[X&Y] 5 Secrets To Meeting Women On Weekends
Published: Sat, 10/14/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: Here we are...it's Saturday morning again.
How did last night go? Here are five simple ways to make
meeting women on weekends a LOT easier from now on...
How did last night go? Here are five simple ways to make
meeting women on weekends a LOT easier from now on...
The new Giant Leap program is not only getting results,
it's doing so in typically low-probability scenarios like
getting one's ex back:
Read this report from one of you guys:
"I thought I should give you a VERY positive update.
Basically it appears I'm back together with [name withheld].
We just spent the whole weekend together and our first
night together since July. She was happy about everything,
the dinner we made, the movie we watched, and she even
mentioned how she liked the sex.
You were right! (of course). I tried paying more attention
to her actions instead of letting her words (of how she
felt we could only be friends) bother me.
Her actions clearly showed she liked me and still had
attraction to me.
It's crazy how things developed from her unexpected
message in mid September, to her saying we could only
be friends, to her wanting me to stay the night when I
came over to her place for dinner and a movie.
Thank you!"
Pete - Phoenix, AZ
Basically it appears I'm back together with [name withheld].
We just spent the whole weekend together and our first
night together since July. She was happy about everything,
the dinner we made, the movie we watched, and she even
mentioned how she liked the sex.
You were right! (of course). I tried paying more attention
to her actions instead of letting her words (of how she
felt we could only be friends) bother me.
Her actions clearly showed she liked me and still had
attraction to me.
It's crazy how things developed from her unexpected
message in mid September, to her saying we could only
be friends, to her wanting me to stay the night when I
came over to her place for dinner and a movie.
Thank you!"
Pete - Phoenix, AZ
What is that ONE roadblock you need to get past?
Maybe it's getting back in touch with "the one who
got away", or perhaps it's something completely
Doing so would make you a happy man like Pete,
wouldn't it?
Now it's your turn:
Alright, gentlemen. Another weekend is here.
How's it going to go?
Well, let's start with how last weekend went.
Did you drag yourself out of the sack pretty late having
given it your all the night before?
When you took your dog to PetSmart on Saturday, did you
meet some sweet, giggly little redhead who's got more energy
than a whole squad of cheerleaders?
And after deciding to hang out the rest of the day together in the
park with your pups, did she pretty much thrill you with sexual
favors to the point where you were exhausted?
Or what's that you say? You spent all day Saturday playing "co-ed
touch football" followed by a major pub crawl with a decidedly NON
co-ed "team" of eleven new female friends you made?
All of that sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?
And when days like that happen, we tend to remember them with a
smile for a LONG time.
Maybe even forever.
Why? Well, you and I BOTH know the answer to that.
The truth is that days like that are RARE for most people, even the
beautiful, sexy women we share them with.
For most guys, Saturdays are spent catching up on errands. Great.
And sure, the dry cleaning needs to be picked up and the groceries
need to be bought.
But whatever you do, don't let yourself fall into the habit of
wasting your precious weekends doing absolutely nothing else.
Here are five dead simple ways you can start having better weekends
1) Stop Watching Sports, Start Inventing Them
Hey, I get it. The college football season is in full swing.
And you might consider your alma mater's home opener "must see
But if you sit at home and watch it, chances are you'll meet ZERO
WOMEN in the process...unless the "pizza delivery boy" isn't a
Fat chance. Literally.
Here's an exercise. The next time there's a truly HUGE game on,
make it a point to MISS IT.
I bet you life will not only go on, it'll go BETTER.
Several years ago my favorite NFL team happened to advance VERY
deep into the playoffs, eventually winning the friggin' Super Bowl.
But meanwhile I had so much going on that a part of me was sort
of wishing they'd go ahead and LOSE so I wouldn't have to rearrange
my entire life to watch the next game.
That was a bizarre feeling.
Am I saying you've got to give up watching sports entirely? Not at
all. I'm suggesting you try something other than watching sports
once in a while.
And for what it's worth, even if you watch big games at sports
bars, you're not exactly going where the "ratio" is in your favor.
2) Make Plans, But Leave Room For Spontaneity
Fridays have a wicked way of sneaking up on us, don't they?
We stay so busy all week long that by the time the weekend actually
gets here we've planned NOTHING.
And what do we do at that point?
Well, since planning stuff at the last minute would likely involve
more stress, we just passively lie around and do little, if
Again...that's not exactly the way to meet women and/or enjoy their
Make it a habit to start thinking about plans for the coming
weekend as soon as MONDAY.
Be sure to get a solid idea ahead of time of WHERE you're going to
be, WHAT you're going to do and WHO with...but definitely leave some
flexibility in the plan for that redhead you met at PetSmart.
3) Don't Depend On Your Boring Friends
Oh man, this one could be the major takeaway from this newsletter
for many.
How often do we automatically assume our friends will come up
with something cool to do this weekend, only to find that everyone
is "sitting home this time" and/or playing Dungeons and Dragons
The best decision you might ever make is to move from being a
passive member of your social circle to being the one who boldly
makes plans and invites others to join you.
Otherwise, you'll continue to find that if YOU don't do that nobody
else is likely to either.
4) Break Free Of Old Patterns By Focusing On Your Dreams
It's easy to think weekends are all about COMFORT after working
all week. I get it.
But a by-product of taking it easy is getting stuck in a
convenient rut of running the same routine every single, blasted
That offers you ZERO chance of meeting NEW women.
Instead, remember the old saying: "Work hard, play hard."
Put some effort into making your weekends as great as the work you
do all week long and watch how fulfilling life becomes.
Here's something to think about.
When guys begin a Ten-Plus coaching program with me, one of the
first things I do is ask them to complete their "bucket list"...not
stopping until they have at least 25 entries.
Many guys draw a blank after as few as five or six.
And the overwhelming majority of guys write down a list composed
mostly of things they could have or do TODAY with relatively little
money and/or effort...if they just made the move.
Weekends are FREE TIME for a reason. You truly are free.
5) Get Out Of The House
I can assure you of very few things in life, but this is one of
them: If you never leave the "cave", you'll not meet many women.
As simple as it sounds, make it a point to leave your home at least
once during the day and for at least one evening over the course of
a weekend.
If for now that means simply making the most of the errands you have
to run during the day, then so be it. That's a start.
Just be sure to go to plenty of places where there are women to talk
At night? Even if you're not a "clubber" you can be social.
Or go shopping at the 24-hour supermarket if all else fails. You'll find
you're actually NOT alone. It's rather shocking how many sexy women
can be found at the grocery store at 10 pm on a Saturday night.
Do ANYTHING...just get out of the friggin' house.
Obviously, ANY weekend is better if you've met at least one great
woman over the course of it.
When you meet more, that's even better.
If you're fed up with enduring one boring weekend after another,
it's time to make a stand.
It's time to believe that you deserve better...that you deserve to
have high quality women in your life as much as the next guy (if
not more). Life doesn't get any better that that.
Put the kibosh on boring weekends from now on.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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