge about HOW men and women tend to communicate.
There’s not only a dead-simple pattern to it, there’s a natural FLOW to it when done right. Remarkably often, VERY SIMILAR words are used in certain situations…all without even having to think about it.
Importantly, this is by no means limited simply to meeting women and asking them out.
Although I’ll definitely cover all of that, here are just some of the OTHER scenarios with women where you’ll NEVER be at a loss for words EVER again:
• When you’re actually out with her
• When she says, “I have a boyfriend”
• When she’s fishing for approval
• Women who play “hard to get”
• The first time she brings up sex
• When things actually turn sexual
• In the bedroom
• When she’s upset or angry (even at YOU)
• Women who are afraid or stressed
• When she plays you against other guys
• When she wants to LEAVE you
• Waitresses, bartenders, flight attendants
• Women who are working in retail
• Bars, clubs or ANYWHERE all day long
• Shy, quiet women
• Sharp, quick-witted women
I’ll show you how to foolproof anything you say, and even HOW to say it.
You’ll also emerge from this Masterclass knowing what’s even better than saying ANYTHING at all in certain scenarios.
Let me spell it out: Your words are POWER, and after Wednesday’s Masterclass For Men you’ll never be left “flat-footed”.
Wednesday, 26 July @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
Click the link above to secure your ticket. I’ve never presented on this topic ever before, and a clear advantage over other guys awaits you.
As always, if you can’t make it on Wednesday night you don’t have to miss out. I’ll have a fully-stocked Download Portal the very next day for you, including some special bonuses:
Wednesday, 26 July @8pm EDT (GMT -4)
As we've all read countless articles and heard endless audio on how "nice guys" don't get women, I think we've probably gotten the message by now.
Sure, we've had it drummed into our heads that wussies who kiss up to women fail. Along with that, it typically follows suit that we're reminded of how "bad boys" or "jerks" are the ones who get all the women.
In fact, you've probably heard so much of this sort of thing that right now you're hoping this newsletter isn't going to simply reiterate something you've heard a thousand times over.
Rest assured. I wouldn't do that to you.
Instead, I have a crazy question.
Even though you've heard the "nice guy vs. bad boy" routine a bazillion times, have you really gotten the right message from it?
Unless my brain is playing tricks on me, it looks like any time any guy mentions having any kind of benevolent thought towards a woman at all, someone is there to crack him upside the head and bring him back to "sensibility".
Planning a romantic evening? Playing her favorite music in the car? Giving her a reasonable compliment when she wants your honest opinion?
The horror! According to "common wisdom" these days, ANY such behavior under any circumstances is a sure-fire symptom of impending "Nice Guy" syndrome.
Meanwhile, other "industry standards" such as "negging" and “cocky/funny" are more than ever being widely misconstrued to mean "be flat-out rude as hell to women".
All over the fruited plain, gentlemen, the apparent surround to all of this would appear to be, "If you want to get women, be kind of mean to them and forget about doing anything benevolent whatsoever."
Read that last quote over again and think about it for a while.
Do you really, truly believe that's what it takes to bring
high-quality women into your life?
Yet, that very thought process is pandemic in the world of men's dating advice.
Think I'm overreacting? If so, go surf a few Seduction Community forums and find out for yourself what kind of Kool-Aid people have been drinking.
Well, guess what guys?
I think you can still be a perfectly decent (dare I spell out "nice"?) person...and get MORE high-quality women than any "bad\ boy" or "jerk".
How's that?
All it takes is deconstructing why exactly "Mr. Nice Guy" loses with women.
First, this guy typically has a sexual agenda with women that a sense of personal shame keeps under wraps. Thinking he'd scare women away were he an "oppressive sexual threat", he dares not portray himself as a masculine presence.
Strike one. "Neuter" doesn't attract.
Next, "Mr. Nice Guy" is usually out to impress women by buying them stuff, doing endless favors, etc.
Strike two. He wouldn't do that for anyone other than a "hottie", so no woman can trust him. Inspiring confidence and thereby instilling security in a woman is therefore an impossibility.
(And I mean really...it comes off kind of like that guy in the store who keeps calling you "sir" even though you're sure his demeanor is completely different when he's off the clock, right?)
Finally, being "extra nice" is usually a direct symptom of being needy and desperate--a dead giveaway that you do not have options.
Strike three. He's clearly "not in her league".
As for the "I/J" (or "Idiot/Jerk"), he can indeed get somewhere with women, but invariably only the ones with low self-esteem.
Well, maybe the woman feels she doesn't deserve a great man, so it's her lot to "suffer".
Or, if the feedback I've gotten from certain women holds true, at least she feels she can trust that what she sees is what she gets.
Are you noticing what's going on under the surface here?
Ultimately, why the "nice guy" loses has nothing to do with being "nice".
And, notwithstanding dysfunctional attachment to self-punishment, I don't think it's particularly necessary that a man be downright evil in order for a woman to know where she stands with him, either.
Even if she's after the "bad boy type" (e.g. Harley, tattoos, etc.) there's plenty of those guys out there who are perfectly decent people while still having that sense of adventure and healthy appreciation for an adrenaline rush that women tend to crave.
You may even meet some of them and say, "Man, that's a nice guy."
If you're still confused, go watch some country music videos on YouTube.
Basically, what you've just heard me imply that a high-quality woman will settle for NEITHER "Mr. Nice Guy" NOR an "I/J".
What gives?
Well, as I've said before, the seldom-recognized champion over this entire phenomenon is a great man.
And one of the few things that make sense in the dating
world--disarmingly so in this case--is that GREAT MEN really do stand an excellent chance of getting GREAT WOMEN.
Over seventy years ago, Dale Carnegie published his seminal work How To Win Friends And Influence People, which to this day is a wildly popular best seller.
In fact, much of what you might read nowadays in terms of "how to" info on social dynamics has roots in that book.
Here's a great quote from it, so good that the author repeats it twice in context:
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
In other words, if you are only about meeting your own selfish needs, you'll get nowhere with people.
And both the "Nice Guy" and the "I/J" are more interested in what they can get from a woman than they are interested in her.
What's "Mr. Nice Guy's" greatest fear?
You guessed it: Being exiled to the "Just Be Friends Zone".
So as a result, not only do you have guys out there who are trying NOT to be "nice" to women, they're trying to AVOID being friends with her!
Somewhere, Dale Carnegie is rolling over in his grave.
Here it is: The real problem with the "JBF Zone" is the "J".
In other words, YES...you should be FRIENDS with women you date.
The thing is, you still have to sexually attract them with
masculinity that ignites femininity. Otherwise you're "just" friends, not friends AND lovers.
Dale Carnegie's book has sold millions of copies because it does an amazing job of living up to its title.
And guess what? It's one of the best dating advice books I've ever read.
Why? Because it teaches you how to attract PEOPLE.
And GREAT WOMEN, last I checked, classified as such.
When you genuinely care about others and let go of self-absorption, you not only attract the women you want...you get the added benefit of succeeding at work and in your social circles too.
So yes, you CAN be a nice guy and get great women. But only if you mean it, and only if you know how to make friends.
No "hidden agendas" and no lazy selfishness are allowed.
I realize that what I'm sharing with you here is completely different from what you're used to hearing. There's no question about that.
And make no mistake, this is about throwing out the dark ulterior motives that characterize "Mr. Nice Guy" and really, genuinely going about the matter of becoming the kind of high-character man who draws people unto himself magnetically.
No doubt you've heard talk out there about how to be charismatic and "alpha" in order to get women, haven't you?
What a paradox to mix those concepts in with talk about being a "jerk" instead of a "nice guy".
No wonder so many guys who are "chasing tail" end up chasing their OWN tail, right?
It's time to cut through all the confusion and discover exactly what it takes to deserve what you want.
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