[X&Y] Should You Open Doors For Women Anymore?
Published: Thu, 06/01/23
feel about opening doors for women?
How do they feel?
Last night's Masterclass For Men was
called Sexual Mastery As A Lifestyle.
Men who attended were fully equipped
to STOP being invisible to women, and
are already changing their mindsets,
habits AND practical actions to be
irresistible instead:
See What Was Covered Here
More men than ever before are going
through life practically neutered.
That means fewer than ever are
out there inspiring primal, sexual
attraction in women.
This Masterclass was THE line in
the sand for men who attended.
The best news is it's NOT too late.
The entire download portal is already
LIVE, meaning you can get access to
all of these secrets TODAY:
Sexual Mastery As A Lifestyle
How to turn women on without saying
a word...
Revolutionary ways to think that can't
help but transform you into "that guy"
in the eyes of women...
How to use both your eyes AND your
voice to sexually powerful effect with
Even a whole new way to use the
infamous "half-step" to gauge women's
interest level...and then INCREASE it.
Several men agreed that discovering
the "Golden Combo" was by itself
worth the price of admission.
Now it's YOUR TURN:
Sexual Mastery As A Lifestyle
I've even included valuable bonuses
on mental foreplay all day long, and
how to outfit your lifestyle for sexual
And yes, results are GUARANTEED.
By the way, you can gain same-day
access to any of the previous
Masterclasses...all of which deliver
just as powerfully.
See all the topics here:
Every Masterclass For Men So Far...
One of the guys on my Ten-Plus 1-on-1 coaching program called me
with a great question. He wanted some elaboration on exactly how
to open doors for women, and how to handle various pitfalls that
may potentially come up when doing so.
That may sound pretty basic at first but believe me, there was
plenty to discuss.
The conversation ended up being so good, actually, that I wanted to
summarize it for you in today's newsletter. So here goes...
For starters, I think a lot of us are confused nowadays about
whether or not we even should open the door for a woman.
That's not really our fault. We've been given mixed messages about
chivalry in general.
Well, here's my take on that. I say you should still boldly and
unabashedly go for it.
If there's a closed door and a woman who wants to walk through it,
nut up and open it for her.
I really don't care whether she smiles and says, "thank you" or
scowls and rips it out of your hand herself.
Know why? Because if she's the latter variety of woman you
probably want none of her anyway.
Any woman who is THAT uptight about doing away with gender
roles is going to have serious problems igniting your masculinity
with any last vestiges of femininity she's cared to retain...if any.
So why on Earth would you fear some sort of "rejection" in that
case if you really have no interest anyway? And what's more, why
potentially deny a much more appreciative woman the chance to
make you feel like a man for a moment?
See, here's the thing. We as guys don't really open doors for
women because we think women are too weak to open them for
That's a misguided thought.
The reality of the situation is much more useful.
What you're given with each opportunity to open a door for a woman
is a breathtakingly elegant way to demonstrate that you know how to
provide, protect, take the lead and have a woman's best interests at
Wait a minute...that sound a lot like the magic formula for creating
attraction, doesn't it?
Well, duh.
We don't open doors for women because they need us to, and we
certainly don't open them because they command us to. So no, don't
confuse it for an instance of "giving your power away". That's not
the case either.
We open doors for women because we want to. It gives us a chance
to feel like a man, and gives a woman the chance to feel like a
woman. Last I checked, life is a lot nicer when we freely engage
in that sexually polarized "dance".
So with that out of the way, here are some of the practical tips my
friend and I covered during our conversation.
First, do yourself a favor and don't limit your door opening efforts
to only sexually attractive women. Realize that you should have the
best interests of EVERY woman at heart, so open the door for ANY
woman when the opportunity presents itself.
Believe me, the beautiful, sexy ones are watching...and liking.
Next, what do you do when that potentially awkward situation arises
when you're entering a building and a woman is trailing behind you
at some distance?
I'd say that if she's within about 30 or 40 feet of you, go ahead
and risk standing there holding the door a bit longer than is
standard as you wait for her.
If she hustles up a bit when she sees you, no worries. It's better
to err on the side of chivalry in that case.
And what about that other potentially weird situation when you have
two doors in rapid succession, like at the entrance to shopping
Well, you can handle that one easily too.
Simply announce to the woman as she's passing through the first
door that you've got the second one for her also. That way she'll
know to pause and wait for you.
If she's too impatient for that, fine. But at least you're not tripping
all over her scrambling to grab the second door before she does.
Now that would be awkward.
We also talked about opening the car door for a woman, an especially
important situation to get right.
As I've written about before, if it's at all possible you want to make
sure YOU are the one who drives whenever taking a woman out.
He or she who drives is the one who's in control of the whole
experience and is therefore in the leadership position.
Never, ever forget that.
So then, assuming you're driving here's how you make sure opening
the car door for her goes smoothly.
First of all, if you drive a jacked up 4x4 pickup like Kenny Powers
in season three of Eastbound & Down, realize you're NOT doing
yourself any favors when it comes to women.
They really, really dislike trying to climb in and out of those things.
Once you're in possession of a vehicle with a somewhat conventional
ride height, here's what you do.
Be sure to wait until you arrive at the passenger door to unlock
the car. This heads her off at the pass should she try to jump in
the car ahead of you.
Then you simply open the car door and let her get in. You don't
have to make a grand motion. You don't even need to interrupt the
normal flow of conversation in the process.
Importantly, make darned sure she's fully inside the car before
closing the door. Pay attention here, gentlemen. You really don't
what to close the door on her dress, let alone her leg.
At that point, you get the luxury of walking around the back of the
car even as she's already in it. This is an excellent opportunity
to burp or fart. And I'm being dead serious.
That unsavory thought aside, bear in mind that you've got a really
nice setting for the first kiss to happen when you open a car door
for a woman.
She's already feeling "warm fuzzies" for you because you're
protecting her, taking the lead and keeping her best interests at
You'll be naturally close physically as you open the door for her,
so why not pause, watch for her to seize the moment, press her\
against the side of the car and kiss her brains out?
Then, of course, proceed as directed. She's got to get back in the
car at some point. If she's a good girl, she might even reach over
and unlatch your door for you once she's inside.
By now you've got to be sensing how much inherent value there can
be in opening doors for women. By opening the door for her, you're
potentially opening the door to lots more.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
If you find this newsletter as powerful and life-changing as over
100,000 other men have, why not forward it to a friend who could
benefit from it as well?
Help build this worldwide movement of men reclaiming their
masculinity, standing as a positive role model and deserving the
high quality women we want.
Be The Bold, Confident Man Women Want
Join The Facebook Group For Real Men Of Character
feel about opening doors for women?
How do they feel?
Last night's Masterclass For Men was
called Sexual Mastery As A Lifestyle.
Men who attended were fully equipped
to STOP being invisible to women, and
are already changing their mindsets,
habits AND practical actions to be
irresistible instead:
See What Was Covered Here
More men than ever before are going
through life practically neutered.
That means fewer than ever are
out there inspiring primal, sexual
attraction in women.
This Masterclass was THE line in
the sand for men who attended.
The best news is it's NOT too late.
The entire download portal is already
LIVE, meaning you can get access to
all of these secrets TODAY:
Sexual Mastery As A Lifestyle
How to turn women on without saying
a word...
Revolutionary ways to think that can't
help but transform you into "that guy"
in the eyes of women...
How to use both your eyes AND your
voice to sexually powerful effect with
Even a whole new way to use the
infamous "half-step" to gauge women's
interest level...and then INCREASE it.
Several men agreed that discovering
the "Golden Combo" was by itself
worth the price of admission.
Now it's YOUR TURN:
Sexual Mastery As A Lifestyle
I've even included valuable bonuses
on mental foreplay all day long, and
how to outfit your lifestyle for sexual
And yes, results are GUARANTEED.
By the way, you can gain same-day
access to any of the previous
Masterclasses...all of which deliver
just as powerfully.
See all the topics here:
Every Masterclass For Men So Far...
One of the guys on my Ten-Plus 1-on-1 coaching program called me
with a great question. He wanted some elaboration on exactly how
to open doors for women, and how to handle various pitfalls that
may potentially come up when doing so.
That may sound pretty basic at first but believe me, there was
plenty to discuss.
The conversation ended up being so good, actually, that I wanted to
summarize it for you in today's newsletter. So here goes...
For starters, I think a lot of us are confused nowadays about
whether or not we even should open the door for a woman.
That's not really our fault. We've been given mixed messages about
chivalry in general.
Well, here's my take on that. I say you should still boldly and
unabashedly go for it.
If there's a closed door and a woman who wants to walk through it,
nut up and open it for her.
I really don't care whether she smiles and says, "thank you" or
scowls and rips it out of your hand herself.
Know why? Because if she's the latter variety of woman you
probably want none of her anyway.
Any woman who is THAT uptight about doing away with gender
roles is going to have serious problems igniting your masculinity
with any last vestiges of femininity she's cared to retain...if any.
So why on Earth would you fear some sort of "rejection" in that
case if you really have no interest anyway? And what's more, why
potentially deny a much more appreciative woman the chance to
make you feel like a man for a moment?
See, here's the thing. We as guys don't really open doors for
women because we think women are too weak to open them for
That's a misguided thought.
The reality of the situation is much more useful.
What you're given with each opportunity to open a door for a woman
is a breathtakingly elegant way to demonstrate that you know how to
provide, protect, take the lead and have a woman's best interests at
Wait a minute...that sound a lot like the magic formula for creating
attraction, doesn't it?
Well, duh.
We don't open doors for women because they need us to, and we
certainly don't open them because they command us to. So no, don't
confuse it for an instance of "giving your power away". That's not
the case either.
We open doors for women because we want to. It gives us a chance
to feel like a man, and gives a woman the chance to feel like a
woman. Last I checked, life is a lot nicer when we freely engage
in that sexually polarized "dance".
So with that out of the way, here are some of the practical tips my
friend and I covered during our conversation.
First, do yourself a favor and don't limit your door opening efforts
to only sexually attractive women. Realize that you should have the
best interests of EVERY woman at heart, so open the door for ANY
woman when the opportunity presents itself.
Believe me, the beautiful, sexy ones are watching...and liking.
Next, what do you do when that potentially awkward situation arises
when you're entering a building and a woman is trailing behind you
at some distance?
I'd say that if she's within about 30 or 40 feet of you, go ahead
and risk standing there holding the door a bit longer than is
standard as you wait for her.
If she hustles up a bit when she sees you, no worries. It's better
to err on the side of chivalry in that case.
And what about that other potentially weird situation when you have
two doors in rapid succession, like at the entrance to shopping
Well, you can handle that one easily too.
Simply announce to the woman as she's passing through the first
door that you've got the second one for her also. That way she'll
know to pause and wait for you.
If she's too impatient for that, fine. But at least you're not tripping
all over her scrambling to grab the second door before she does.
Now that would be awkward.
We also talked about opening the car door for a woman, an especially
important situation to get right.
As I've written about before, if it's at all possible you want to make
sure YOU are the one who drives whenever taking a woman out.
He or she who drives is the one who's in control of the whole
experience and is therefore in the leadership position.
Never, ever forget that.
So then, assuming you're driving here's how you make sure opening
the car door for her goes smoothly.
First of all, if you drive a jacked up 4x4 pickup like Kenny Powers
in season three of Eastbound & Down, realize you're NOT doing
yourself any favors when it comes to women.
They really, really dislike trying to climb in and out of those things.
Once you're in possession of a vehicle with a somewhat conventional
ride height, here's what you do.
Be sure to wait until you arrive at the passenger door to unlock
the car. This heads her off at the pass should she try to jump in
the car ahead of you.
Then you simply open the car door and let her get in. You don't
have to make a grand motion. You don't even need to interrupt the
normal flow of conversation in the process.
Importantly, make darned sure she's fully inside the car before
closing the door. Pay attention here, gentlemen. You really don't
what to close the door on her dress, let alone her leg.
At that point, you get the luxury of walking around the back of the
car even as she's already in it. This is an excellent opportunity
to burp or fart. And I'm being dead serious.
That unsavory thought aside, bear in mind that you've got a really
nice setting for the first kiss to happen when you open a car door
for a woman.
She's already feeling "warm fuzzies" for you because you're
protecting her, taking the lead and keeping her best interests at
You'll be naturally close physically as you open the door for her,
so why not pause, watch for her to seize the moment, press her\
against the side of the car and kiss her brains out?
Then, of course, proceed as directed. She's got to get back in the
car at some point. If she's a good girl, she might even reach over
and unlatch your door for you once she's inside.
By now you've got to be sensing how much inherent value there can
be in opening doors for women. By opening the door for her, you're
potentially opening the door to lots more.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
If you find this newsletter as powerful and life-changing as over
100,000 other men have, why not forward it to a friend who could
benefit from it as well?
Help build this worldwide movement of men reclaiming their
masculinity, standing as a positive role model and deserving the
high quality women we want.
Be The Bold, Confident Man Women Want
Join The Facebook Group For Real Men Of Character
Fire The Boss And Take Your Life Back
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