[X&Y] Part Two: 6 Ways To Know If She's Interested In You
Published: Tue, 08/15/23
WHAT'S INSIDE: Okay, you've got her out on a date with
you. Is she ready to be kissed?
Have you done a coaching program like Ten-Plus with
me in the past, but now--after some time--you could
really benefit from making it an "Eleven-Plus"?
Well, I've made that easy. There's no need to sign up
for a full session at regular price, let alone do another
whole Ten-Plus.
You can "flex" your completed program with an extra
session or two at a special rate that's in line with pro-
rating a Ten-Plus.
This is perfect if you've just met a woman you think
might be the right one, if a new sticking point has
come up, or your life circumstances have changed
and you want to make the right move from here.
This is exclusively available to men who've done
coaching with me in the past, so please reply
directly to this email with your questions or if
you're ready to rock.
If you haven't done a coaching program with
me before, the place to check into that is
Last time I shared three rock-solid ways to gauge a woman's initial
level of interest in you.
But once you know she likes you and have gone ahead and asked her
out, how can you know if things are going well enough that she's
ready to be kissed...or more?
Believe me, I already know that you're counting on stone-cold
foolproof stuff here, so I'm obliged to deliver.
So with that, here's the second part of that list of a half-dozen
"interest indicators":
4) She's Alone With You
Let's keep this one as simple as possible.
Gentlemen, if a woman is willingly alone with you in a private
place, that means that 1) she's comfortable with you, and 2) she's
attracted enough to you that she's not exactly going out of her way
to avoid you putting "the moves" on her.
Well, unless she's stupid. And she's not.
If a woman agrees to come over to your apartment to watch a movie
or is happily walking alone with you in the park after dark, then
it's ON.
5) She Drops Increasingly Blatant Hints
I'll tell you, sometimes I really have to commiserate with women
on this one.
We hear their frustrations all the time in the form of e-mails to
Emily, and in every case I don't know who to feel worse for, the
frustrated woman or the guy who blew his chances with her.
Guys, it's simply NOT "too good to be true" that a woman would
actually be attracted to you and want to do naughty things with you.
That sort of thing is NOT what "other guys" get to experience and
you don't.
Yet, I've started to believe that virtually EVERY guy thinks that
the women he prefers are reserved for "other guys", therefore all
but ensuring that NO men ever actually ask them out.
But the unfortunate truth is that there are women all over the
world who right now, at this very moment are wondering if they have
to get out a crowbar and clock some guy upside the head in order to
send a blatant enough "hint" that they'd like to be asked out.
Worse, some women who are already going out with a guy are
wondering when he's ever actually going to KISS them...or more.
Let's face it, your typical woman can't afford to hire a pilot to
skywrite this stuff for you.
And you can bet she's got enough self-respect not to throw herself
at you...at least not literally.
Nevertheless, don't be a bit surprised when she resorts to more and
more drastic measures when pausing beside your car door and/or
suggesting a moonlit walk after dinner fall flat.
All I can say is that when she finally crawls across the dinner
table and wonders aloud whether you've ever thought about kissing
her brains out, I genuinely trust you'll get the message (although
I suspect at least 50% of the men on this planet still won't).
6) She's On A Second Date With You
Yes, there are "non-reactor" types out there who just straight-up
aren't going to give you any indication they're interested.
If you're already out with a woman like that, congratulations are
already in order. After all, she's likely been dateless for months
or even years, even if she's drop-dead HOT, and you somehow
"cracked the code".
And if you're out for the SECOND time with her, you can bet the
farm that she's attracted to you, no matter WHAT she's like.
Barring any lethal missteps on your part, this is going to end well
for you. Human beings--male or female, for that matter--just don't
go on second dates with people they're not into.
Dating implies interest. Period, end of story.
Well, unless she's stupid. And she's not.
Or unless you're buying her expensive stuff. And you're not.
Having read all of this, I trust you're empowered to be just a bit
bolder in making your intentions known to a woman.
Let me rephrase that: I hope to God that you're never going to
mess this up again, for both your AND her sake.
After all, now that you're armed with solid ways to figure out
exactly what she's thinking about you, you really have no
You can kiss your worries about "rejection" goodbye, and kiss
HER instead.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
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