[X&Y] Lay Down The Law And Break It
Published: Mon, 09/18/23

As cool as the title of this newsletter is, I can’t take credit for it.
It’s actually a somewhat obscure lyric from a Steely Dan song
way back in the ‘70s.
Nevertheless, if you’re like me, it really captures your
imagination as a man and doesn’t let go.
It’s about making our own rules…which in turn can be changed
at any time because we feel like it.
Now, if you’re a man of character who believes in self-respect,
treating women right and making the world a better place, there
aren't any legal or ethical problems with that idea.
To you, it represents FREEDOM. Not simply freedom of
thought and action, but freedom of DESTINY and PURPOSE
as well.
Nowadays, however, most of us live in a default setting where
someone else “laid down the law” in our lives, and we’ve simply
obeyed it.
But there's no fulfillment in following someone else’s rules like
sheep instead of following your own conscience.
When I was in my twenties, I shocked my family and friends by
leaving mid-Atlantic suburbia behind and moving to Yuma, AZ.
Literally everyone thought I had lost my mind.
But I count those years spent in the “wild, wild west” as among
the best of my life. My friends and I felt like we were in a Sam
Peckinpah movie, except we were riding sportbike motorcycles
through the desert instead of horses.
I wasn’t “supposed” to be doing that. I was supposed to be
in a "normal" place working a "normal" job.
As the years have passed, I've never lost sight of the
exhilaration and sheer power of deciding my own freaking path
in life...and that's what I'm still doing even now.
So how about you? What are you "supposed" to be doing?
Is it what someone else thinks you should be doing?
Or are you living YOUR dream...laying down YOUR law?
Are you fulfilled in your career? Is what you do aligned
with your purpose?
What IS your purpose, anyway?
And when was the last time you went on a REAL adventure?
Most of all, are you attracting the women you really want?
Do you believe you CAN?
If those are sobering questions, you're not alone.
But it all leads to another pair of all-important questions:
Where and when did everything get off track?
And what are you going to DO about it?
What if you could be bold, confident, irresistibly influential and
even dominant…only perhaps without getting shot at quite as
often as Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday?
And what if you had the motivation and skills to get it done?
What if I was right there with you...and had your back all the
way to the finish line?
As I mentioned yesterday, my calendar is open to talk to
YOU for the next week or so.
This is all about drawing a line in the sand today so that
tomorrow is more about YOUR DREAMS, and the kind of
hero YOU will be to the woman you've always wanted.
Now is the time. This is where the so-called "rules" get
changed. Reserve your spot on the calendar and let's
Let's Do This Thing...
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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