[X&Y] 3 Ways To Level Up Your Style

Published: Sun, 07/30/23


WHAT'S INSIDE:  Is your fashion sense (or
lack thereof) holding you back when it comes
to success with women?  If you had to think
about your answer AT ALL, then this
newsletter is probably for you. Read on...



Why should getting better with women be a long, drawn-out

You can bypass the months or even years it takes most guys
to start getting the women they really want..

That's because over the last seventeen years I've developed
complete, actionable programs covering EVERY aspect of
success with women.

You can have all the answers, all at once, all today.

Meeting women (online or offline), making them WANT you,
selecting the right girlfriend and building a relationship.

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Why rely on a "slow drip" of info when we live in a Netflix
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So for the first time in nearly three months, I've brought back
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Plus, like I have on "Black Friday" in years past, I'm also
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1)  All of the add-on programs for the major courses (6 in all)
that go above and beyond.

2)  The "lost episodes" of BOTH podcasts (these are not
available anywhere else).

3)  All of the premium e-books (four in all)

4)  Three bonus seminars with "retired" dating experts

5)  All five of my Amazon books in PDF format

And yes...like before you'll also get...

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One particularly great thing about interacting with you guys on
Facebook, over e-mail and on the phone is that I get a grip on
who the "typical guy" reading this newsletter is.

And guess what? The vast majority of you really, truly are typical

You go to work, watch sports, shoot pool, drive a truck, tinker
with motorcycles and/or enjoy a cold one after a long day.

And you genuinely appreciate women even as you are all about
maximizing your success with them.

All good.

But the one thing you DON'T seem to want is to have to dress
like someone you're not.

So then, why is it that every article or e-book I've ever seen
directed to guys about getting a "sense of style" that'll attract
women is written as if the concept is synonymous with looking
like an approval seeking dork?

Here it is: There are lots of women out there who appreciate a
man who does the best with what he's got, even if his idea of
fashion sense is a bit different than what these random articles
are recommending.

I'd go so far as to say that's true ESPECIALLY if his idea of
fashion sense is a bit different.

And make no mistake. There are a bunch of us who need to
trade in our Dockers and golf shirts with the company logo on
them for something else...ANYTHING else, really. 

The solid-color button down oxfords and no-name acid wash
jeans need to go, gentlemen. Stop kidding yourself. This
matters to women.

So here are three solid directions to consider going in for
transforming not only the clothes you wear but your overall
personal style as well, all while staying casual and comfortable in
the process...


You've heard a million times that women love a man who lives an
exciting life. 

I can't think of a better way to dress the part than by adopting a
style that I call "outfitted".  If you've ever walked into an
"outfitter" store or seen one online, you already know what I mean.

The guy who dresses like this not only appears ready to hike the
Appalachian Trail, go rock climbing or camp out for the weekend...
he IS ready.

If you are a boring couch potato today, "outfitting" yourself will
make you WANT to get out of the house. Believe me. That
alone could be transformational.

And let me tell you, the range of cool threads in this category
that exude utter masculinity is OFF THE CHARTS. It's hard to
look "femmie" with this style, as long as you stay in the men's

You can go conservative or get funkier. Better yet, with the
earthy colors of an "outfitted" wardrobe it's amazing how much
stuff matches everything else you have.

Plus, here's the "money" factor: With so much merino wool and
bamboo fiber involved here, women are going to want to TOUCH
YOU--even as they drop hints for you to take them with you on
your next adventure. And that doesn't suck...ever.

BRANDS TO GOOGLE: Patagonia, Timberland, Kavu, Mountain
Hardwear, Jack Wolfskin, Keen, Icebreaker, Cabela's



California surfer dudes and guys like Jimmy Buffett have something
in common: They dress in a laid-back style that conveys confidence
and makes women think warm, tropical thoughts.

And while you may think that this particular style of clothes may
be only for sunwashed beach bums who speak "dude" and live in
the tropics, guess again. 

Nowadays even the most hardcore surfwear companies have winter
lines and smart threads that are a far cry from "dressed down"
boardshorts and tank tops. There's some killer stuff there.

No doubt you've got to have the personality to pull off this style,
but if you do the effect it has on women is very similar to that of
the "outfitter" style. 

That is, you present yourself as a man who is active, gets out of
the house and enjoys life. 

BRANDS TO GOOGLE:  Quiksilver, Billabong, Rip Curl, Hurley,
Tommy Bahama (especially for guys who are a bit older, typically)


Here's the answer for guys who are ready to kick the habit of
dressing anonymously, but aren't exactly ready to buy in to
dressing as if they're part of a particular subculture.

What you do is you opt for clothes that look good, FEEL good and
still give you the stylish appearance of an archetypal man who's
masculine to the core--in the way WOMEN define it.

Translated, this means you wear exactly the kind of shirts,
trousers, shoes, etc. that MEN wear; you just go for better looking
examples in particularly flattering colors--and preferably the ones
that are, again, nicer to touch.

Make no mistake: "Classic" may include what's traditional, but it
is NOT the same as "generic". Frankly, most men nowadays don't
even bother to look good.  They're slumming it as much as possible.

What we're talking about here is being timelessly stylish as
opposed to "trendy". That way your look is highly unlikely to go
out of style, therefore maximizing your wardrobe budget. Nice.

Two caveats, however.

First, it's super easy to come out of the other end of the checkout
line at one of the sites I've listed below looking just as generic
as before you started. Make sure not to go for standard "business
casual" items like blue button-downs oxfords and khakis. 

Similarly, it's dead simple to end up on the "preppy" side of the
scale when shopping this way, so decide beforehand if that's a
good thing for you.

But play your cards right and you'll end up wearing utterly
masculine threads topped off with shirts made of stuff like
chamois or other natural fabrics that make women want to get

An especially cool x-factor about having the "traditional" style
going for you is that it doesn't matter what your age is.  It's
going to work.

BRANDS TO GOOGLE: Orvis, L.L. Bean (especially great if
you're hard to fit), Abercrombie & Fitch, J. Crew, Johnson & Murphy 

(Note: To some degree, you can get the "outfitted" look from these
places also, but the general vibe is decidedly "traditional".)

What I've just shared, of course, are only three possible examples,
but I think they carry broad appeal to a variety of women.

Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure someone reading this is throwing
things at the monitor wondering how in the world I could have
overlooked distinct styles like "fitness / athletic" (e.g. Under
Armor, Adidas) or "cowboy / western" (e.g. Wrangler, Lucchese).

The list of possibilities goes on (e.g. "Harley guy", "Urban").

And there's no doubt about it: If you're all about women who dress
in a certain way or live a certain lifestyle, it can never hurt to
deserve what you want.

But the simple fact remains: Whatever style appeals to you, it's
time to GO FOR IT. Summer is half over and Fall is coming. It's a
great time to reinvent yourself with an overhaul.

By the way, it doesn't have to be expensive to get the job done. 

For example, you can snap up some serious savings on winter stuff
right now and be stocked up come October. 

Go directly to the manufacturer's website and check out the
closeout/clearance deals first--especially as the seasons change if
you live in a climate that remains particularly warm or cold for
most of the year.

And always remember that Ebay is your best friend when it comes to
getting killer clothes cheap, but you'll need to know your sizes
and have researched how certain companies' garments tend to fit

Amazon.com is a close second, believe or not. Give 'em a try. All
you really have to do is search any item you're looking for and
they'll bring up the best deals for it online from either their own
warehouse or that of their partners. It's seriously cool.

And if you're fortunate enough to have a huge outlet mall near you,
make good use of it...definitely.

Just stay out of Ross and T.J. Maxx, unless you want to regress.
Seriously. Nothing to see there, folks. (EXCEPTION: If you need
athletic socks, those stores rule.)

That goes double for Wal-Mart and Target. Believe it or not,
you'll actually find way cooler gear (like suggested above) for
similar prices elsewhere. I personally do so all the time.

Be Good,

Scot McKay


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