[X&Y] 3 Ways To Tell If She's The Ultimate Woman For You

Published: Sat, 09/16/23


IN THIS EDITION: How do you know if
you really have the RIGHT woman in
your life, once and for all? Here are real,
objective answers.  



The best way to make sure you never have
to suffer a vicious breakup, deal with divorce
lawyers and spend years crawling back from
the pain?

Like my secret on how to talk to women
(below), the answer is hiding in plain sight:

Choose the right woman to begin with.

Yeah, but how do you do that?

And even if you do, how do you have the
kind of relationship with her that other
couples can only wistfully dream of?


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Hey Scot,    

I have a question for you.  

I am in a great relationship and I care for this woman very much.
In fact, I love her and she is definitely in love with me.  

But how do I know that she is the one?  If I end this relationship
with her, it will break her heart and that absolutely kills me.  

Do I give myself more time or am I just ignoring the inevitable?  

We have been dating for about 2 months and communicating for 4

Thanks for the help,    

Andre (Farwell, MN)


Hello Andre, and thanks for writing.  

First of all, by talking about ending the relationship, I hope you
are not falling into the trap of believing that if you actually
find a great woman you can theoretically spend a lifetime with, and
she feels the same way about you, that you need to break up with

Some guys have been taught that it's somehow "giving your power
away" or something to find the ultimate woman and be happy with her.

We covered that in a previous newsletter, and I don't understand
this way of thinking.  At all.

In reality, it's all about having complete, 100% control over your
wildly successful dating life.  If you are making YOUR OWN
decisions from a position of strength rather than capitulation,
then you are NEVER giving your power away.  

So if you have chosen the greatest woman from many options, and a
long-term stable life with her is WHAT YOU WANT, then so be it.  

Having gotten that off my chest, and assuming all is in order in
your life, I can actually give you objective answers to what you
are asking about.  

Here are three major points to consider:  


You'll need more time than that to know this has lasting commitment
potential.  I don't care if you two are joined at the hip these

Emily and I were together constantly almost from minute one and we
waited nine months to get married.  I waited seven to propose.  

You've simply got to let the 'warm fuzzies' calibrate themselves.
There's no way to gain any visibility into what the future holds


List the ten most important factors you want in a woman.  I don't
care what they are, it's your decision alone.  

Rank her for each factor 1-10.  If she's a "100", you're all set.  Just
like a term paper, anything over a "90" would be in the "A" range.
I personally wouldn't settle for less than an A+.

You'd be amazed how many people run the numbers for their
significant other and get a C-.  Or an F.

Bear in mind that since you are doing this exercise after the fact,
your perceptions will be a bit biased.  Ideally, this list is best
formulated before meeting the highest quality women you are
eventually capable of attracting.

By the way, if this sounds rather objective or even "mechanical",
that's by design.  

If you are a natural "right brainer", as I am, you have a tendency
to get wrapped up in the euphoria of a particularly promising
relationship and make "seat of the pants" decisions.  This helps you
ground the circuit, so to speak.  

Now, if on the other hand your mind is more analytical to begin
with, you may in fact suppose you'd be subjecting yourself to
"analysis paralysis" with an exercise like this.  

Ironically enough, however, if you stick to the design I'm proposing
here you may actually be able to focus your analysis rather than
letting it spiral into an unchecked vortex of questions without

But perhaps the most effective way to definitively sort things out
is what follows...



Here's the clincher.  Schedule the time off work and preferably fly
somewhere and rent a car.  

Build an itinerary for the trip that involves MASSIVE windshield
time--just you and her together in the car.  

For hours.  And hours.

Make sure there are also some truly cool places to see along the
way.  You are testing to see if you get on each other's nerves
under those circumstances.  You are also testing to see if you can
truly enjoy "big moments" together fully and with synergy.  

I took Emily around Arizona when we had known each other for two
months, putting 1400 miles in and seeing Sedona, the Grand Canyon
and Monument Valley.  It went well.  

But just for good measure, I planned yet another trip.  We hit
California four months later and went from LA, through the wine
country up to the Bay Area and back to LA.  That trip went equally

The following month I proposed.  

I truly believe this strategy is a powerful one, very much
portending what live together would be like through periods of
boredom, frustration, excitement, bliss and everything in between.   

I'm assuming that you had the opportunity to date numerous women
before meeting this one to gain full understanding of what you
truly appreciate in a woman rather leaving it to pure speculation.

Without that visibility, you're really only guessing no matter
what, while hoping for the best.    

Do some guys meet the greatest woman of all time early in the

Sure, but as I said, it's never as proven a scenario as when a guy
has dated plenty of women and raised the proverbial bar as high as
it will go before selecting the right one from many amazing options
(which, incidentally, transforms that 100-point spreadsheet into an
indispensable tool).



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