[X&Y] Frustrated With Your Dating Life? Here's Why...
Published: Wed, 08/09/23
IN THIS EDITION: More and more, I'm convinced there
is one major factor that decides whether or not a man
is going to experience frustration in his dating life.
Time flies, doesn't it?
Remember when it was January 1st, and you made that
resolution to find a great woman this year?
Well, how's that going?
If you think you're behind the curve on that, you're not alone.
I mean, hey...we get busy and our focus turns to other things
that are also pretty important.
But listen, man. Meeting the right woman really is mission
So you've got to get going:
50% Off Online Dating Domination 3.0 + The Man's Approach
So what are all the women doing to make sure they find
a great guy fast?
They're going ONLINE, that's what.
Why? Because it WORKS.
If you're still living in 1993 thinking only women who can't get a
date are placing "personal ads", all I can tell you is to take a
freakin' look for yourself.
Get ready to pick your jaw up off the floor when you run your first
search on Match.com or Hinge. Seriously.
And know this: It WILL be the few and the proud among guys who
know the ropes and who will be scoring the dates with all of those
sexy women.
Yes...those guys will be choosing which women they want.
That will happen whether or not YOU are still sitting at home on the
couch wondering what to do.
Meanwhile, my life mission is to make sure you are one of the guys
who is "living the dream". To really, truly do that, you'll need the
most effective plan of action there is:
50% Off Online Dating Domination 3.0 + The Man's Approach
Today you can take advantage of an automatically-applied
50% off coupon to get my new Online Dating Domination 3.0
program for half it's usual price.
As you know by now, I met Emily online.
And since then I've learned probably ten times as much about how
to completely eliminate your competition online and end up with the
EXACT woman you want.
Plus, to make matters even more interesting, I'll also include a full
and complete copy of The Man's Approach so you can meet
women offline as well (i.e. in person, in the "real world").
So go ahead. Get moving on this and put Online Dating Domination
3.0 and The Man's Approach to the test, once and for all:
50% Off Online Dating Domination 3.0 + The Man's Approach
My 100% money back guarantee stands behind my commitment
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Every day we get phone calls and e-mails from both men and women.
It's like having a crystal ball that offers clear insight into how men and
women think about each other.
After over thirteen years of doing this, I've noticed there is one
factor that differentiates everyone who is having trouble with the other
gender from those who aren't.
It's almost like a common thread of DNA.
None of them are IN CONTROL of their dating lives.
Instead, they perceive whomever they are interested in to be in full
You see, typically a guy will write me and say something like, "Hey
Scot, I got a phone number from a woman, but I called her and she
was completely non-committal about hanging out sometime. How
do I get her to go out with me?"
Or, he may say, "Look Scot, I've got a problem here. I started
seeing this woman and it was going well. But lately she has been
telling me she's 'super busy' and can't really get together as often.
I texted her four or five times yesterday and she didn't answer."
The women's version tends to be shockingly similar, even if the
stories themselves are often more dramatic and entertaining.
"Scot, I really like this guy who is 'legally separated'. But he
hasn't filed for divorce and changes the subject whenever I bug
him about it. We were supposed to go out Friday night but he
never called. So I finally called him around 10p and some chick
answered! She was really, really, REALLY mad. What do I do?"
"Hi Scot, I met this guy online and he lives a couple of hours
away. I don't understand why he can't just take a Saturday
afternoon and meet me half way or something to have lunch.
But he keeps putting it off. How can I get him to be more excited
about meeting me?"
Do you see the pattern there?
Each of the four scenarios above involves someone having put the
object of his or her potential affection in complete, utter control
over the outcome.
The most curious part of this is that the guys who are in such a
position are the same ones who are firmly convinced that "women
are the choosers and men are the chasers".
They complain that women "can choose any guy they want, and
we as men have to do all the work".
Meanwhile, every woman in a similar position says something like,
"How come I have to be the only one who cares about the
relationship all the time? How come I call him and couldn't be
sweeter to him, but he hardly ever calls back? And when he does,
how come he only wants to see me like once a month?"
Yep...you got it. The one in control chooses...man or woman.
And that's precisely why everyone in that "out of control" position
ends up frustrated. They feel powerless, and asking someone like
us what to do in any particular situation is really just a band-aid.
The reality is there's nothing they CAN do to get inside another
person's mind and work the controls.
At least not directly.
Now, other people out there might start dating several people at
once, having a hard time sorting out their rambunctious social lives.
At that point they too may call and ask me how to deal with that.
But when you think about it, that's really just another version of not
being in control of one's dating life, isn't it?
Granted, it's a "high quality problem", but it's a twist on the same
basic issue nonetheless. Instead of one person being in control
over another, however, in this case you have one person being
controlled by the pressures of many on his or her time.
Poor babies, I know.
But it can indeed be frustrating. And that, as I mentioned, is the
premise of this entire discussion.
When you are OUT OF CONTROL of your dating life, you are
And when you are IN CONTROL of your dating life, you aren't.
It really couldn't be more simple.
So here's what I challenge you to do.
If you are obsessing over one person--or worse, if you're
obsessing because there's NO person in your life--I want you to
TAKE CONTROL and make the first move towards having real
options in your life.
Young people have a distinct advantage over older people who
are dating because they get to "clock in" every day at a "workplace"
where there are no limits on "fraternization" and where everyone is
the same age.
Best of all, except in rare instances, about half of those people
are of the other gender.
That place is SCHOOL, of course. And what's more, everyone at
school is usually unmarried, right?
It really is a dating bonanza, assuming you have the wherewithal
at a young age to make the most of it.
But youth is wasted on the young oftentimes, isn't it? Most of us
didn't exactly have dating figured out back in high school.
And the hard truth is once you graduate, you'll NEVER
experience an opportunity like that EVER again.
But here's the thing.
Within the last twenty years, something has happened that offers
you a very real approximation of the way things were at school.
That "something" is online dating.
Where else can you log on and find literally hundreds of women
who are the right age, in your neighborhood and AVAILABLE?
The correct answer is "nowhere".
The very best way I know of to go from NO CONTROL to FULL
CONTROL is to start filling your life with more women to go out
And even if you work in a cave all day or at "Just Men, Inc.", you
have the power to get online and make something happen.
I couldn't be more convinced that online dating is the ultimate
solution for frustration.
But you have to know how to make online dating work for you.
Get it wrong, and you'll just get even more frustrated.
But get it RIGHT, and your dating life will be radically changed
for the better almost immediately.
The best news of all? Most guys never bother to find out how to
make online dating work for them.
This means that YOU have a very real opportunity to get all the
success where others fail.
Life isn't fair. But if it were, that would mean every guy would
have an equal amount of success. What YOU can do is take
every advantage available to you and make it YOURS.
That's exactly what I teach you how to do, step-by-step, in
Online Dating Domination 3.0.
Remember, I've activated an automatic 50% coupon for you
at checkout:
50% Off Online Dating Domination 3.0 + The Man's Approach
Remember, I'm also giving you a copy of The Man's Approach
on top of all else.
The way I see it, that will make sure you're equipped to stay in
total control of your dating life even after your schedule starts
filling up.
And that officially makes this the sweetest deal on Online Dating
Domination 3.0 I've ever put together.
Call it the "Frustration Avoidance Package". And it's all about
getting YOU what you really want out of life.
I'll talk to you again soon.
(c) X & Y Communications LLC, 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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