[X&Y] Letter From A Reader: This Is How It's Supposed To Work

Published: Sun, 06/11/23



As soon as I saw this email from Ross in the UK, I knew I had to
pass it along to you...even though part of the reason he wrote
is he is canceling his Power Sessions email coaching

Read on though, and you'll soon see why...


Hi Scot,
Thank you for all the brilliant advice I have received from you
whilst I've been a Power Sessions Member. The audio programs have
been excellent.
The biggest benefit though has been the email coaching. Having help
on my specific issues has made a big difference. So much of a
difference in fact that I'm now a married man!
Thank you for helping me deserve what I want. It's funny how blase
we are about the fact that we dream of having some incredible woman
in our lives who ticks all the boxes, yet we just bumble on
believing she will just turn up one day and fall for us.
You opened my eyes to developing myself further into a man who
naturally attracts women, and that has resulted in me now being
married to my dream woman.
Now after thanking you for your expertise it's rough that I'm
asking to cancel my Power Sessions membership. We're two months
into our marriage. Please can you pass on my request to your
relevant people?
Thank you again for the wonderful difference you've made to my
life. I'll continue to be an avid reader of your newsletters.


That one pretty much speaks for itself, doesn't it? 

By the way, did you notice that Ross has the presence of mind
to KEEP ON READING these newsletters even though he's

A lot of times I talk about what ANY man can benefit from,
regardless of relationship status.

Incidentally, guess which program Ross had initially purchased
to get his first of many subsequent months of Power Sessions
for f-r-e-e?

You guessed it:  The Leading Man.  That's the program that
contains everything you'll ever need to make sure you KEEP
the greatest woman you've ever met in your life once you meet

50% Off The Leading Man + GTST + DWYW

Ross went through every bit of that program, and asked all the
questions he could think of as a member of the Power Sessions
inner circle.  And I answered every one of them from the heart.

That's why e-mails like the one Ross sent me are my very
favorite ones to receive.

If you want a success story of your own to tell, The Leading
Man is THE best place to start.

Tell you what...I'll even make it about as easy as it gets for

Simply use the link below and get an instant 50% off.  I'll
also give you a full and complete copy of my Get Together,
Stay Together
relationship mastery program, and my first
book Deserve What You Want.

50% Off The Leading Man + GTST + DWYW

And yes, if you'd like a free month of Power Sessions
unlimited e-mail coaching--which also includes a new
audio program in your inbox ever couple of weeks--simply
check the box on the order page.

This is the first promo I've run for The Leading Man in quite
some time, and it ends tomorrow.



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