[X&Y] Major Key To Avoiding Divorce Court Someday

Published: Tue, 05/23/23


IN THIS EDITION:  Few things spell out certain doom for a
relationship as much as this subtle but sinister mindset.



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relationship management.

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In the past I've written about what I firmly believe to be the
three biggest indicators of relationship success.  They are:

  1)  Expect the best of the other person (a.k.a. giving them
  the "benefit of the doubt") until proven otherwise.

  2)  Forgive small grievances quickly (lest the "cumulative
  effect of all the small things" pile up).

  3)  Avoid comparing your "significant other" to anyone else
  (especially exes and/or anyone your friends are dating).

All three of those are of massive importance, of course.  But
today I'm going to add a fourth, which is this:

  4)  Avoid presuming upon someone you care about, and never
  assume she will or will not do something for you.

The inspiration for that fourth item on the list is none other
than the dreaded "Presume And Assume Syndrome", or PAAS
for easy reference.

So what exactly am I talking about here?

Well in the most simplistic terms, I'm giving you the secret to
virtually eliminating bitterness from a relationship between two
well-meaning people.

And sure, I realize as much as you do that major breaches like
infidelity, alcoholism, etc. can cause bitterness.  That's

But what about those couples who let that bitterness creep in
slowly and quietly in "stealth mode" over months or even years
before realizing they're in its clutches...even as they can't even
describe WHY?

My guess is that PAAS is the culprit.

PAAS is rooted in basic selfishness.  The mindset at play here is
"my wants and needs are what's most important, and it's my
partner's job to make sure they're met".  

This typically results in a cavalier attitude (at best) or and
utter disregard (at worst) towards the other partner's wants and

And hey, there may not be any "ill will" here at all.  All of this
may be going on as a simple result of learned narcissism over the

Ever heard of someone being "set in their ways" after being single
for a while, and that having a negative effect on a relationship?


It doesn't help that a lot of dating advice out there (especially
for women) basically champions this philosophy--after all,
selfishness sells.

All of this may seem to be an obvious detriment to a relationship
on the surface, but I'm telling you...PAAS can be A LOT sneakie
than you think.

Here's a common example.

Your girlfriend of a month or so is moving next weekend.  She
automatically ASSUMES you are going to help her move.  And she
PRESUMES this upon you without even checking in to see what
your plans are. 

In principle, are you cool with helping her move?  Probably.

But are you miffed that she didn't even ask AT ALL, let alone

And are you perturbed that in lieu of her offering some sort of
favor to you as a warm "thank you", she instead PRESUMES upon
you the "gift" of joining two or three of her ex-boyfriends on moving
day in doing the "heavy lifting"...as she chats and giggles on her
cell phone all the while?

I think you get the picture.

But just in case, here's another example.

You've got tickets to the big game.  Do you tell your girlfriend
that you've got a "cool surprise" for her on Saturday night, and
drag her along even though she's been pretty clear about having
an aversion to watching sports?

Then do you meet up with a couple buddies at the arena and ignore
her for most of the game, except for that one time you jump up and
splash beer on her by accident?

And THEN, when your team loses at the buzzer are you a crank for
the rest of the night...taking it out on her?

You've got it:  Presume And Assume Syndrome.

We as guys aren't immune.

Everyone, it appears, has plenty of capacity in the context of a
relationship for self-centered thinking that goes a little too far.

Our intentions aren't necessarily evil, it's just that all of us
can get a bit careless...or make that clueless.

What's the cure?

Well, here's the good news.  Simply flipping the lights on and
recognizing how PAAS works will go a LONG way toward your being
able to avoid it.

Similarly, you'll be able to call out presumptions and assumptions
on the spot and address them with a woman, rather than letting them
accumulate and simmer over time. 

As you can see, this bit of wisdom will prove immensely valuable to
you as a relationship manager...starting right now.

But what of the "darker side" of PAAS?

Thus far in this newsletter I've been operating under the
assumption that you are relating to a woman who is "well-meaning".

In other words, she has no hang-ups about men in general and/or any
aversion to the simple desire to be happy.

I'd be remiss, however, if I didn't share with you some significant
warning signs that you are with the wrong woman...all based on PAAS

As a prime example, consider a woman whose attitude is that "all
men are the same", in the negative sense.  She may live life
assuming that you will cheat on her, even when you have no such

Further, she may presume upon you the necessity of sharing her
misery in the form of extreme jealousy. 

You know...wondering where you are all the time and possibly even
littering your life with empty accusations.

Should you tolerate this for long, you may begin to feel ever-
increasing bitterness toward this woman...as if you've been
unfairly convicted of a crime you didn't commit.

You may even go so far as to think you might as well go ahead and
actually cheat on her, once and for all.

After all, you're "paying the price" in your relationship with her
no matter what.

But were you to actually cheat, all you'd be doing is validating
her presumptions AND her assumptions. 

Shockingly, as twisted as it sounds, actually violating her as such
may make her feel better. 

In a very real sense, you will have lifted a cloud of guilt from her
for treating you the way she has been without her having the hard
evidence to back it up.

So then, your validation of her PAAS actually closes the loop for
her psychologically.  She now feels that hounding you was justified
and the right thing to do.

Similarly, a woman for some reason may have low enough self-
esteem that she feels she deserves to be punished.  

As crazy as this sounds, I was on the phone just yesterday with one
among you who just recently escaped from a relationship with such a

Maybe you too can relate.

Again, there may be nothing but pure intentions on your part if you
are with such a woman. 

For example, you may be (as you should be) hard-wired never, ever
to lift a finger to physically harm a woman.

Yet, it's as if the woman is relentless in instigating you to lash out
against her physically. 

Sooner than later, she learns every "hot button" you have. 

You may allow yourself to slip into emotionally-charged arguments
with her as a result.  And when the heat has been "kicked up a
notch", she may put a finger in your face and start ordering you

This measure of disrespect, of course, would result in a bar fight
100% of the time were another dude to play that card.

Resisting the sudden and overwhelming urge to grab that finger
and wipe it away from you may be the biggest test of discipline
you've ever faced.

And indeed, you'd better restrain yourself. 

Because not only will she call the police and get you arrested on
assault and battery charges, you will have validated her assumption
that you would physically assault her, and her presumption upon you
of creating that precarious position to begin with.

You may simply see the stories I've just shared as nothing more
than "self fulfilling prophecy" in the making. 

But remember--the premise behind both is based on your having
solid intentions up front.  And yes, you as a man really can take
control over the eventual outcome.

Here again, is what I'm talking about here gender-specific?  Of
course not. 

Welcome to why it may look to you like "Idiot/Jerks" ("I/Js") get
all the women.  But check in with those guys a few years later and
see how happy either they or their girlfriends/wives are.

I'll tell you what, reading back on what I've just shared with you
I'm realizing I've thrown down some chilling stuff for you today.

But remember...this is all about 20/20 foresight.

The point is to save you from these hassles now.  

And at the very least, you're probably thinking now more than ever
that choosing the right woman is absolutely, positively one of the
most crucial decisions of your life.

I realize this has been one heavy-duty newsletter, but it's also a
potentially liberating one, isn't it?  

If you need to, go ahead and read this one over a second time just
to make sure you have a firm grasp on PAAS.



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