[X&Y] 6 Secrets To Great Pictures (Most Guys Mess This Up)
Published: Mon, 10/09/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: Whether you're into online dating or not, you're
going to need great photos of yourself. Here's why, and better yet
here's how...
Now, I fully realize the vast majority of men are flat-out scared to
approach a beautiful, sexy woman in a "real world" setting.
Online dating sites and apps remove must of the fear of
I mean, it's a far more controlled environment. You can
"approach" women all day long without having to, well...
actually meet them just yet.
Some among us, however, still believe there's lots to be
nervous about:
"I'm a terrible writer. I have no idea what to write in my profile
and I'll probably mess it up anyway."
"Man...I just don't know if I can handle getting all excited over a
woman's profile, only to face the reality of not getting the chance
to actually meet her and see what she's like. That would suck."
"Sending text messages to women I already know is hard enough,
let alone writing first e-mails to women I've never even met before."
"And what if I spend all that time writing a bunch of e-mails without
realizing I'm sending messages to scammers behind fake profiles?"
"Right now I do so-so with women without online dating...it would
kill my confidence to get online and see no response whatsoever!"
"They all just end up 'ghosting' me anyway."
"Dude...I take hideous pictures. What if chicks write me just to tell
me I look like a dork?"
OK, well we're going to take care of that last potential stumbling
block right here and right now in today's newsletter, or at least
give you a running start at it.
But to find clear and simple answers for how to blast through the
rest of them, my Online Dating Domination 3.0 program is
hands-down the best way to find rapid success:
Online Dating Domination Is 50% Off For The Next 24 Hours
In it I'll reveal to you how to put together a smokin' cool profile
in record time, select only the hottest women, and write first
e-mails that flat-out magnetize them and get their fingers typing
to write you back.
You'll get all the shortcuts to mastering online dating in your
metro area even as just about all of the other guys out there
I'll show you how to master apps--even as the masses are in
a state of sheer frustration over them.
You'll shave years off the learning curve.
In other words, I've done all the "heavy lifting" for you.
Here we are...the Holidays are upon us and women are
clamoring to find a great guy like you about now.
So if you're serious about getting your online dating mojo in full
swing, NOW is the best time.
That's why I'm making it easy to get your hands on Online Dating
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Online Dating Domination Is 50% Off For The Next 24 Hours
Remember, right now you also get my program on how to meet
women OFFLINE as well. That's The Man's Approach.
You only have through tomorrow afternoon to act on this.
Even if you're NOT exactly into online dating, read what follows
Chances are you've got a Facebook, Twitter and/or Google+
account, right?
Obviously, having the most flattering pictures of yourself possible
always helps...that's a "no-brainer".
But what's more, here's something that maybe you haven't
Remember back in high school when you always exchanged
pictures with MOTOS (members of the other sex) you met?
Well, nothing has changed, really. It's still a fantastic idea to
have some particularly good pictures ready to share with
someone you've started dating.
It's an excellent way to keep a solid, positive impression of how
wonderful you are at the forefront of her mind (and her
With all of that in mind, here are a half-dozen ways to make sure
you have great pictures of yourself:
1) Think Like A Customer Service Agent
This is absolutely golden, and perhaps one of the most foolproof
strategies going.
Have you ever noticed something about virtually every photo you
see online depicting a customer service agent?
Well sure, they all have one of those headphone/mic combos on their
But that aside, check it out: They all have the same exact expression
on their faces, too...be they male or female.
They have a certain confident but warm look about them.
That's no coincidence. After all, the whole point is to get you to
see them as both competent and easy to talk to.
If they can sub-communicate that impression in your mind, you're
more likely to actually contact them, right?
Well guess what? Your best pictures of yourself (online OR off)
have the very same goal. You want to excite women about getting
in touch with you.
So it's worthwhile to stand in front of a mirror and practice until
you can duplicate that "customer service" countenance. Then go
take some pictures.
Oh, and relax your way into that facial expression rather than
forcing it. It'll turn out much better that way.
2) Stay Indoors, And Stay Natural
There are two certain ways to look terrible in photographs.
The first is to stand in the dark and let a flashbulb wash you out,
thereby highlighting all of your flaws...even the ones that are
practically invisible under every other circumstance.
The second is to go outside on a sunny day and squint into the
camera. Nobody has ever been more attractive when wrinkling his
or her face up into a knot.
And wearing sunglasses isn't exactly the solution either. We all
need to see your eyes...you know, since they're the windows to
your soul, and all.
So what's the solution? Find a place that's inside and has natural
light...that is, not requiring a flash.
If it's overcast outside, that's good also.
The point is to look your best, and bright light (be it solar or
electronic) doesn't do that.
3) Be In A Good Mood (But Not THAT Good Of One)
The other day Emily and I were coaching someone on how to perform
effective searches online when something truly bizarre occurred to
Fewer than half of the people listed in the search results seemed
like relaxed, well-adjusted and/or dare I say happy people.
Many looked downright angry or vexed. A few even looked terrified.
You see, in my mind it seems pretty fundamental that you'd want to
portray a positive attitude. But apparently that isn't so obvious
to most people.
Now, I'm aware of the studies that indicate that it's not a good
idea for men to post pics with big, wide cheesy grins. For some
reason that comes off as overeager and needy.
But that doesn't mean you should scowl like a pro wrestler, either.
The smooth, wry, James Bond smile that says, "I've got a secret"
is actually the way to go.
For some crazy reason women LOVE that look. It expresses
confidence and generates intrigue.
4) Stay Focused
What's up with all of these photos I've seen online that are either
blurry or poorly framed?
If you're blurry in your pictures, women are not going to assume
you're more attractive than you appear. Rather, they're going to
think you're hiding something.
And as we all know, misrepresenting yourself online is pretty much
the kiss of death. So crisp, clear pics are a must.
By the way, if half of your head is cut off it's hard to get a good
idea of what you look like as well. Make sure to be centered in
your pic, as that vision of symmetry is pleasing to the eye, which
is always a good thing.
5) Leave No Doubt What Your Gender Is
Masculine men are attracted to feminine women, and vice-versa.
So why not make it a point to wear the most gender-specific clothes
you have?
Also be sure to position yourself in a masculine way. No "over the
shoulder glance" shots or male "kissy faces", please.
And hopefully I don't have to tell you that standing up straight
and/or leaning casually against a wall is a better idea than lying
on your side in a bed of flowers.
6) Dress For Success
I cannot tell you how many frumpy women and sloppy dudes I've seen
in pictures online.
How can you expect to attract women like catnip attracts kitties
unless you've made an effort to at least look your best before
getting in front of the camera?
Without exception, whenever any guy sends me the usernames of his
top 5 choices among all the women in his entire metro area the
pictures that I see are of women in dresses, high heels, and the
whole nine yards.
It's rare to see women in sweatpants and oversized t-shirts in
those pictures.
Guys, you know this is true, so do the ladies a favor and put on
your Sunday Best (yes, even a suit) instead of fooling yourself into
thinking that a "wife beater" T-shirt and "bed head" is going to attract
any high-quality women whatsoever.
In fact, if you have a pic of yourself in a tux at some recent formal
occasion, that might be your best shot.
OK, so there you go. Some of what you have just read may seem
refreshingly original. Glad to help you get an edge there.
But no doubt, you've probably noticed that there's also a lot of
common sense involved.
Unfortunately, however, it would appear once again that "common
sense" isn't necessarily so common out there.
Seriously, follow the six steps I've outlined for you above and
you'll be way ahead of probably 90% of everyone else out there.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
P.S. Hey, I realize there are quite a few of you ladies out there
who read this newsletter in order to get a "fly on the wall view"
of what a great guy can and should be like.
Well, guess what? Emily's got you covered also. You can pick
up a copy of her excellent Click With Him program for online
dating success at 50% off also by clicking on this link:
While you're there, be sure to get in on Emily's newsletter for
women also, if you're not receiving it already.
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