[X&Y] Everyone's Doing This Except You. And That's Okay.
Published: Sat, 07/29/23
IN THIS EDITION: Wait until you find out what guys who don't do
online dating can learn from online dating sites. =====
If all the books and programs aren't delivering the solution to what's
frustrating you, it very well could be because of what I call a "hidden
This is extremely common...especially among men who otherwise
have no apparent reason for not getting the women they really
Until it's taken care of, it may haunt you for the rest of your life.
I'm widely known as the go-to dating consultant for decoding and
solving these puzzles.
As always, if you'd like to get on the phone with me for 25 minutes
to talk about where you are and where you'd like to be, I'm available
to you.
That call won't cost you a dime, and the end result may
be taking months or even years off your timeline to getting better
with women.
You'll find I'm the down-to-earth guy you expect I'll be:
Set Up A Time
You can't lose. You can only make up for months or even YEARS
of valuable time lost.
If I've figured out anything over the past sixteen years of doing
this, it's that I'm never going to talk guys into trying online dating if
they're dead set against it.
So if that describes you, no pressure.
BUT...I really do believe that you should get a username on
OKCupid or Match.com anyway, just for ONE really good reason.
You would gain a whole lot from running a search for the kind of
woman you like and reading through a bunch of their profiles
(assuming you can still find some that are actually
filled out in some detail).
Why is that?
Simple. Even if you have zero interest in online dating, it's
immensely valuable to see the patterns of what they're looking for
in men.
My experience tells me they tend to say exactly what they mean
and tell us exactly who they're looking for.
I kid you not...it's the next best thing to going out with 100 women
in a row in order to gain a better perspective on understanding
women and thereby doing a better job deserving what you want.
But this short cut I'm offering you is far and away less time-
consuming. You can burn about an hour and get enough
information to make you significantly better with women
immediately...no matter where you're meeting them.
Actually, this will help you even if you already have a steady
Not surprisingly, you're sure to find plenty of evidence that there
really is something to all of this "big four" stuff I harp on
You'll read how women all seem to be wondering where all the "real
men" are nowadays.
They'll talk about feeling safe and comfortable.
They'll say they find confidence sexy.
They'll go on and on about how they love to feel like a woman AND
make their guy feel like a man.
Some will be openly playful, while others will come off scared and
But just as I've said, you WILL see patterns. You'll see them over
and over.
You don't have to take one woman's potentially squirrely word for
it. Where there's smoke there's a flame, and when different women
repeat the same general themes, you can take them seriously.
From there, you simply make sure YOU are that type of guy...and
then enjoy the rich benefits of getting nearly any woman you want to
want you.
Oddly, you'll have very little competition.
And that's perhaps related to the simple fact that hardly any guys
ever take the time to really study patterns in women's online
profiles like you have.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
P.S. If you encounter more than a few profiles while you're at it
that inspire you to actually write to the women responsible for
them, I promise not to say "I told you so".
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