[X&Y] So Do Likes Or Opposites Attract? (Part Two)

Published: Thu, 05/25/23

WHAT'S INSIDE: Here's Part Two on why
it's important for couples to be both "alike"
and "opposite" in order to genuinely
attract each other long term.


We've all been fantasizing about girls since
we first figured out they existed.

But what about THEIR fantasies?

Man...if you only KNEW what goes on
inside their naughty little minds your jaw
would hit the floor.

The problem is that there are very, very
few men in this world who know how to
READ a woman's deepest fantasies.

There are fewer still who know how to

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you imagine what your sex life would be

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Last time in Part One we covered how you and a prospective
long-term partner should be ALIKE.

But you'll also remember I introduced the idea that a man and
a woman, if truly compatible, should be both alike AND different.

So then, in what ways should your ultimate female companion be
OPPOSITE from you?

Well, considering how unique human beings tend to be, the only
way I know how to objectively describe that to you is by sharing
some of the real-world ways Emily and I are quite different.

For example, if you find us seated next to each other on a 14-hour
flight (like we often are, it seems), I'll either be dreaming up my
next program for you guys or writing the next newsletter.

Emily will probably be doing sudoku puzzles. 

I'd rather watch paint dry than do sudoku puzzles.

Then again, Emily happily does the lion's share of our taxes every
year, which is a great relief to me. 

I can even see WHY she'd enjoy doing the taxes.  They're sort of
like sudoku puzzles, only with an actual sense of accomplishment as
a result of completing them.  Nice.

Meanwhile, I'm the one who always seems to dream up ways to get
us to places like The Galapagos Islands instead of just watching
footage of Blue Footed Boobies on the Travel Channel. 

That's because I'm the "daydreamer" and she's the "pragmatist"
around here.  As fortune would have it, there's a solid place in a
good relationship for BOTH of those areas of specialization.

Similarly, when it comes to money Emily is an excellent saver,
whereas I'm the one encouraging us to drop a buck here and there
and "live a little".  Neither of us are extreme, so that makes for a
nice balance.

I tend to be the one who doesn't procrastinate.

She tends to keep the house in order better than I do.

She is excellent at keeping our kids well fed and well behaved.  I'm
pretty good at building their dreams and strengthening their self-

When we travel, she figures out the details on how to get from the
airport to our hotel.  But when our flight actually lands and we
pick up our luggage, I negotiate with the cab driver because I'm the
"talker" in the family.

And together--what do you know--life runs like a well-oiled machine,
at least most of the time.

That's because when it comes to mechanics (or "logistics", or
"operations", if you prefer), we have a near perfect mix of
completely opposite interests and talents.

At this point, allow me to show you the other side of the coin so
you can fully grasp the power of what I'm telling you here.

In your past, have you ever met a girl who you were so sexually
hot for it was almost ridiculous, but you pretty much couldn't stand

I think you know what I'm talking about. 

It wasn't that you "hated" her, per se.  In fact, she intrigued you
to no end. 

It's just that she drove you nuts with the stuff she did, the things
she said or the way she butted heads with you.

I can think of at least two from my own past who fit that description
perfectly:  Michelle and Jessica. 

Man, I thought both of them were the most amazingly attractive
female creatures to behold.  BUT...simply being around either one
of them was the most taxing experience imaginable otherwise. 

Thankfully, although I knew both girls during my college years I
didn't ever have to deal with them at the same time.  Otherwise I
may have completely lost my mind.

I remember Michelle and I had to work side by side all summer long
one year.  If I made any suggestion on how to get something done,
she disagreed--usually with that irresistibly spunky attitude of hers
in full effect and that decidedly naughty little smile beaming like
the sun.

She wanted it done her way, which was usually preposterous.

Finally, one of our female peers had observed our ongoing
extended verbal foreplay long enough and called out what was
obvious to everyone except Michelle and I:  "You know what's
hilarious about you two? You're exactly alike."


"Oh, and get a room", she added.

Similarly, I remember the summer before that coming home from
date two or three with Jessica (who I had nicknamed "Goldilocks"
because of her adorable cuteness combined with long, blonde
natural curls) and complaining to my Dad about how this girl drove
me stark raving crazy...but I just couldn't get enough of her.

In a manner as dry as Death Valley, my Dad responded with,
"Yeah, well...you'll probably marry her."

Well, thank God I didn't marry either Michelle or Jessica.  

As endearing as it must have been to others to witness my
misadventures with those two, being driven insane all the time is
no way to live.

When it comes to finding a great partner, it really is best to be
with someone who wants to cover the logistical things you don't
want to, and vice-versa. 

Otherwise, you're likely to live the nightmare of an ongoing (and
completely unfulfilling) power struggle. 

What you really want is the perfect storm as opposed to a stormy
relationship, see what I mean?

And yes...you absolutely, positively can and should still want to rip
her clothes off, even though you actually get along with her.

Enough already.  I think you get the point.

So then, before we wrap this up it's important to acknowledge
some of the areas that have NOT come up in this discussion.

For example, physical attraction has been completely left out of
the mix on purpose here. 

Having seen as many couples who look like brother and sister as
who look dramatically different from one another, I believe it's
reasonable to conclude that personal tastes, biology, pheromones
and/or whatever else you care to throw into the potion all conspire
to cause physical attraction between two people.

Whether couples who get along fine look alike or different from one
another appears to be of little consequence, ultimately.

On the other hand, it's safe to say that what comprises masculinity
will always be attracted to whatever it is that femininity is composed
of and vice-versa...as we've discussed around here at great length
in other newsletters. 

More masculine men will favor more feminine women.  Meanwhile,
"centrists" in this regard somehow always end up together also,
don't they?  (Although I cringe to think what their sex life is like...if
you can even actually refer to it as such.)

And what of the age-old idea of "common interests" that we seem to
cling to as a sacred cow in the dating world?

Here's the deal:  If you and your main squeeze share some favorite
foods, pastimes and/or bands...great.  If not, introduce each other to
some new and cool things and enrich each other's lives in the

Either way, life is good.  In fact, you might be shocked by how
little "common interests" have to do with overall compatibility.

But make no mistake.  It's all-important to make sure that someone
you're in a long-term relationship with shares your core belief
system philosophically while complementing you in practical ways. 

And practically speaking, that "completes" this conversation.



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