[X&Y] The "Just Be Friends" Syndrome Is A Preventable Disorder

Published: Sat, 06/17/23

WHAT'S INSIDE:  Why do we go out on dates with a
woman and HIDE our masculine sexual nature out of



...Even if you've never met them before.

Sound impossible?

I can tell you first-hand it happens all the time, and THIS
is how:

Newly Updated

Want the least complicated way to have women beating a
path to your door?

Want your passport out of the "Just Be Friends Zone"?

This would be it.

You've just found the "easy button" wired to a nuclear

Take A Look

No, it's not going to be what you expect.  In fact,
your first thought might be "no way".

But "yes way".  And wait until you see what happens
AFTER they get to your home or apartment.



Sometimes there are certain topics I choose to write about that fry
my circuits to a crisp.

This would be one of them.

I mean, who knows why in the world we as guys even need to be
reminded that heterosexual women are female...which means that they
are sexually attracted to men (aka guys like you and me)?

But we do.

Messages pour into my overflowing inbox from guys who wonder aloud
why they keep getting banished to the evil "Just Be Friends Zone" by

Let's cut to the chase.  99.9% of the time that happens because women
are just not feeling it for the guy.

The tragic part?  The tendency to land in the JBF Zone is a
preventable disorder.

And if you've got the fever, the only cure is to freely and proudly
unleash your natural, genuine masculinity the next time you're
around a woman.

That means no more neuter conversations about the weather, celebrity
gossip and especially how work sucks.

Instead, start the road to recovery by acknowledging the simple
fact that she's a woman with natural, red-blooded needs.

One of those needs is to have her female sexuality charged up like
a super-magnet.

As basic as it sounds, finally--once and for all--allow yourself to
believe that truth.

You see, for whatever reason modern men are afraid of being
masculine in a woman's presence nowadays. 

Perhaps it's all the "sensitivity training" and "sexual harassment
seminars" we've attended that have brainwashed us into somehow
thinking that sexual polarity is offensive to women.

We've been led to believe that simple, innocuous flirting is an
aggressive act.

Think of it this way.  We already know that women really do follow
a man's lead.

So when we show up on a date and lead with being a "friendly" but
neuter person rather than with unabashed masculinity, what's
naturally going to happen?

If you answered, "she'll follow your lead and think of you as 'just
a friend'"
, give yourself a gold star.

Meanwhile...women are pulling their hair out wondering where all the
"real men" went.

The devastating truth is that we haven't gone anywhere

We're all still here.  We just need to snap out of the funk we're
in, no thanks to the social messages we've been fed.

Here's the stone cold, shocking truth gentlemen:

There are two kinds of people walking this planet.  People who are
sexually attracted to men and those who aren't.

Heterosexual women are the first type, and if you're reading this
you are the other.

That means you might not understand a woman's sexual cravings.

But that doesn't mean they aren't there, that they aren't valid and
that they don't need to be satisfied.

They're just different than yours.  Rest assured, for example, that
the vast majority of women do NOT want "a woman with a penis" for a

And as odd as I feel typing this obvious fact, it needs to be said:
Men are NOT the "root of all evil" and women are NOT "infallible
divine goddesses" on pedestals.

We're all human beings.  There are some with black hearts and
others with hearts of gold representing both genders, I assure you.

So once we "unwire" our counter-productive thoughts on how men and
women relate, how exactly do we translate that into real world,
successful interactions with women?

The solution here is simple, if not necessarily easy if you've
developed an unconscious habit of being neuter over the years.

Masculinity and femininity are the fuel that supercharges sexual

So dress like a man, move like a man and talk like a man.

Build your confidence by doing what you excel at more often, seeing
yourself as others see you and flat-out forcing yourself to
recognize that you were born to attract women...literally.

Make simple, relatively innocuous decisions (like what to order off
of a menu) more quickly.

Be sure to have a plan...in the moment and for the long-term future.

Have your own thoughts rather than agreeing with everything she
says.  Slow down and choose your words carefully.

If the opportunity comes up to make her laugh or to tease in a
playful way, seize it.

Show some leadership by bringing out the playful in her.  That
makes her feel like a woman, and shows her you're a man.

Lean back and relax rather than crowding her space and getting all
up in her chili.

Stop trying to paw her up like a hungry Chihuahua and make her
with delicious anticipation.

And by all means face fear when the chips are down with courage
rather than casually slipping out the back door while nobody is

The bottom line is this:  Men are supposed to be men just like
women are supposed to be women.

That design works...and has for millennia without question or

Masculinity and femininity are not "cultural inventions". On the
contrary, masculine / feminine polarity can be readily observed
with amazing consistency all over the world. 

I've seen this with my own eyes as I've traveled to 105 countries
all over the world.  It's a universal language...like math, only a lot
more fun.

So once again, I can assure you with utmost confidence:  She's
FEMALE, you're MALE...and that's OKAY.



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