[X&Y] Virgin.Net
Published: Wed, 05/17/23
IN THIS EDITION: Although this newsletter contains solid info
for ANY man to keep in mind, if it directly applies to you it might
not be what you expect.
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I'm not going to admit to how often I get letters like the
following because it's just too staggering a number:
"I hate women, I hate you for saying nice things
about them in your newsletters, and I firmly believe
every last one of them is going to betray me and
take me for everything I've got. By the way, I'm
still a virgin. Can you get me laid?"
Now, I trust that when you read the title of this monster you
weren't expecting me to go on some rant about Richard Branson
or his gig. I mean, he's a badass and all, but enough about that,
Instead, I'm going to talk about the net that guys who are
virgins--and frustrated about it--tend to get trapped in.
Indeed, like a sea turtle haplessly ensnared by a fisherman's net,
the more he tries to wriggle free, the more tangled up he gets.
What starts this whole unfortunate train of events?
For those of us living in modern Western culture, it begins
when we hit puberty but are yet socially discouraged (even
prohibited) from sexual activity until when we're much older.
Now, I'm not for a second advocating that children start having sex
at an early age. But from a purely physical standpoint, things are
what they are.
Our physical bodies are screaming to our brains to go out there
and "get some". But generally speaking, that just isn't going to
happen for most guys...for YEARS.
So then, what happens sooner than later is what typically happens
ANY time a human being is denied what he or she wants for a period
time. The craving grows STRONGER and STRONGER.
And as more time passes, the vision of realizing a satisfying
conclusion to that craving becomes HARDER and HARDER to
believe in.
It all starts sounding "too good to be true".
That's why people who grow up poor have a harder time believing
they can make good money. That's why people who've been stuck
in one place their whole life can't see themselves traveling the world.
And yes...it's why guys who don't solve the mystery of what naked
girls and sex are like at an early age have a tougher and tougher
time finding out as they get older.
But that's not where it stops, of course.
As a guy who's not having sex feels the pain of deprivation even as
other men around him get their fill, shame starts setting in.
That creates negative feelings about sex, which only exacerbates
the condition.
And next, it all turns to bitterness.
Somewhere, somehow...the great void in his life that should
be occupied by sex starts to be seen as having been CAUSED by
women themselves.
Bitterness breeds victimhood, and victimhood by definition breeds
The problem is therefore is all THEIR FAULT.
Before you know it, full on misogynistic HATE for all women sets
But of course, that doesn't solve the longing for sexual
So at that point, ironically enough, the ONLY purpose for having to
endure the distaste of interacting with women is so he can
potentially get his rocks off.
Well, that and to exact revenge...getting them back for all of that
"rejection" over the years.
And naturally, women aren't so interested in a guy like
that...especially the ones who actually LIKE and RESPECT men.
So the drought worsens. And to make matters worse, there are
plenty of pick-up books and programs out there that are happy to
feed his negative emotions and urge him on.
But the truth is plain as day.
Because of the way he views women, the "self-fulfilling prophecy"
is in full effect. All he ever encounters is distaste and vitriol
from women...all of whom are merely following HIS lead.
Meanwhile, the guys who have remained positive toward women
enjoy the company of the highest quality ones, complete with a full
complement of feminine gifts lavished upon them.
But back at Virgin.Net, the "battle of the sexes" rages. It's "us
vs. them" all the way...until, at last, and against all odds, the
dude finally gets his Willie wet.
At that point, the net has been cut through and the guy is finally
Or is he? He's spent a lifetime forming his habits and beliefs
about women, and those old ways of thinking and doing die hard.
So if you've found yourself to still be a virgin into your 20s, 30s
or even beyond, what can you do?
Well, for starters you may be tempted to respond to this newsletter
in anger and frustration. I urge you not to do that, because I'm
actually on your side. Remember always...seeing the forest for the
trees in ANY complex situation is typically step one.
The second step is to realize something VERY powerful: When you
see consistent patterns in how people (especially women) interact
with you, realize that YOU are the one driving that pattern.
I realize this is counter-intuitive. After all, if everyone
behaves in a certain way, shouldn't that simply prove that all
people are alike?
Oddly, the opposite is true. Everyone is an individual, and
therefore there's an infinite number of personalities out there.
That can only mean that if EVERYONE is responding to you in a
predictable way, YOUR personality is the only common denominator.
So yes...shoot daggers of hate in the direction of women, even
subliminally, and you'll almost invariably get them shot back to
you in return.
It could even be argued that since women are hard wired to follow
a man's lead, it's all the more crucial that our interactions with
them be formed so as to elicit the response we'd prefer.
So yes...ADMIT to yourself that sexual frustration has jaded you a
bit, and open your mind to the notion that YOU might be the one
with the power to fix it.
And THEN, as the next step force yourself to at least TEST the
notion that women might not be your enemy after all.
I fully realize it's HARD to stop focusing on sex when you haven't
yet experienced it, but it's ALL-IMPORTANT that you think of
women as fellow human beings, and give them a chance to show
you the deeper worth they have to us as men.
From there, simply watch as good things start to happen.
Yes, you may need a style makeover. Sure, you may need to work
on some social skills. Either or both of those factors may or may
not apply.
But FOR SURE, you'll need to be optimistic with regard to women.
Bitterness will never, ever lead to gratifying relationships with
I realize this is a deep and very turbulent topic for some of you
guys reading. One newsletter might very well not be enough to
tackle it.
As such, realize I understand where you're coming from and I'm
here for you if you want to spend some 1-on-1 time on it. Here's
the link to all the options:
Whatever you take away from this newsletter, put at the top of the
list that this is NOT "us vs. them". As unlikely as it may seem to
you right now, women are on our team...and yes, they want sex as
much as you do.
As for me, I assure you that I'm not some sort of traitor for actually
liking women and assuming the best from them.
I'm simply a guy who's embraced the solutions I've put forth for you
here...and they've worked like gangbusters, even for a normal guy
like me.
Meanwhile, the fact that I get e-mails from so many guys who
cannot suspend their disbelief that Emily and I are happy together
betrays their loneliness...and wow, it takes a lot of patience in that
state to wait around for schadenfreude to become reality.
Like I explained in a recent newsletter, for ANY man who chooses to
remain bitter toward women it's important that what I teach fails.
Not because it doesn't work, but because a negative attitude like
that NEEDS for it not to work.
Don't live like that. Don't be that guy. Cut through the Virgin.Net
and swim free in a sea of feminine amazingness.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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