[X&Y] You'll Be Shocked By This, And Might Even Get Mad At Me Over It
Published: Sun, 06/04/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: If you would have
told me several years ago how well this
works, I would have laughed out loud.
...But I'm going to get this off my chest
anyway. Basically, I'd be doing you a
disservice if I didn't.
Now, I fully realize that some of you are
going to shake your head.
Others just might unsubscribe from this
newsletter simply because of what I'm
about to say.
But here it is: I'm a FIRM BELIEVER in
the power of pheromones.
Even though it has been several years
now, I still can't believe I'm saying it
You see, over the years several
companies have hounded me to tell you
about their "pheromone cologne".
Most either blew off my demand that
they send me the product to put to the
test, or they begrudgingly sent me
something that smelled ridiculously of
"Love's Baby Soft" from Avon...or worse.
What a bunch of "snake oil".
But then I started hearing about this guy
named Dr. Amend from several of my
friends who are also dating coaches.
These are people who I know generally
mean well and do good work.
They told me things like, "No, seriously
man. This guy is the real deal. You
should call him."
One said, "I was skeptical too, but this
s NOT your grandfather's pheromones."
Okay, whatever. So I called the guy and
left a message.
He called me right back and was super
cool. He suffered through my litany of
hard-nosed questions and backed
everything with science.
It was all perfectly reasonable...no B.S.
I quickly realized he was a pretty good
And it was his actual, real name on
every bottle of his stuff. That got my
But here's the thing. I wasn't five minutes
into the call when Dr. Amend
VOLUNTEERED to send me a sample of
his Pheromone Advantage, as he calls it.
"I think what you really need to do is put
it to the test yourself", he said.
Either he was too cocky for his own good
or flat-out crazy.
Or maybe, just maybe this was no bluff.
He knew the stuff was going to work.
Sure enough, BAM...it arrived by Priority
Mail a couple of days later.
As it turned out I was checking my mail on
the way out to meet Emily at the
I opened the small, discreet package not
knowing what was inside. But seconds
later I was holding a real, actual bottle of
Pheromone Advantage in my hand.
I looked upward in pensive thought.
Then, one of those "Calvin & Hobbes"
grins slowly crossed my face.
I broke the seal, dabbed it on "sparingly"
per the warning on the bottle (yeah, right)
and it was "game on".
It smelled like NOTHING, which caught
me off guard.
Minutes later I caught up with Emily at
the grocery store.
Within seconds, she was literally hugging
on me as I pushed the cart towards the
produce section, telling me how much she
had missed me all day.
She used to do that back when we were
dating. Good grief, we were suddenly that
couple who makes other people ill again!
After about ten minutes of her glowing at
me with that patented winning smile of hers,
I couldn't hold back.
I told her what I had done just then before
seeing her. I admitted I had Pheromone
Advantage on.
"Do you think that had ANYTHING to do
with how extra-affectionate you're being?"
She practically burst out laughing at the
thought of it all.
"Oh, I doubt it. I just ADORE you always!"
After that I went to the bank. Long story short,
the twenty-something cutie who worked there
was EXTRA friendly and feminine, asking me
lots of questions about who I was and what I
was like.
After I left, she CALLED me five minutes later
reminding me of her name and going on and
on about how I should specifically ask for her
if I need anything else. All in the name of
"customer service", right?
Again...interesting. And I promise I am not
making any of this up.
OK, so at that point I was genuinely intrigued.
But let's face it, those of you guys who have
Female Persuasion know that what I teach
works VERY well at igniting femininity,
Pheromone Advantage or not.
So maybe I'm not the optimal guy to be testing
this stuff.
Very well. That's when I convinced my 18-year
-old stepson Dave to run a little test.
He agreed to wear Pheromone Advantage to
school the next morning.
About 4 pm the following afternoon he rolled
into the house and didn't say much.
But I wasn't about to be patient about this. The
suspense was killing me.
"So, how did school go?"
"Fine", he said, in his typical understated, laid-
back manner.
"No, I mean the GIRLS. Anything happen?"
"Oh...yeah, that. It was pretty weird actually."
"Go on. Tell me."
"Well, there's this one girl who's basically been
'just a friend', but today she sort of hip-bumped
me and bit her lip. I could have sworn she was
sort of flirting."
"Nice. Is that it?"
"Actually, come to think of it...no. This other girl
who I, like, NEVER talk to pretty much started
being super friendly to me. She NEVER does
that. She's pretty hot, too."
I'd heard enough. It was time to swallow my
pride and admit that Pheromone Advantage
might actually be for real.
The next morning I went to grab the bottle and
give it another "test".
But it was GONE. My stepson had pilfered the
stuff and run off to school with it!
By the time he got home I had half a bottle left.
"You're not supposed to use that much of it,
"Well, you see though, I sort of let my friends
in on it. You said you got it free, right?"
Geez...whatever. Typical.
But then again, what more proof did I need?
My own stepson is stealing my stash and
swearing by the stuff with his own social
Okay, enough already. Obviously, I felt
compelled to explain myself here.
But if you're now every bit as intrigued as I
was, here's where the man himself (Dr.
Amend) explains exactly HOW and WHY
Pheromone Advantage works:
Now, it's not like you have to check your
sense of reason at the door here.
I sure haven't.
What you CAN'T expect is for all of female-
kind from miles around to be drawn to you
like robotic supermagnets.
That would be weird anyway.
But what you CAN expect is for women
nearby to sort of "perk up", for lack of a
better description.
It's like they just tune in to your masculine
frequency, or something.
So yes, you still have to be masculine. And
yes, you still have to find the stones to
TALK to women.
But what Pheromone Advantage will do is
make it tons EASIER on you in a bunch
of ways.
Not only will you get a bio-chemical "boost"
of attraction mojo, women will send you
much CLEARER signals that they find you
Women you already know may even
become more affectionate, as my stepson
and I both saw firsthand.
All of that, of course, can only serve to build
your confidence, thereby getting the whole
"domino effect" rolling in your favor.
It is what it is, a Pheromone ADVANTAGE:
By the way, that's an actual web page with
some solid explanations and pretty cool
You even get a picture of the guy, real name
and everything.
But the "clincher" for me was that the
mountain of testimonials all seem to follow
the same pattern that Dave and I saw.
You can add mine to the pile. Just like Dave
told his friends about Pheromone Advantage,
I'm excited to let you in on it too:
Right now, get 15% off your order, plus
a free bar of pheromone soap and free
shipping on all multi-bottle orders. Just
use the code "SCOT15".
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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I'm dead serious about the pheromones.)
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