[X&Y] 6 Harsh Wake-Up Calls
Published: Thu, 10/05/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: If you've EVER allowed yourself to endure ANY of
the following heinous dating disasters (and even excuse them as
"normal"), it's time to snap out of it...
Many of you have asked me why what's in Female Persuasion is
so powerful, and why you should get your hands on it.
The answer to that is simple: When women want to do anything
for you, it's as if someone lifted the veil on a charmed life
beyond what most guys can even comprehend.
Here's the thing, gentlemen. Women constantly daydream about
pleasing a man just like you. That's the truth.
The problem? We as guys usually stand in our own way, keeping
us from ever experiencing what's possible.
If you lead in a way that shows women you don't expect the best
from them, you'll tend to see them at their worst instead.
Meanwhile, guys who understand what's in Female Persuasion live
the dream that most guys don't even think is possible:
50% Off Female Persuasion + The Man's Approach Free
So go ahead and pull the trigger on this golden opportunity.
Acquire your very own copy of Female Persuasion and let it
empower you to attract women like moths to a flame...all because
they WANT to be where you are.
For the next 48 hours I'll also send you my program on how to
approach, talk to and date women. That's The Man's Approach,
...and it's yours free.
I'll send you both programs. But remember, this promo comes to
an abrupt halt on Friday at midnight.
Every day I talk to men and women who are facing a challenge or
two. Most are similar to what the rest of us deal with in the dating
But man...I hear stories that are definitely non-standard.
Particularly interesting are the brouhahas men and women get
themselves into that clearly indicate cognitive dissonance.
Unfortunately, when we want so badly to believe that someone who is
indifferent (or even flatly uninterested) is someday, somehow going
to accept us and become romantically attracted to us, we open the
door to being manipulated, trifled with or flat-out used.
If you can personally relate to any of what follows it's time to
WAKE UP and realize that someone you have the "hots" for is
being at best opportunistic with you, or worse, is going to milk her
relationship with you for all you are worth.
1) Financial Appeals
One time years ago I picked up a woman at her home to take
her out. She informed me that she would need a few more minutes
because she was IMing with a guy two thousand miles away.
She said it was important because although she had no interest in
ever really meeting this man he "sent her money all the time".
So she was essentially leveraging her "feminine wiles" for purely
ulterior financial motives (which I referred to immediately as
"Typing For Dollar$").
Inexplicably, the lonely guy on the other end of the conversation
willingly let this go on and actually sent her funds.
In case the inherent subtlety of the whole scenario slipped by
unnoticed, let me reiterate: She was typing to this guy while I
was standing there, and readily admitted to what was going on.
Predictably, this same woman woke up a few days later to an empty
driveway, her SUV having been repossessed.
I'll never forget the phone call where she demurely purred a
request that I "lend her $17,000". I may never forget that phone
call, but I forgot her. Fast.
Actually, I should have seen that coming and dropped her like the
bad habit she potentially was days earlier when I found out what her
IM strategies were like. Shame on me.
2) Requests For Favors
Back in my mid-twenties I lived with several roommates, all of whom
attracted women easily and often.
One day I came home and was mildly surprised to encounter a
pleasantly attractive and sweet young woman. She was nearly
finished with the monumental task of deep-cleaning our filthy
house from top to bottom.
Speechless, I asked what prompted her to do such a thing. "Oh",
she said, "Your roommate hired me to be your maid."
Said roommate then "forgot" to pay her the paltry five bucks (!?)
in payment they had agreed upon up front.
Yet, she was back again the next week for more of the same,
only this time he got her to do it naked.
My roommate never so much as asked her out. Ever.
3) Invitations To Spend Time And Resources
What if someone invites you to go somewhere or do something that's
particularly expensive and/or far away? What if the same person
who invited you casually expects you to foot the bill and/or do the
I believe the answers to these deep questions are rhetorical. Yet,
it's amazing how many narcissistic single people have an iPhone full
My roommate never so much as asked her out. Ever.
3) Invitations To Spend Time And Resources
What if someone invites you to go somewhere or do something that's
particularly expensive and/or far away? What if the same person
who invited you casually expects you to foot the bill and/or do the
I believe the answers to these deep questions are rhetorical. Yet,
it's amazing how many narcissistic single people have an iPhone full
of willing minions.
So that's the first three. Hang in there, because I'll follow up
with the second half tomorrow. Stay tuned...and expect to be
utterly blown away.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
The Facebook Group For Men
So that's the first three. Hang in there, because I'll follow up
with the second half tomorrow. Stay tuned...and expect to be
utterly blown away.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Forward this newsletter to a friend, and help
build this worldwide movement of over 100,000
men reclaiming their masculinity, standing as a
positive role model and deserving the high
quality women we want.
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