[X&Y] Sitting This One Out
Published: Sun, 05/21/23
Despite all the technological advances we
have nowadays, we all still have too much
going on.
That means certain areas of life are
neglected because we're overwhelmed
with other stuff.
All too often, what we perceive as "urgent"
takes precedence.
Meanwhile, whatever can wait indeed
waits...even as we give lip service to its
alleged importance in our lives.
It amazes me how many men surrender to
urgency on a daily basis, all at the
expense of what's really meaningful to
Even perhaps what's MOST meaningful to
Yes...I've lost count of how many men I talk
to who declare, "Once such-and-such is
taken care of, I can focus on success with
women...and getting a girlfriend."
"I'm moving in a few months, so after that."
"I just relocated, so I need a few MORE
"I need to lose weight."
"After I buy a new car."
"I've got to deal with my ex."
"My business is just now taking off."
Sure, all of those situations demand
attention. And they're important.
But that's the way it ALWAYS has been,
and left unchecked it's the way it always
I can tell you with 100% sincerity, there
is ALWAYS going to be something that
feels more urgent than finding the right
Yet, ask almost any man who has found
her, and he'll go on and on about how it's
the greatest joy life has to offer.
Consider this message I received from a
Mountain Top Summit Facebook group
"You really nailed it on the head (and it’s
something that many don’t seem to
understand much to my frustration) when
you said in one of the audios that 'you
can have everything in the world, but if
you do not have love then you have
nothing; yet you can have nothing but love
and you have everything.' So true though
I would have not known it until a few
years ago now."
If you are not giving yourself every
advantage when it comes to getting this
all-important part of your life handled, it's
time to ask yourself the REAL reason why
you continue to sit this one out.
In high school, maybe you tacitly assumed
only the social lottery winners could get girls.
You and your friends commiserated
together by sneering at the "lucky" ones.
But it HURT. I've been there, so I know first-
Then, in college you needed to "focus on
your studies".
After college, your focus turned to your
Meanwhile, the few guys who have given
meeting women and relating to them ANY
priority at all are STILL the ones enjoying
their company...even now.
And make no mistake about it: That's
probably the ONLY real difference
between them and you.
Let's face it. All the while, "sitting this one
out" has felt a lot like "bench warming",
hasn't it?
Some other guy gets to start the game,
play the field, make the moves, score the
goals, revel in the victories...and get the
That glory, of course, comes in the form
of all the women YOU wanted...then a
great girlfriend who other guys wish they
had...and ultimately the kind of long-term
relationship that everyone is jealous of.
Listen, after three and a half decades of
mostly "bench warming", I finally got SICK
and TIRED of not getting to play.
Hell, sometimes I felt even more like a
And I can tell you, stepping up to the plate
and swinging for the fence has been
MORE than worth it.
It has been EVERYTHING.
Indeed, no douchey billionaire with his
collection of Lamborghinis has it better
than I do. I have the woman of my dreams--
who adores me. We live a life of true
happiness and endless adventures.
But getting to this point means making
women and relationships a genuine
No More Sitting On The Sidelines
In the end, time claims everything.
"Father Time is undefeated", as they
That means it's time to work with me
1-on-1 to FINALLY get in the game
and score big time...once and for all.
No more cheering someone else on.
No more pretending something else is
more important than having the greatest
woman you've ever met by your side:
Let's Talk About A Plan Of Action
What will happen when YOU finally
decide you're ready to push your chips
to the center of the table...and you're
ready to meet a great woman?
Will you have the wherewithal
Can you attract the right women and
weed out the wrong ones?
Will you charm and captivate the one
you want?
Will you CONNECT with her in a way
that sets the stage for a strong
relationship right from the start?
If you're moving to a new city in six
months, are you going to wait until you
get there to START preparing?
Does your business have to be Fortune
500 before you ever find the time for
Today is the day. No more "bench
warming". It's GO time:
Swing For The Fence
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